13 Facts You Probably Learned In School That Are Actually False

    Pluto is still a planet *in our hearts,* though. (Inspired by these answers on Quora.)

    1. The Great Wall of China can be seen from space.

    2. Electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom.

    3. Raindrops have a teardrop shape.

    IN REALITY: Depending on size, raindrops are shaped more like teensy adorable hamburger buns or kidney beans.

    4. Napoleon was super short.

    5. Columbus was an innocent explorer who was only trying to discover the new world.

    6. Humans have only five senses.

    7. Lemmings hurl themselves off cliffs in droves.

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    IN REALITY: One lemming, according to legend, will throw itself into the sea to commit suicide, and the others will blindly follow. You can trace this legend back to Disney, which depicted this alleged lemming behavior in a

    1958 documentary called White Wilderness. Biologists, who argue that lemmings don't commit mass suicide in real life behavorial patterns, say Disney staged the footage by "placing them on turntables to create a frenzied migration effect and then herding them off a cliff and into the water."

    8. This tastebud map:

    9. Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" is about self-reliance and forging your own path.

    10. The blood inside your body is blue, and that's because it's deoxygenated.

    11. There's no gravity in space.

    12. We only use 10% of our brains.

    13. Bulls are enraged by the color red.

    "What are some 'facts' still being taught in school, that have been proven to be false?" originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question.