Jessica M.

My friend says I have an amazing heart, although I tend to disagree. I'm as narcissistic and verbose as I am obsessive and introspective. I fear intimacy and often create drama. I've made annoying others into an art. I am Jes. && i'm probably the most retarded/awesome person you'll ever meet. Typically, I'm bursting with enthusiam, social, & vibrant. However, I have mood swings like "it ain't no ones business" & withdrawl in confrontation. I have an eclectic taste in music & but probably don't like anything you do. I enjoy cooking, but only for other people, and definately not for myself. I have a passion for the written word & still find no time to read. I enjoy theatre and show tunes, the Food Network and the Disney channel. I dispise things that are overly trendy, [Eg: The Smiths (or just Morrissey in general), New 'Brand New' or New Found Glory] but enjoy things overly childish. I don't care for The Beatles, Anime' or Asian things. Coffee, Mushrooms or people with rhyming first and last names. I hate when people formulate their lives around trendy scene-ster quotes & I strongly dislike the letter 'H'. I find myself in the company of eccentric, artistic and honest individuals and wouldn't have it any other way. I've been emotionally damaged by alot of people I care about and not too fond of females. I maintain a sunny disposition most of the time and do what I can to be there for those I love. To escape from life however, I like to retreat back into the mind-set of a five-year old. I adore the thought of fairy-tale endings, honesty and love in general. and hell...i'm a sucker. and for my love Kendall<3 I test your patience, challenge you with unmarked obstales, and complicate delicate situations. Yet you show me nothing but compassion, and understanding. We've made it through what I thought was impossible, and still managed to come out even stronger in the end it's the greatest gift knowing we can get through anything. I love you with all of my heart, and only look forward to our future<33

Aug 2009
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