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Slowing The Spread Of Coronavirus Is Easier Than You Think: Just Stay Home

Stay home, avoid spreading coronavirus, save lives. It's that simple.

Are you young and healthy and want to literally SAVE LIVES?

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry!!! It is still REALLY BAD for you to get coronavirus — even a very mild case.

The scariest part is that you can spread it before you even know you have it since the symptoms take many days or weeks to show up after you’ve been infected. Think about all the places you go and things you touch over five days of your regular life.

Hospitals can’t handle thousands of sick people showing up all at once.

But YOU have the power to SLOW THIS DOWN...

How to play your part minimising the impact of Covid-19, in one simple gif, thanks to @XTOTL & @SiouxsieW https://t.co/s2331Up39n

It’s called flattening the curve, and it’s possible. The slower it spreads, the more lives doctors and hospitals can save.

Young and healthy people, here's all you have to do:

1. Use Good Hygiene
Wash your hands, often. For an annoyingly long time. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. These are things we all know, but not things we all do. Now’s the time.

2. Stay Home
Avoid parties and gatherings. Work from home, if you have the choice and it’s possible with your job. Avoid traveling as much as you can, especially planes, trains, and most of all cruise ships. Cancel or move events if you’re the organizer. It's called social distancing, and it's the best tool we have to stop the spread.

This isn't all or nothing. Not everything can be postponed and not everyone can work from home. But skipping big events or outings when you have the option to do so will be a big help.


And if you're sick AT ALL, even if you don't think it's COVID-19, you should definitely stay home.

This really does work! It’s simple math. And it’s working right now in Japan and South Korea.

Be South Korea. https://t.co/k7B08WZcuc

The entire population of South Korea effectively slowed down on a massive scale, and their curve has slowed with it. They’re beating the spread.

Meanwhile in Italy, they started too late. Hospitals failed, and more people are dying every day. People are losing their grandparents and parents and friends.

Below is the chart with new deaths per day in #Italy. 👉Highest amount of #COVID19 deaths reported in 24 hours by 1 country: 1. 🇮🇹 Italy +168 (10 Mar) 2. 🇨🇳 China +150 (23 Feb) 3. 🇨🇳 China +143 (14 Feb) 4. 🇨🇳 China +142 (15 Feb) 5. 🇨🇳 China +136 (18 Feb) 6. 🇮🇹 Italy +133 (8 Mar)

Now, we are all faced with hard personal choices!

Yes, this will disrupt your life in the short-term. Yes, it’s hard and annoying to change your plans and to work from home (if you're able to) and to not go to the mall or an event or vacation you were excited about.

But if someone you knew was at risk of dying, and you knew there was something you could do to help, wouldn’t you do it?

So skip the conference.

Miss that race that you trained for.

Postpone your trip.

Skip the play that you paid good money for and couldn’t wait to see.

If you’re wondering why the US government isn’t offering more testing, more guidance, or more leadership the way other countries have been, that’s a fair point!

So what happens if we skip all these social activities, which make life worth living, and it turns out to not be that bad? Won’t we look back and say we all overreacted?

YES. And that’s the thing we want. If we DON’T do these things then we’ll have Italy-level death rates and we’ll look back and say we all UNDER-reacted. So either way, it’ll look like we made the wrong choice. But now you know what the right choices are.

The key to slowing this down is YOU!!! Especially if you are young and healthy and you have the ability to choose.

We can help SAVE LIVES together, by staying farther apart.