

I'm a twentysomething struggling writer in San Marcos, Texas. By day, I try to work on my novel (but I generally get distracted), and try to look for a job (and go to class, usually), and by night I should sleep but I usually hang out with my roommates. I spend way too much time obsessing over fictional characters, both mine and other people's (*koff*Malcolm Reynolds*koff*), way too much time with an electronic device attached to me (I'm almost an cyborg at this point), and not enough sleeping. I'm a little arrogant, I don't always know when to keep my mouth shut or what to say, I spent a lot of time in my own little world (so I spend a lot of time unintentionally ignoring people, sorry), and I'm far more shy than it would appear. Also, uh, hi.

May 2010
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  • jessicat5's avatar

    jessicat5 commented on 25 Reasons Living In San Antonio Ruins You For Life

    It's not a competition. SA's indie art scenes get zero national exposure whereas Austin has festivals every frickin weekend. So your neighbors got some attention for once. Don't be a jerk about it.


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  • jessicat5's avatar

    jessicat5 commented on When A Student's Baby Started Crying In Class, This Professor Did The Most Awesome Thing

    Actually most colleges DON'T provide childcare any more, particularly in the US. Its absolutely lovely for you that you only had school to worry about as a college student, but that's not the case for most students any more. Most college students are working their way through school… 


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