17 Really Helpful San Francisco Pokémon Go Tips

    Basically, head to Golden Gate Park.

    Hey Bay Area trainers!

    We've already assembled the best Pokémon Go tips and tricks – so we combed through Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and /r/PokemonGoSF for the best Bay Area intel on where to find the Pokémon you're looking for.

    Have more to add? Shout in the comments or tweet us at @BuzzFeedSF.

    1. The website Pokegoworld.com has an even more comprehensive, crowdsourced map where users are marking Pokéstops, gyms and rare Pokémon locations.

    2. You can find dratinis at the Ferry Building and Fort Mason.

    3. Hit up Golden Gate Park, between Fulton and 25th - 21st, to find Snorlax.

    FYI, you can find a Snorlax at tee 15 of Golden Gate Parks disk golf course #pokemongo #snorlax

    4. You can usually find clusters of lures at Dolores Park, Beach Chalet, the pagoda in Japantown, and Golden Gate Park.

    5. You might find Bulbasaurs at Baker Beach.

    6. Squirtle, on the other hand, has been spotted around Ocean Beach.

    Somebody shouted squirtle. Thirty people sprinted across the great highway. I love this game

    7. Try Lands End for Ekans!

    8. Head to the deYoung Museum to catch Pidgey and Eevee.

    So far we've spotted Pidgey and Eevee here at the museum – have you? #PokemonGO

    9. Nidoran loves SF public transit.

    It's official: Nidoran loves transit. Caught it on #SFMuni bus and at Powell #BART station! #PokemonGO #SF

    10. Cupid's Arrow and Sutro Baths are allegedly good places to find Charmanders in the wild.

    11. Wear a jacket. Fogust is coming.

    Pokemon GO tips: wear sunscreen, stay hydrated, beware the heat Pokemon GO tips for SF: bring a jacket

    12. Awesome Muni routes for catching Pokémon include the 29, 18, 38 and 22.

    13. Pikachu have been spotted at Pier 9 near Embarcadero, on the Great Highway by Lincoln, the Palace of Fine Arts and AT&T Park.

    14. If you're ready to BART for Pokémon, Lake Merritt is reportedly a GOLDMINE.

    15. Curbed SF made a map of where to catch 99 different Pokémon in the city. Check it out here!

    16. And finally, there's a San Francisco Pokémon Go crawl happening on Wednesday, July 20th, at 6 p.m. 21,000 people have RSVPed (!!!) as interested.

    17. Whatever you do – DON'T POKÉMON AND DRIVE.

    I am fearful for my life tbh #PokemonGo