We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Just 42 Products That Might Make You Whisper “I Love You” Involuntarily When You See Them

    Reviewer-loved beauty products, ingenious storage solutions, life-simplifying cleaning supplies, and other things you'll wanna welcome into your life.

    1. pair of AirPods Pro — the impressive noise-cancelling technology and customizable fit make them a dream come true for when you wanna block out the world and let your favorite podcast lull you to sleep while soaring through the sky from one chaotic airport to another. 

    A model wearing the AirPods Pro
    The AirPods Pro in their case

    Promising review: "I wish I could give more than 5 stars. I’m a very picky person when it comes to what sounds are flooding my ears, and I tell you, I’ve owned Bose and thought those were the game changers. I was more than pleasantly surprised at how these sound and fit. I’ve never used any Apple products in my ears, especially with the price of Apple nowadays. These are hands down the best ear buds I’ve ever owned! They stay perfectly in place through some rigorous working out as well!"Renee N. Fregy

    Get it from Amazon for $179.99

    2. Some reviewer-beloved professional-level Crest Whitestrips because they can remove 14 years of stains in under a month using the same enamel-safe whitening ingredient that dentists use. *Three* days is all it takes to see a whiter smile, and they even come with two bonus one-hour express treatments if you need same-day results!

    It even includes One Hour Express Strips that give you same day results if you need a little last minute whitening!

    Promising review: "Great product! I was skeptical at first, because any OTC teeth-whitening product I’ve ever used never worked for me. Only professional dental bleaching has. I tried this and saw a difference after the fifth treatment. I did like that you can use it every day until you’re done with all 14 treatments. That way you can see results a lot faster. I’ll be repurchasing this regularly now (every six months like it says) to always have a nice white smile." —Danny

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $54.16.

    3. Or some gentle, but effective teeth-whitening pens that'll give you quick results with just a minute of daily use. Reviewers say they don't cause sensitivity, and they have a pleasant mint flavor that'll make your mouth feel fresh and clean.

    Promising review: "Hardly ever do I review but this time...sheesh! This product blew me away after only three times! First off, the ease of use. I've tried a ton a products for teeth whitening and all have been either inconvenient to use, make you wear a mouth guard, etc. This is a pen/brush! Hold it like a writing pen and twist up for the solution. The solution feeds through onto the brush, which is actually the size of a tooth and you just paint brushstroke on dry teeth as you are smiling! It dries on and you rinse off. Magical! 

    I've seen a noticeable difference after only use this for three days!! My husband even said WOW your teeth look amazingly white. I'm a smoker/tea drinker/coffee drinker too! What's even more awesome is the price! Two pens for such an amazing low price. If I could give this 1,000 stars you would have earned 1,001 know what I mean?!" —Lisa Edwards

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $19.99.

    4. A jar of The Pink Stuff, which has reached cult-favorite status for being great at easily removing stains, rust, discoloration, and other stubborn marks from metal, ceramic tiles, saucepans, barbecues, and much more without leaving behind any scratches!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    Check it out on TikTok to learn more!

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? ...This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    5. A Revlon hot-air brush — it'll simplify your routine using special vents that allow air to flow, so hair dries faster without damaging. It's much quicker and easier than using a dryer, flat iron, or curling iron, and the results will make you feel like you just came from the salon!

    Reviewer photo of messy hair before using the brush
    Reviewer photo of shiny, straight hair after using the brush

    Promising reviews: "I have thick curly dark Middle Eastern hair... I’m typically the roll my curls into a bun for days because I can’t deal with it any other way type gal...This thing is a work of art, so far I’ve used it four times and it’s completely blown out my hair beautifully... My hair is soft and smooth and actually manageable. I usually only get this type of relief when I get a hair trim and beg my hair stylist to blow dry afterwards. It’s about as close to salon as I can do by myself...Definitely worth a buy!" —Lewka

    "I’m really happy I bought this for myself! I have medium/thin blonde hair and it gets dry and brittle so I try not to wash and blow dry as often as other people. This hair brush blow dryer works great for me and my hair type. The first time I tried it I was able to finish my hair in about seven minutes which is so impressive. I didn’t even have to section off my hair! No more hair brush, clip and blow dryer. It’s just all in one with this thing... My hair really held on to the bristles and stayed there while it was drying. My hair turned out really soft and had more fluff to it which makes it easier to move around and flip over... If your thinking about getting- just get it!! I’m really so happy I did!" —Kaeli

    "Let me just start off with the fact that I absolutely loved this product!! I have between 3b and 3c hair with a couple of 3a strands so for anyone with similar hair type I highly recommend...I do happen to have more fine hair which is why I don't usually get much volume when I straighten my curls but when I tried this out I kid you not I fell in love with it. All I did was wash my hair then pat off the excess water and once you de-tangled my hair I basically just started brushing with it on hot air and it made my hair looks amazing with the desired volume... this was such a great find for me and totally worth the money. :)" —Drea

    Get it from Amazon for $32.49+ (available in two styles).

    BTW, Revlon's got a One-Step Styler specifically for curly hair, too for only $38.99! It has over 38,000 5-star reviews and has earned just as much love as this one!

    6. A bidet toilet attachment because the time has come to ~bidet~ sincere farewell to fully relying on toilet paper. This attachment is easy to install (no plumber needed!), will help you cut down your TP usage, and will make you feel so much cleaner and refreshed after going #2.

    The bidet attachment with in bamboo with the seat down
    A bidet attachment in silver with the seat up

    Promising review: "I was a little skeptical about transitioning to this type of bum cleaning, but now I don't know what took me so long. It just wasn't on my radar until COVID-19 and the toilet paper rush made me start wondering what I would do without TP. Now that TP is back on the shelves, I am staying with my TUSHY! It is a great product. Easy to install. Very cost effective. Regular water temp is not an issue at all. I was worried about cold water, but no problems. I used to be one of those people who thought this was just weird, but not anymore. Use the TUSHY then pat dry. Wash your pat cloths with the laundry." —Charles

    Get it from Tushy on Amazon for $69 (available in two colors and a pack of two).

    7. A quiet, ozone-free Levoit air-purifier loved by reviewers dealing with allergies, asthma, or just plain ol' bad smells! It uses a three-stage filtration system to help rid the air of allergens, pet hair, dander, smoke, mold, odor, large dust particles, and 99.97% of airborne contaminants as small as 0. 3 microns so you can keep breathin' easy in your space.

    It covers up to 129 square feet and can even be used as a night light!

    Promising review: "This air purifier is great! I bought it because there was a lot of pollen and cat dander in my house which was making my asthma flare-up. Since I’ve got this air purifier, the cat odor has decreased and I don’t need to use my inhaler as much. The noise is very quiet and not interruptive for me. Overall, I love this item and totally recommend it." —Dana

    Get it from Amazon for $89.99 (available in two colors and packs of one or two).

    8. A reviewer-beloved pet hair remover with over 80,000 5-star ratings (!) for anyone who can never seem to get all of their pet's fur off of their clothes and furniture. Just roll it over your fuzz-covered item of choice, and watch it lift the fur RIGHT OFF.

    A gif showing how to use the roller to clean your furniture
    A hairy dirty pilowcase
    A now clean case

    Promising review: "If I could give this product six stars, I would. My husband and I use it almost every day. We have three furry dogs and six fluffy cats, which makes for A LOT of hair. We were using a lint roller before we bought our ChomChom Roller. The lint roller didn't work very well and had to be replaced. We have had our ChomChom Roller for months and it still works just as well as it did when we first got it. We can actually invite our friends over now without worrying about all the pet hair." —Morgan Willis

    Get it from Amazon for $28.95.

    9. Or a FURemover squeegee broom reviewers say attracts hair like a magnet. All that fur and fuzz hiding deep in your carpet is no match for this thing, and while pet hair is the focus, it'll do an impressive job cleaning up water, dirt, and dust too.

    A photo of the Furemover squeegee broom being held over a blue and pink-printed rug. The broom has a yellow stick and the squeegee part is black. There's a clump of hair that's been presumably corralled by the squeegee.
    A photo of the same yellow and black squeegee broom on a hardwood floor with a big clump of hair that's presumably been corralled by the broom.

    Check this out in action on TikTok!

    Promising review: "So of course I saw this product on TikTok...and added it to the list of things that TikTok made me buy. But I'm very glad that I did. I have a Siberian husky who sheds a LOT...and in all seasons. I use this on my carpet before vacuuming and it loosens up the hair so easily that my vacuum never got. I never realized I had that much dog hair caked into my carpet until I used this!" —Alyssa Frey

    Get it from Amazon for $19.29.

    10. A super comfy memory foam seat cushion designed to help relieve back pain and sciatica, promote good posture, and help reduce pressure on the tailbone — especially if you spend most of your day in an office chair, car, or other sitting position.

    Long, but worthwhile promising review: "I have an active sciatic nerve and it's pinched because of my job where I need to sit for hours together. I had tried everything from standing up, using three different cushions, including that purple or egg seater thingie. Nothing worked. Particularly that egg seater is a hogwash — just waste of money. Every night, I had to apply ice packs, medicinal patches. Then I saw ComfiLife, read the reviews and finally decided to buy one. I have been using this for few months now. Here is my experience: 

    1) The gel takes the ideal shape in such a way it doesn't put pressure on the nerve. I don't know if it is scientific, but personally I DON'T feel like Im sitting on a rock! 

    2) At the same time, it's not saggy and doesn't go flat like that egg thingie, when you sit on it. 

    3) I don't know if anyone else felt it, I get this cool icy feel on the same sciatic nerve when I sit on this cushion, say, for an hour!! 

    4) I have sat on it for four hours without a break and I don't have the same pain I used to have! 

    5) The color of the cushion cover is ideal and doesn't look dirty at all. And its removable!! 

    Summary: Yes, you can sit for eight hours on this cushion and not writhe in pain later. Yes, this is worth the money to spend. And within a week, you will figure out if it works for you. Finally, I'm gonna get two more for my office and my car." —Balaji V

    Get it from Amazon for $45.95 (available in three colors).

    11. Some Avarelle tea tree and calendula oil-infused pimple patches — they actually help reduce acne overnight by drawing out pus trapped under the skin. You can even see all of the gunk these patches pull out, so you know they're working.

    Reviewer photo showing one of the pimple patches stuck to their hand and filled with gunk
    Reviewer photo of cheeks with dark red acne scars and breakouts
    Same reviewer's cheeks, which are now a more even skin tone and free of almost all breakouts

    Promising review: "These did exactly what they said they would. I had a rather large-area acne breakout under my chin. Overnight it nearly disappeared! I will say these are best on spots with a whitehead as they work by drawing the yucky stuff out. I will definitely be getting these again." —Heather E Tapp

    Get 40 round patches from Amazon for $8.49 (also available in XL square patches).

    12. Some no-wipe, no-scrub Wet & Forget shower cleaner that'll deal with scummy buildup and mildew so you don't have to. Just spray, rinse, and let it do the rest!

    The bottle of wet & forget shower cleaner
    Before: a dirty shower floor; after: the clean shower floor

    Promising review: "Does a FANTASTIC job if used regularly. I love this product. I hate cleaning tubs. This product has made our tubs look new. I don't use it every shower...maybe every third. Just spray down everything after the shower, and forget about it. You DO need to rinse the tub before next shower due to product making it slick. The fumes of other cleaners always messed with my asthma. I have noticed that for some reason with this one, I sneeze twice, because I have to spray shower doors while I'm still in the shower...but it never affects my lungs. I would recommend this to EVERYONE!" —Angela GIllaird

    Get enough to last 12 weeks from Amazon for $19.98.

    13. Some flat, wireless sleep headphones because trying to sleep with regular earbuds in is all fun and games until you roll over on your side. With these, you can stream audio via Bluetooth, block out external sound, and sleep much more comfortably than with tiny pieces of plastic pressing into your ears and tumbling out every time you change positions.

    A model sleeping with the headphone band around her ears

    Promising review: "I’ve used these almost every day of quarantine to drown out the sound of upstairs neighbors. I wouldn’t compare the sound quality to other brands but the design is perfect for sleeping, exercise, cleaning, and everyday wear." —Demi Boyd

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 13 colors).

    14. A first-of-its-kind, plant-based BYO Blush Oil — it reacts to your skin’s natural pH to instantly give you the perfect shade of natural flush that complements your skin tone. You can use it on its own or on top of foundation for a little extra vibrancy. Science is cool!

    model wearing the blush oil
    model wearing pink blush

    Youthforia is an Asian woman-owned small business established in 2020 that specializes in environmentally friendly, cruelty-free makeup made with at least 90% renewable ingredients. Plus, all of Youthforia's makeup is designed with ingredients that make it ok for your skin to sleep with it on!

    Promising review: "Dewy and glowy. I tried it over makeup and it appeared as a strong pink shade but settled to a flushed, glowy color. I had my little sister try it too because I wanted to see the color change again and it lasted a really long time on her. The texture was smooth and it was easy to rub in and blend out." —Summer

    Get it from Youthforia for $36 or Amazon for $35.99.

    15. A Takeya cold brew maker so you can stop overpaying for your fave daily beverage. This awesome device features an airtight lid and stainless-steel filter to keep coffee fresh for up to two weeks!

    gif of cold brew being poured into a glass of ice
    iced coffee in clear glass next to the cold brew maker labeled
    Maitland Quitmeyer / BuzzFeed

    Just add up to 6 tablespoons of your go-to coffee beans into the filter, fill it with water, and leave it in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Then, remove the filter from the pitcher and — BAM — you've got some delicious coffee.

    Promising review: "This was my first cold brewing experience, but this product made it easy! Just put your coffee in the filter, fill it with water, and forget it in the fridge for a day! Plus, I love that everything comes apart easily and can be put in the dishwasher." —shackelforrd

    Get it from Amazon for $21.91+ (available in two sizes and three colors).

    Check out one BuzzFeeder's full review of the Takeya cold brew maker to learn more about why we love it.

    16. A garbage disposal cleaner that requires basically zero effort from you while it rids your sink of that foul smell you thought would never go away. Plus, it's fun to watch as it bubbles and fizzes its way through the grease and grime.

    Here's what you do: Run some hot water, pop one of the packets in your disposer, let it foam, then wait for the foam to fully disappear. Garbage disposer = clean and ickiness-free.

    Promising review: "Works like a charm! These are pretty cool! I was a little skeptical but I followed the easy-to-use directions and it worked just like the product said it would. Foamed up and cleaned the drain!! Smell removed!!" —Jennifer K

    Get two packs of four from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in packs of two or 12).

    17. And some washing machine cleaning tablets you just have to run through a cycle to clean your machine and keep your clothes smelling fresh. Easy peasy!

    person putting a cleaning tablet into a front loading clothes washing machine
    Reviewer image of a clean washing machine after using the tablets

    Promising review: "I was really skeptical, I have just an ordinary washer and I own a pizza and bake shop, so I wash our towels in it and I noticed that it was beginning to have a bit of an odor. So I did a little research and found this and i’m really pleased! I followed the directions, although I doubled the tablets because of the over usage with the restaurant towels, and it worked beautifully. The washer is nice and fresh and smells clean! No more pizza smell or musty smell. I definitely recommend this!" —Janice Tancredi

    Get a box of six tablets from Amazon for $11.98 (also available in boxes of three and five).

    18. An essential-oil migraine stick — reviewers say it does a pretty impressive job of taking the edge off of symptoms for those moments when you'd rather not let a headache ruin your day. 

    Promising review: "Very impressed with this product, and honestly I didn't think I would be. As a lifelong migraine/headache sufferer, not a whole lot has worked for me other than prescription meds, which I really don't like to take too often but need to because my headaches are incapacitating most of the time. 

    I recently used the roll-on and within 10–15 minutes my headache was gone. It started to come back last night before bed, and used it again and again it took it away. Now, I knew it wasn't going to be a migraine headache — they feel different when they come on, but for a regular headache this worked wonderfully! I still might use the prescription for a migraine, probably in conjunction with this, as it really is soothing and nice." —carrie

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    19. A silverware sorter that'll hold up to 24 pieces of cutlery while taking up barely any space at all so you can actually fit all your tools in one drawer.

    Promising review: "I have a tiny kitchen with only three drawers, so space is at a premium. My silverware organizer took up almost all of one drawer, so this organizer is a godsend. You can fit quite a few spoons etc. in each slot. My beater attachments fit perfectly into the top two hollows. I will say I have to flip my forks over face down in order to be able to shut and open my drawer, but then the drawer itself is kind of shallow. You NEED this if you have a small kitchen with few drawers!" —mialro

    Get it on Amazon for $9.99.

    20. And a lid organizer here to make sealing up your leftovers less of a hassle.

    Reviewer image of unorganized drawer with containers and lids
    Closeup of the organizer with lids in it
    The drawer with the organizer in it, keeping the lids much more organized

    It'll hold round and square lids up to 9 inches wide and it only takes one minute to set up! Also, one reviewer shared that a sweet note from the brand in their package revealed that this YouCopia brand is a woman-owned small business!

    Promising review: "This product does exactly what it is supposed to and does it well. In under 15 minutes, I took my nightmare lid drawer and turned it into a functional, convenient storage space. The dividers were simple to install and provide flexibility. Slowly but surely I am getting my tiny, chaotic kitchen under control, and this got me a huge leap closer." —S. Hawthorn

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in four sizes, a set of two, and with expanders).

    21. An easy-to-use jewelry-cleaning pen — it'll make your jewels sparkle and shine like the day they were born.

    BuzzFeed editor Heather Braga has this and loves it. Read her full review of the jewelry-cleaning pen here!

    Promising review: "If I could give this 10 stars I would! I'm a fanatic when it comes to keeping my jewelry clean, especially my wedding set. I tried this product on my diamonds, Swarovski crystals, and Brighton jewelry, and the results are nothing less than amazing! This restored one of my Swarovski rings that I had not worn in years due to the cloudy color to a sparkling brilliance just like the first day I bought it! I cannot recommend this product enough! I just ordered additional wands so I don't run out! Home run Amazon!" —Kristina B.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.05+ (also available in multipacks and bundles).

    22. A Cat Dancer toy no one expects their cats to love as much as they inexplicably do.

    Reviewer image of a cat playing with the toy
    Reviewer image of a cat playing with the toy

    Honestly, I could spend all day LOLing at the review photos. And in case you're wondering what this thing is made of that drives cats so wild... it's literally a springy steel wire and rolled up cardboard — that's it. But 23K+ reviewers LOVE it *and* it's under $2, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    Promising review: "This little toy is a miracle! Was skeptical at first since it’s such a simple design, but my cat (who usually only plays for a couple of minutes) was obsessed with this toy from the moment I opened the package. Even more, he won’t let it out of his sight and brings it to me so he can play some more. Will be buying a lot more of these in the future!" —Amcooper2006

    Get it from Amazon for $2.65.

    23. A pack of all-natural bottle cleaning tablets to get rid of those stains, smells, and tastes making you wonder if it's time for a new thermos. *SPOILER ALERT* It's probably not! But it is time for these tablets to get in there and do the hard cleaning for you — no scrubbing or extra effort required on your part!

    These are biodegradable and odor-free.

    Promising review: "I seriously can't believe how well these little tablets work. I had the most disgusting HydroFlask coffee mug — I tried everything. A bottle brush, different kinds of soap, vinegar, EVERYTHING, and there was still a seemingly impenetrable layer of black sludge inside. 

    I let a tablet sit in each of my mugs for an hour or two, and the black sludge rinsed out COMPLETELY, without even scrubbing. They look brand new. What a magical product. No weird smell or taste afterward, either. 

    I liked it so much I used it on another HydroFlask I use primarily to hold my Bloody Mary mix in the fridge. I couldn't put anything else in it because it would always taste like spicy tomato juice. Bottle Bright to the rescue! No residual smell or taste anymore. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING." —Amazon Customer

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $8 (also available in packs of 36 and 78).

    24. A pack of organic and recyclable ethylene-absorbing BluApple packets that'll help keep your fruits and veggies fresh in the fridge instead of going bad before you even get the chance to use them.

    Two BluApple packets.
    A gif showing how much longer a piece of fruit can last with a BluApple packet.

    Promising review: "Does exactly what it says! These things legit work! My fruits and vegetables literally last longer with them in the drawer. I had read this in other reviews before I purchased them, so I decided to see for myself. I can now attest to the fact that they work wonders! I know I'm probably saving hundreds of dollars a year by not having to throw away my produce before I even get to use it. I was so happy with this product that I bought another set and gave one to my mother. With that said, I definitely recommend these to others who want to give extra life to produce." —Amazoncusty

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $12.99.

    25. Some wood polish and conditioner with beeswax and orange oil that'll impressively hide the scratches and blemishes around your home.

    Scratched up wood before using the polish
    The wood, now smooth, after using the polish

    Promising review: "This stuff is absolutely AMAZING. My wife and I were getting tired of looking at our worn-out cabinets and wood paneling and were very close to paying a professional thousands of dollars to refinish it all, but then we came across this product. Our paneling and cabinets were looking rough. We have two dogs who jumped up and scratched places. We also had an area that was damaged by water spots where our dog bowls were. Several other areas were just worn from heavy traffic. 

    This stuff was like a magical eraser for water spots, scratches, scuffs, and any other blemish. We simply wiped the product on with a paper towel and let it sit for 20 minutes before wiping it off with a clean towel. Everything looks brand-new. I'm buying a couple more so we can finish our cabinets and wood paneling. We're so glad we found this product." —Kris

    Get it from Amazon for $7.88+ (available in three sizes).

    26. A fast-acting carpet spot-removing spray for removing those pesky stains from pets, wine, dirt, coffee, oil, and more that you thought you'd never be able to get rid of.

    Reviewer image of a stain before using the spray
    Reviewer image of the clean carpet after using the spray

    Promising review: "This stuff is AMAZING! I was a little skeptical because I have some carpet stains I’ve let sit for a while because I didn’t have any cleaner at the time of the accident. The accidents have included coffee spills and poorly cleaned cat barf stains. I ordered this because I didn’t want to spend the money on a carpet cleaning service plus you have to be out of your house too long. This stuff was INCREDIBLE. You just spray a concentrated amount and then scrub the stain away. It worked in every single stain I had and was super quick and easy. 100% recommend if you need a good spot cleaner!" —Kimberly

    Get it from Amazon for $12.85+ (available in two sizes and various multipacks).

    27. An avocado slicer to make it soooo much easier to split your avo, remove the pit, and get perfectly even slices without a messy, potentially dangerous struggle with a knife.

    A reviewer showing a pit stuck in the pit-removing blade of the avocado slicer
    A reviewer using the sectioned off part the tool to make even slices of avocado

    It might even help you avoid a trip to the emergency room with a case of "avocado hand," which Healthline says "resembles a stab wound." YIKES.

    Promising review: "Makes preparing guacamole an easier, less messy task. I use it frequently and it makes preparation of avocados much less work and effort. Reduces mess on my hands, on counters, etc. It also slices avocados nicely for inclusion in sandwiches. The tool makes for nice, even slices for presentation, too, when I serve avocados plain. Avocados are good for you so anything to make them easier to prepare and serve is a win. I enjoy giving this product as a gift." —Hippie Chick

    Promising *millennial* review: "I'm a millennial and can't live without my avocado toast a few times weekly. Thank goodness for this little gadget that is literally getting me through this quarantine. #bravocado!" —Alissa Nemnich

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    28. A tube of Essence's Lash Princess mascara — it defines and separates lashes to give you the bold look you usually need ~falsies~ for. Plus, it'll last all day — even in hot weather — without clumping, flaking, fading, or wearing.

    BuzzFeed editor's eyes before and after using the mascara with the done lashes looking darker and longer
    Reviewer holding the mascara
    Kayla Boyd / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Here's what BuzzFeed editor Kayla Boyd has to say about these:

    "As someone who isn't a big fan of false lashes (the glue irritates my eyes and I'm terrible at applying them) this budget-friendly holy grail does the trick for both lengthening and volumizing my lashes. After you've given it a minute to dry, it lasts all day long and doesn't smudge or fade. It seriously gives the effect of false lashes, without the discomfort." 

    Promising review: "After using Lights, Camera, Lashes by Tarte for the past year, I got tired of breaking the bank over mascara. My sister suggested Essence Lash Princess False Lash Effect and I IMMEDIATELY fell in love. It provides dramatic length and great volume. I can honestly say I can’t stop looking at my eyelashes in the mirror every single day because of how awesome they look. Also, it is very long-wearing. I go from an eight-hour workday right to the gym and sweat like crazy...and this stuff doesn’t budge! I love it!!" —Carrie E Miller

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    For more info and review pics, check out Kayla's full review of the Essence Lash Princess Mascara! You can also check out her review of the mascara on TikTok!

    29. A universal dust cleaning gel capable of getting to those nearly impossible-to-reach nooks and crannies in your keyboard, car vents, printer, and other appliances. It's weirdly fun to use, has a pleasant lemony smell, and is nonstick so you won't have any gooey residue left behind!

    A gel molded into the shape of the keyboard to pick up dust on it

    It's made of biodegradable material, and you can use it again and again until the color turns dark! That's when you know it's time for a replacement. Also, don't wash the cleaning gel in water.

    Promising review: "I was skeptical at first. Was afraid my keyboard would be all gummed up with yellow slime! The opposite happened; it cleaned it as good as new. Got all those dog hairs between the keys! No smell lingering on keyboard or my hands. No sign I even used it except a clean keyboard. Kind of fun to play with. Squeeze it between your fingers! LOL. My next task for it will be those dust return air vents on our heating system and my dusty window blinds. This stuff works and I highly recommend!" —ZZZZZZ

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    30. A Mr. Coffee mug warmer so your hot, life-giving coffee stays the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last — no matter how long it takes you to drink it!

    Promising review: "This device is a must for me. The temperature for the last few days has been about 16 degrees where I am, and there's nothing better than warming up with a hot cup of coffee or tea in the afternoon. Normally, the coffee cools down to room temperature within a few minutes, but with the Mr. Coffee Mug warmer, my coffee stays around 118 degrees for hours (I did testing with an IR thermometer). I was pleasantly surprised considering how cheap this was. Make sure to put the mug on the warmer as soon as your drink is made to maintain the temperature and you'll be set." —Tess Stickles

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    31. A set of Wad-Free pads brilliantly designed to help prevent your sheets from getting all tangled, twisted, and balled up every time you wash them. It'll also help them dry faster with fewer wrinkles!

    hands putting a sheet set with the white square devices hooked to the corners in a washer

    They're reusable, BPA-free, and from a small business that launched during the pandemic.

    Promising review: "Wow!!! You wonder if things like this really work — well, I can absolutely confirm this does! I was impressed that the package came with two of the devices so there was one for the fitted sheet and the flat sheet. I tried it out and my sheets not only did NOT wad up, but they came out of the dryer feeling fresher, feeling more dry, and unwrinkled! I will be buying a set of these for each of my immediate family members and close friends! What a great gift!!!" —katy

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    32. A bath overflow drain cover so you can actually enjoy a relaxing bath in your shallow tub. This'll give you few extra inches of toasty water without causing your overflow drain to make that obnoxious gulping sound that is the opposite of relaxing.

    The drain cover overtop of the overflow drain in a full bath

    I frantically bought this thing after realizing that I couldn't fill my tub up very far without the overflow drain deciding that it was totally appropriate to drown out my ambient bath time playlist with its relentless slurping, and I have to say, it has been a game-changer! For anyone worried that it'll cause your tub to overflow, know that it has a hole at the top of the cover that will allow the overflow drain to still do its job if the water accidentally gets higher than the cover.

    Promising review: "I have a high-stress job, and I've started taking baths as a way to unwind. However, it never seemed like I could keep enough water in the tub to really enjoy it. This little thing makes a HUGE difference!! I get at least an extra 3 inches of water and it is great." —Hyacinthe Snyder

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in eight colors).

    33. A pumice stone toilet bowl scrubber that makes removing stubborn toilet stains — no one's favorite job to begin with — a heck of a lot faster and easier so you can spend as little time face-to-face with your throne as humanly possible. It also works great on tubs, sinks, tile, and other porcelain and ceramic surfaces that are no fun to clean without this helpful tool.

    A white pumice stone with a handle
    A before and after pic of a toilet bowl with gray rings and without them

    Check out the pumice stone in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this. This thing literally scoured away hard-water stains that I have been trying to get rid of for years in less than 30 seconds. 10/10 recommend." —Tleary25

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (also available in packs of two and four).

    34. A portable bug bite suction tool reviewers say helps reduce itching and swelling from a mosquito, bee, or wasp sting by literally SUCKING the venom right out of your skin!

    Model using the tool on their arm with caption
    Three images from a Reviewer showing a once-swollen bite become not swollen anymore

    Note that the suction can be pretty strong, so use caution and try a small amount of suction first before working your way up if necessary.

    Promising review: "I am a magnet for bites of all kinds and carry topical and medicines with me at all times — so I figured this would be a good product to see if it really works. I woke up with a bug bite on my arm so I used this little tool (three times per the instructions) — immediately after using, it stopped itching! And less than 24 hours later the bump/bite gone! There is a very faint red mark from using the thing, but a small price to pay IMO. Bottom line: it’s awesome. I’m carrying it with me everywhere!" —Rebecca

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    35. pet urine stain-removing spray ideal for pet owners who are desperate to remove spots and smells both old and new.

    Reviewer image of a stained carpet
    Reviewer image of same carpet now clean

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Company is a family-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in pet odor eliminators, pet toys, pet snacks, and pet accessories.

    Promising review: "I don’t know how I ever survived without this. There’s tons of 'pet stain/odor remover' products out there, but this by far is the absolute best. I cringed paying the $20 for it when others are between $5–$10, but I have NO ISSUES paying now. I foster dogs, some puppies, some older, some not housebroken, and every room in my house is carpeted except the kitchen, which means I have lots of accidents. I spray enough to saturate if it’s a lot of urine, let it soak for 10 minutes, then wipe it up with a hand towel. Then I put a larger towel on top of it if it’s in a high-traffic area until it’s completely dry. It’s taken out every stain and, more importantly, the odor is gone! I will never stop buying this product. I recommend it to everyone who has dogs!" —Shelley

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in two sizes).

    36. An all-purpose scrubber kit capable of making your surfaces look brand-new — without any scrubbing on your part! Just attach the brush head to your drill, turn it on, and watch all of that grime disappear so fast and easily, you'll think it's magic.

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    before and after of a dirty bathtub compared to it looking white and clean again

    Heads up that this kit does NOT come with a drill, but if you don't have one already — give this one a try.

    Promising review: "I bought this on a whim because my walk-in shower is just a pain to clean. I'm 51, and I guess I've just been old school with how I clean, hand-scrubbing for years. The FIRST time I used this to clean my shower, it took five minutes, AND it scrubbed my shower more clean than it has been in years. In the corners, the floor, the glass door...everything came out squeaky clean. I'm NEVER cleaning my shower by hand again." —Terry

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (available in six bristle stiffnesses).

    37. And a shower curtain with pockets so you can stop knocking over piles of half-empty shampoo bottles every time you step in and out of the tub.

    Promising review: "We are apartment living, so storage is always an issue, and the bathroom is no exception. No one in the household could take a shower without crash/boom as you're knocking something down sitting on a shelf or the bathtub rim. This is a game-changer. There are so many pockets with so much room in each, I actually have space leftover. My husband's back scrubber, my shampoo and hair care, and my daughter's bubble baths and bath floofies all fit with room to spare. And the pockets are all a nice height so I'm not crouching to find anything. The curtain is clear so I didn't have to change the "pretty" one for decorative purposes, and it doesn't affect light that way either. Either way, I am super pleased, and I am keeping this link handy in case another one is EVER needed." —goodnite.graci

    Get it from Amazon for $19.30+ (available in clear or grey).

    38. A rapid egg cooker if you wanna take making breakfast off of your to-do list. This impressive lil' device can make hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, and scrambled eggs in just minutes! It can even make an omelet if you wanna feel fancy without the extra effort.

    The egg cooker surrounded by eggs

    Promising review: "This thing is NO JOKE the easiest thing I've ever used in my life. Pretty sure it's idiot-proof. And I'm an idiot in the kitchen. I love hard-boiled eggs, but I'm the kind of cooking-illiterate person who can't even boil water right. So I bought this puppy, read the directions carefully, got six eggs, and in 15 minutes, the buzzer went off and VOILA! Hard-boiled eggs! I put them all in a bowl of ice water right after the buzzer went off, just for a minute or two (That was a tip in the instructions). That really made the shells come off easily. In one piece even! It was a joy to make these! They were perfectly cooked, nice and yellow in the centers, tasted awesome. I'm gonna make a bunch more and use them as quick snacks. This appliance is so great and cheap! I couldn't believe how well it worked. It's really small and all the pieces are plastic or metal, but it works like a charm, so who cares! A+++++ Highly recommended." —Emily

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in eight colors).

    39. A coconut-based laundry stain pre-treat stick to get rid of pesky stains on all fabrics without requiring you to do any hand washing! Just wet the stained area, rub it with the Wunderbar stain stick, throw it in the wash, and that's it! Yellow pit stains, oil, makeup, food, dirt, and yes even poop will be long gone by the time the cycle ends.

    the stick-shaped bar of soap

    You do have to dampen the fabric first, but that takes all of two seconds.

    Celsious is a Black-owned, woman-owned small business based in Brooklyn that specializes in effective laundry products!

    Get it from Celsious for $8.

    40. A durable, Shark Tank-famous Rumpl outdoor blanket – it's super portable, waterproof, and dirt-resistant so you can use it for backyard picnics or to stay warm and cozy when the nights get a little chilly.

    BuzzFeed Reviews editor Rachel sitting on her comfy puffer blanket and a delicious-looking sandwich on a plate. Now you just wait a minute while I call up Rachel to ask why I wasn't invited.
    left side shows Rachel holding the blanket outside of her home to show it's awesome size (which is the typical throw blanket size) and the right is the same blanket packed into the small tote bag it comes with
    BuzzFeed / Rachel Dunkel

    Rumpl is an Oregon-based small business specializing in outdoor blankets that donates a portion of its revenue to environmental nonprofits.

    Promising review: "I've used it in Wisconsin to continue having outdoor hangouts with my friends during Coronatime. It's that extra cozy layer for patio dining and porch sitting. Packs down tight to keep in the car for impromptu outdoor happy hour!" —Julie K.

    Check out our full Rumpl puffer blanket review for more details!

    Get it from on Amazon for $99+ (available in 20 colors) or from Rumpl for $99 (available in 30+ colors).

    41. A speedy, *fume-free* oven cleaner designed to blast through baked-on crud, so all you have to do is give it a quick wipe down.

    Reviewer's before and after photos of their dirty oven caked in burned food looking clean and brand new
    Another reviewer's dirty oven, which has a thick layer of black grime on it
    The same oven looking shiny and new after using the oven cleaner

    If your oven is in need of a deep, deep clean, you may need to let this cleaner sit longer, but it'll do a heck of a job lifting all the barnacles of food bits that are crusted on your oven.

    Promising review: "Oh man, this stuff is awesome! I sprayed and left it on overnight. I had no idea what to expect. I took a paper towel and started wiping out the oven. The grime just melted away. It was awesome! I am VERY pleased! And it is truly odor-free. I was shocked! —KsGrl444

    Get it from Amazon for $13.41.

    42. And finally, a pack of dishwasher-cleaning tablets because the thing that washes your dishes needs to be cleaned sometimes too. Not to worry though, you won't ~actually~ be the one cleaning it! Just pop one of these tabs in, run it through a cycle, and that's it. Now your dishes'll come out sparkling and any odor emanating from your machine will be long gone!

    a grimy dishwasher
    a shiny dishwasher

    These tablets are designed to penetrate, dissolve, and remove odor-causing residue that accumulates inside your dishwasher over time, as well as remove lime and mineral build-up. Using Affresh tablets once a month can prolong the life of your dishwasher and make it more effective at doing its job: cleaning your dishes.

    Promising review: "Works extremely well. We haven't done any cleaning on our dishwasher in five years, and the sliding dish trays were tough to pull out or push in, there was detergent build up all over the inside, and there was a milky film on all our cups. I bought Affresh, ran the dishwasher with two tablets while it was empty, and the difference was astounding. There was still some buildup and I figured it would require another cycle, so I popped another two tablets in, ran the machine a second time, and now it looks and sounds brand new. No more film on the glasses, no more dirty dishes from clogged sprayers, no more odors, or build up around the door seals. I'm going to be buying Affresh from now on, and hopefully it will extend the life of my dishwasher." —Martoune

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $11.78 (also available in packs of 12).

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