We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Ho-Ho-Hold Up — These 28 Cleaning Products Will Get Your House In Shape Before Your Holiday Party

    Sometimes having guests over is just the kick in the butt you need to actually do the cleaning you've been avoiding.

    1. A beloved O-Cedar mop and bucket set to help you achieve floors so shiny and sparkly you could see Rudolph's nose reflected in them. The microfiber mop head is ~machine washable~ and incredibly effective at picking up the dirt and grime.

    Reviewer GIF demonstrating how to ring out the mop
    a reviewer's sparkling clean wood floor

    Reviewers say the wringing system is a total game changer — all you have to do is press the pedal down with your foot, and it'll spin away excess water (like in the GIF above). Another plus is the mop head, which has a unique triangular shape for getting into hard-to-reach corners and can be cleaned in the washing machine!

    Promising review: "OK, I am like, obsessed with this mop. It is just extremely well designed in almost every way. The handle is extendable but collapses pretty small, the mop head is removable and can be put in the wash, the mop head is triangle shaped so it fits in corners, the spin pump is easy to use and gets water out super efficiently. The only small thing is that the mop bucket doesn't have wheels. But it's so forgivable given everything else." —Rex

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    2. Or a two-pack of reusable mop pads you just attach to the Swiffer mop you already have so you don't have to feel bad going through like six pads to clean your floors. 

    Reviewer holding dirty mop pad after cleaning
    Reviewer's Swiffer with mop pad attached

    They're compatible with both the original Swiffer and the Swiffer Wet Jet!

    Promising review: "The hook and loop closure alone is worth the purchase. It was really easy to put on (no more pinched fingers) and the hold is very strong. No more having to handle the dirty, drippy sheets to try to reattach them in the middle of cleaning the floor. I noticed that my floors are cleaner because the microfiber absorbs more and doesn't just push the grime around the floor. Also, these can be washed in the washing machine for the next use." —Rosemary Patterson

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $18.25.

    3. A cleaning kit to take the stress out of cooking. Now when your one pot boils over while you're trying to cook like seven different dishes for the party, you won't have to sit there and sulk thinking you're gonna have a crusty mess for all your guests to see.

    The kit comes with a bottle of cleaner, three cleaning pads, and a heavy-duty scraper that are all designed to break down burnt-on foods and tough stains.

    Promising review: "As soon as I used this stuff, I couldn't believe it! We had a new stove that I didn't clean for months and assumed the burnt pea juice (my enemy) would just be a new stain forever. However, after one application, it was basically gone. I used the scraper that came with it and did one more small application on just that spot, and it was gone! Every time I use this it looks like my stove could be brand new." —Christi

    Get it from Amazon for $16.48.

    4. Or! A gas range cleaning spray designed to dissolve all the burnt-on grease and grime you've been avoiding for months.

    Reviewer's dirty gas range burner
    Reviewer's clean gas range burner after using cleaner

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping editor Daniel Boan has this and says, "This stuff is THE TRUTH. My roommate is the best, but let's just say wiping down the stove after cooking is not one of her favorite activities. I'm not particularly fond of doing the dishes, so I guess we're even. Anyways, I spray this on a few times a week, let it sit for about five minutes, then wipe with a cloth and it removes EVERYTHING. Like, every little spot of caked-on grease and burnt crumbs come off with just one wipe."

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $16.99.

    5. pet hair remover roller that'll help remove all the pet hair still on your couch even after you've vacuumed. This little tool works on pretty much any surface — furniture, upholstery, blankets, clothes — so you don't have to be stressed about your neighbor sitting on your couch and getting up with a butt covered in fur.

    Reviewer showing opened ChomChom full of pet hair
    Reviewer using ChomChom to remove pet hair from black fabric

    Promising review: "I was cautiously optimistic, but this tool is as effective as everyone is saying. My couches, and especially my recliner, look brand new. It takes little to no effort to use. Just use it in a 'scrubbing' type motion and it catches and traps the fur (and other small debris, such as crumbs...) in the little compartment. Pop it open, empty it out. Done." —Ian K.

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in two colors).

    6. A game-changing dishwashing spray with so many uses: greasy tools, cupboards, obviously dishes, and more. For really stuck-on messes (aka the caramel you burnt onto the pan while you tried a new festive dessert), simply spray a layer and leave it for a few minutes. When you come back, you'll be able to wipe away all the grime with ease

    Check out a TikTok of the Dawn Powerwash Spray to see it in action! 

    This pack includes one spray bottle and three refills.

    Here's what BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly has to say about this spray: "I live in an apartment without a dishwasher, and I honestly use that as an excuse to order takeout food instead of cooking. But, as soon as I got my hands on a bottle of this stuff (regular Dawn is my go-to dish soap, BTW), I put it to use on both a saucepan I used to make homemade enchilada sauce *and* the casserole dish I baked those enchiladas, which had a ton of caked-on food. It really does work like I say it does! Like, scary well." 

    Get the starter pack from Amazon for $16.63.

    7. A carpet cleaner ready to tackle (and defeat) those unexpected and seemingly permanent messes — eggnog, and latke oil, and cranberry juice, oh my! And unlike many other cleaners, it's water-based, odorless, nonflammable, and safe to use around children and pets, so you can even use it moments before your guests walk through the door.

    Promising review: "It’s a miracle in a bottle. My German shepherd mix decided to pull a black fountain pen out of my purse and chew it to pieces on my beige carpet while I was sleeping — this cleaner lifted the stain and now it’s like the devastation my dog caused never happened! As soon as I saw it lifting the ink, I got back on Amazon and bought more bottles. I will never let myself run out of this. I use it in my Bissell carpet cleaner for some wicked good cleaning power. I’ve become that weird lady who goes around singing the praises of a cleaning product. No regrets." —L. Logan

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    8. Orrrr a miracle carpet cleaning solution you can put into the carpet cleaner machine you already own and get up those stains that have been haunting you for the past two years. 

    Sunny & Honey is a family-run small business that creates cleaning products, especially for homes with furry friends.

    Promising review: "I have a dog and two young boys, and I’m constantly cleaning the rug and sofa. I have tried other name-brand cleaning solutions, vinegar solutions, resolve, and nothing works as good as this. All the other ones have a weird smell that almost just mixes with the bad smells and makes it worse. This has a very clean and fresh scent and actually removes the odors!!!! Works well on carpet, rugs, and sofa upholstery. I use it in my upright carpet cleaner and small portable carpet cleaner. The best!" —Jessica B.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in two sizes and three scents).

    9. A jar of the TikTok-famous Pink Stuff because this slightly abrasive paste is literally amazing and can clean all the dirt and grime off any surface that you couldn't get rid of with any other products (without extra elbow grease)!! It's a Christmas miracle!!

    Reviewer's The Pink Stuff in front of dirty oven
    Reviewer's The Pink Stuff in front of clean oven

    Promising reviews: "I added before and after photos of my filthy oven so you all would know this stuff is the real deal and worth it. I like that it didn't have a strong odor and it didn't use much effort at all to clean my oven. You can really see it removing the burnt-on grease after a few circular motions." —DNICEANDFAM

    "The Pink Stuff was able to remove grime from before I ever moved into my apartment. I had given up until I saw this stuff on TikTok. I’ve literally had it less than an hour and I’m already obsessed." —MacKenzie Rathbun

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97+ (available in multiple sizes and quantities).

    10. Or The Pink Stuff's Miracle Multipurpose Cleaner Spray for a tough-on-grime and streak-free clean. Just like its ~pasty~ sibling, this stuff works hard so you don't have to — counters, floors, ceramic, tile, pots and pans, grills, and any other hard surface you can think of will be looking fresh and clean in no time.

    Promising review: "Glad I found this product on TikTok. Does 95%–100% of the job in seconds! Definitely worth the money." —Mother of 4

    Get it from Amazon for $4.89+ (available in multiple pack sizes).

    11. A pumice cleaning stone reviewers repeatedly call magic, and once you see the results, you will understand why. Those rings you've had around the toilet in your basement for years will finally disappear and you won't stress about all your friends going in and thinking you've never cleaned it before.

    Reviewer's toilet bowl, which has dark yellow and brown stains on it
    Same reviewer's toilet looking white and clean after using the stone

    Promising review: "I’m doing a happy dance right now! My toilets have had mineral rings in the bowls from well water since we bought our house five years ago. During those five years, I have purchased NUMEROUS products to try to remove the rings. Every single one failed. I had come to terms with the idea that if I wanted pristine-looking crappers, I was going to need to replace them. Three of them. Ugh! I ordered the pumice cleaning stone as a last ditch attempt. Received it today, and immediately went to town. My extreme enthusiasm for scrubbing johns was actually a bit odd, but I was feeling optimistic. Turns out I had reason to. THIS PRODUCT IS AMAZING!!! SO amazing, it actually inspired me to take a picture of my TOILET!!!! My hoppers are saved!!!!! Seriously, the rings are COMPLETELY GONE. If I could give 10 stars, I would." —Sassyscribbler

    Get one from Amazon for $12.99+ (also available as a two- or four-pack).

    12. Or a disposable toilet cleaning wand that comes with scrubbing pads preloaded with cleaner. Now, you won't have to spray the cleaner, let it sit, and then scrub the toilet. Since the pads are disposable, you don't have to worry about storing the germ-infested toilet brush. Maybe it's just me, but I get the heebie jeebies putting away my toilet brush and praying it doesn't touch anything in the process — aka yes, I will be buying these.

    The starter kit comes with the wand, storage caddy, and six refill brush heads.

    Promising reviews: "I’m so glad I purchased this Clorox toilet wand. Extremely easy to use. I love how great it deep cleans my toilet. Reaches areas the my normal toilet brush didn’t. The soft scent is just perfect!" —Liza Love

    "I bought this wand to clean the toilet but found it also works great for showers and tubs. I love that I don't have to bend so much. Super easy to use! I still hate cleaning bathrooms, but this makes it so easy." —Michele McAmis

    Get the starter kit from Amazon for $11.98 (also available as a kit with 16 refills).

    13. Orrrr some toilet fizzies to make cleaning even the grossest toilets a little more manageable. Just drop one of these in the bowl and watch the fizzing action dissolve all the grime and buildup. Bonus, you can plop it in, run and complete some other cleaning, and come back to quickly wipe it away. Because we know you've waited til the last second and have guests coming momentarily. 

    a stack of the fizzies on a board
    Model placing eucalytpus toilet fizzy into glass of water
    Happy Earth Boutique/Etsy

    Happy Earth Boutique is a woman-owned small business.

    Promising review: "The eucalyptus is strong and it fizzes nicely. I drop one in once or twice a week and scrub the toilet a bit, and the scent lingers after flushing. Perfect for keeping my bathroom fresh!" —kd Bromley

    Get a bag of 15 from Happy Earth Boutique on Etsy for $10.49+ (originally $13.99+; available in two versions).

    14. A small but impressive power scrubber because your old toothbrush that you use to clean just isn't cutting it anymore. This electric power scrubber is small but mighty. Stop breaking a sweat every time you find a new gross stain — instead, break out this bad boy that will do all the heavy lifting. 

    (top) A before shot of BuzzFeed Editor, Natalie Brown's tiles caked in gunk (bottom) The same tiles now gunk-free after using the power scrubber
    Gif of Natalie using the power scrubber on the tile
    Natalie Brown / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Natalie Brown has this and says, "I'm obsessed! This thing works small miracles: I cleaned about half of my bathroom's grout to its original sparkling-clean cream color in 40 minutes, and it took honestly no effort at all. And — as if easy, sparkling grout wasn't enough! — it busted through some serious soap scum buildup in my bathtub (thanks, fancy soap and slow-draining tub) in less than a minute.

    Honestly, when I first tried the scrubber out, I didn't see too many uses for it other than for grout. But after owning it for a while, I've realized that while I don't need it every single week, it's priceless for the occasions I encounter tough gunk that I'd otherwise only conquer with excessive patience and elbow grease." 

    Get it from Amazon for $21.56.

    15. wine-stain removing spray so you can finally actually enjoy drinking red wine with friends during the party instead of sitting there anxiously waiting for someone to spill. 

    Reviewer's white blanket stained with wine
    Reviewer's after of now clean white blanket

    Wine Away is a woman-owned business that was founded by Staci Wanichek (the CEO), and her mom, Cheryl, over 20 years ago.

    Promising review: "Amazing cleaning power in one small bottle. When my friend told me she'd heard of this product from her wine group, I realized immediately this is something I can use even for non-wine-related spills. And immediately upon receiving this stain remover, I had the opportunity to spritz a spray on my placemat where someone had accidentally gotten some gel marker pen ink smeared all over it. With just a few quick sprays, I was able to wash the placemat, and it came out of the wash looking clean and fabulous! Food stains have also come out of the placemat just as easily, and I'm just delighted to have such a powerful cleanser available for those unplanned moments when the next stains occur. Highly recommended!" —Cynthia Sue Larson

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    To learn more, check out our review in this roundup of cleaning gadgets that actually work.

    16. An all-natural oven scrub designed to help restore your oven after all the holiday cooking and baking has taken its toll. The plant-based ingredients are strong enough to give your oven a deep clean without any toxic fumes.

    Gif of model using towel to wipe up oven scrub

    Everneat is a small business based in Fairfield, Connecticut, that specializes in cleaning products.

    This comes with the cleaner as well as a scrubber.

    Promising review: "Finally tackled the rings on our stove top with this scrub and a reusable paper towel (as I was worried about using a scourer on an easily scratched surface), and the rings came right off! These are those 'oh, crap, the pot boiled over' rings that I ignored that lead to my stove top looking a bit crusty. The oven scrub ate them right off and left my oven and stove top looking great." —Jessie Bono

    Get it from Everneat on Etsy or from Amazon for $19.99 (available in three scents).

    17. An extendable baseboard duster so you don't have to get on your hands and knees and crawl all over your house in order to clean those pesky baseboards. Now you can just quickly swipe over them, making a horribly time-consuming chore much more manageable.

    a reviewer showing a dirty baseboard buddy pad
    a before and after of a reviewer's once dusty baseboards

    The kit comes with one Baseboard Buddy and three reusable pads, which can be used wet or dry. 

    Promising review: "For many, this may seem like a waste of money. Not for me. I am over 65 and have difficulty getting up and down from the floor. As a result, my baseboards did not get dusted as frequently as the rest of the house. This made it so much easier for me." —retired

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    18. Bissell's Little Green upholstery cleaner with a cult following of parents, pet owners, and clumsy people. This compact device gets alllll the stains (grass! pet accidents! food! mud!) from almost any surface. So you can finally get the stain that's been on your couch since your last holiday party.

    reviewer's green portable cleaner
    before and after of reviewer's pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $16.99

    Promising review: "This vacuum is amazing. I first heard of it on TikTok where people were using it to clean their stairs, mattresses, car seats, etc. and from the videos, it already looked amazing, but considering how dirty my dining chair cushions were, I was a little bit apprehensive and skeptical. I purchased the item and used it on my chairs for the first time and the results were SO AMAZING. I posted photos for reference of how dirty my cushions were before the cleaning and after the cleaning! Best vacuum I've ever used. I even bought a second one!" —Davina

    Get it from Amazon for $96.78.

    19. A pack of melamine sponges designed to work on household surfaces, cars, shoes, really anything that you need to clean. These are extra thick, so they can handle bigger messes without you having to constantly grab a new one. Reviewers love that these are just as good as Mr. Clean's version but wayyy cheaper, and honestly that's a necessity rn after all the money you just spent on presents.

    Reviewer's floor with a patch cleaned and the rest still very dirty
    reviewer's fence with half covered in green and the other half clean

    Reviewers say they're an excellent alternative for the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and much more affordable!

    Promising review: "As good as Mr. Clean Magic Erasers but half the price. They clean so many surfaces better than anything. We use them at the bar and clean our chalkboards, metal sinks and ice wells, beer coolers, FRP backsplash walls, and even graffiti in the bathrooms comes off more easily with these than other cleaning products. I took one home and cleaned my shower faster and more easily than with bottles of shower cleaner. Highly recommended." —Stephen Brandau

    Get a 20-pack from Amazon for $13.95.

    To learn more, check out BuzzFeed's STK extra-thick cleaning sponges review

    20. A reusable and machine-washable duster head so you can still clean as much as you want, but you don't have to feel guilty about throwing away the duster head each time.

    Set of reusable Swiffer dusters in various colors
    TS Designs US/Etsy

    TS Designs US is a small Etsy shop based in West Leroy, Michigan.

    Simply remove the duster from the handle when it gets dirty and throw it in the wash. 

    *The handle for these is not included. Use one of the handles you have on hand like one from Swiffer.

    Promising review: "LOVE the washable duster attachments. These are SO soft and such great quality. The stitching is strong and I don’t worry about anything coming apart. We use ours with our Swiffer duster wand and it fits perfectly. If you’re looking for a more sustainable item, this is one for you." —Cassie Couch

    Get it from TS Designs US on Etsy for $5.49+ (available in 10 colors and multipacks).

    21. Or a super-long duster for those hard-to-reach areas — ceiling fans, vents, or other places you've probably never actually cleaned 'cause you couldn't ever get there. Talk about a sigh of relief...those dust bunnies really earned their place on the naughty list.

    Amazon reviewer holding extendable duster
    Amazon reviewer using duster to reach lamp hanging in the middle of a hallway

    Promising review: "I love my new duster. The ability to extend the pole makes it easy to clean the ceiling fan blades, chandeliers, and the AC vents. Because it’s so lightweight, it makes reaching very easy." —Linnette Leadon

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three colors and three versions).

    22. Annnnd a blinds cleaner that has three blades making it easy to clean two blinds (top and bottom!) at once. That means you will cut your blind cleaning time IN HALF! Which means you can get back to your full to-do list and actually complete it before your guests arrive. 

    Close up of a reviewer's blinds covered in dust / same blinds now clean
    Reviewer holding the three-prong blue blinds duster covered in dust

    It comes with five washable and reusable microfiber covers. Once you've finished cleaning, just pull off the cloth, throw it in the washer, and it'll be ready for the next time you have a cleaning frenzy.

    Promising review: "These are great to get a thorough cleaning faster. It does take a bit to get through them all. Working quickly, It was two and a half or three minutes for the set and would be longer for the double wide window blinds, so about 30 minutes to do my full house. But being able to do both sides at once is a big time-saver. After doing a set myself, I gave it to the house cleaner, and he thought it was fantastic and wanted the link to buy it himself. It is sturdy. The cloths are easy to remove and put on again for cleaning in the washing machine, and they don't come off during use or anything, despite not having anything that holds them in place." —lygophilia

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in two color combinations).

    23. Roborock robot vacuum and mop combo to take over the dreaded tasks of vacuuming AND mopping! Seriously, this thing is like your own personal maid — click a button and get back to baking up your famous Christmas cookies. 

    the white robot vacuum in the dock
    the top of the vacuum showing the three compartments: clean water, dirty water, and dirt
    The white vacuum running on the floor
    Jessica Hall / BuzzFeed

    I recently got this magical little device and though I've only run it a few times I can genuinely tell you that it is a game changer. Unlike my other robot vacuum, this lil' guy also mops!! Vacuuming feels like a never ending battle with my hair and my three cats' fur, because as soon as we are done there's somehow already more hair everywhere. This is going to change our lives forever. We can easily just run it whenever we want through our phone, and it even has a sensor to avoid obstacles so you don't have to worry about picking stuff up off the floor before you start it. And on top of all that, it even empties, cleans, and refills itself!! Like you literally don't have to do anything other than push a button to start it. Yes, I know this thing is expensive, but honestly can you put a price on basically never putting any effort into cleaning your floors again?! 10/10 I would like every cleaning task to have a robot that'll do it for me.

    Get it from Amazon for $949.99+ (available in two colors).

    24. An all-natural scour paste that will quickly become your right-hand man when it comes to cleaning. This long-lasting paste is the holy grail of cleaning products — from tile and grout to ovens to sinks to showers, this stuff can do it all.

    a BuzzFeed writer's cabinet top covered in a layer of grime and dust and text reading
    a BuzzFeed writer's top of the same cabinet now clean and text reading
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    Humble Suds is a Denver-based Etsy shop creating plant-based cleaning solutions that are safe, effective, and come in cute packaging (bonus!).

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Danielle Healy has this and says, "Shortly after moving in to my current apartment, my partner and I went to store something on the top of the kitchen cabinets only to find them caked in a thick layer of grime. 🤢 After going at it with regular multipurpose cleaner (with little success) we broke out the scour paste as a last-ditch effort and OH BOY did this miracle product deliver (pics above). After handling all that grossness, it's had no problem with day-to-day messes like soap scum and burnt-on food. Plus, it smells delightful and comes in minimal, low-waste packaging!"

    Promising review: "Buyer beware: don’t buy just one!! Learn from mistake, and buy at least two jars because this stuff is INCREDIBLE. I used it on my textured shower floor and it was EASIER to clean, required less scrubbing, than any other product I’ve used, including CLR. If you have black matte bathroom fixtures, this is the stuff you need. My shower and sink drains look brand new. My other favorite part about this scour paste, is the fact that I don’t need to use any paper towels. Just a wet rag to wipe it all down at the end. I will be buying more jars for myself and to give to my friends because this stuff is absolutely amazing. You won’t regret it!" —littleashleyshortcak

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $15.95+ (available in two sizes).

    25. A slim cleaning brush to get into all those nooks and crannies where no rag has ever gone before. Don't lie, we've all been about to have guests over and decide to tackle that random (probably irrelevant) project, so at least with this you can do it efficiently.

    A model using the blue cleaning brush on a window
    a reviewer's dirty door track
    a reviewer's same door track looking clean

    The ultra-thin design makes it the perfect choice for cleaning those hard-to-reach window and door tracks, and the handle works as a scraper for those extra stuck-on messes.

    Promising review: "This is an amazing set of brushes. Don't be fooled by the low cost. The brushes are soft and long enough to get into tight spots but firm enough to hold up. They work amazing in those hard-to-clean aluminum window runners and sliding doors. I've used them to clean enclosed fan blades, refrigerator vents, etc. They wash easily and with a bit of TLC they hold their shape. Always nice to find something so simple and inexpensive that works so well." —CNJ

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $5.95.

    26. A garbage disposal cleaner that is SO easy to use. Just throw one down the drain, run some water and the disposal, and watch the blue foam come up, cleaning out all the gunk and grime from the myriad holiday recipes you've been testing out.

    Garbage disposal cleaner packet in disposal
    Reviewer gif of garbage disposal cleaner foaming up

    Promising review: "Seeing is believing. Not only does it do a great job, but you can see it happening. It doesn’t just mask the smell and leave a lemon scent like some products, it cleans too and looks fun. Idk. Blue foam comes out and that’s good enough for me." —sylvie yah

    Get a four-count bag from Amazon for $3.78+ (available in five varieties).

    27. A granite and stone cleaner designed to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria that have been living all over your countertops. Plus it'll make your counters shine like you didn't spill a whole jar of pasta sauce on 'em 20 minutes ago.

    Bottle of Weiman granite and stone cleaner
    Reviewer's cleaned kitchen counter

    Promising review: "This is my go-to granite cleaner and I’ve tried a lot! Actually gets counters clean without a film or streak and not a lot of elbow grease." —Lori

    Get it from Amazon for $6.49.

    28. A set of three power scrubber brushes to attach to your drill so you can stop spending hours trying to scrub the grime away. It's time to work smarter, not harder, folks!

    reviewer's dirty door with the bottom corner cleaned with the brush attachments
    a reviewer's son in the bath tub using the drill brush on the shower wall

    The company that created this brush is a small business founded in 2007 by a former electrician who suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome and needed a way to clean without causing himself harm.

    These brushes fit with any drill, but if you don't have one, you can grab one here.

    Promising review: "Of all things to clean in the house, the bathroom has to be my least favorite!! I would scrub and scrub and scrub to try and remove calcium deposit stains and soap buildup. It was like my workout for the day! Well after using my new Power Scrubber Drill Brush Attachment, OH MY GOSH!! I am obsessed!! I had so much fun using it. I seriously did not wanna stop cleaning. I did not work up a sweat this time and it was amazing to see the calcium deposit stain wash away along with the soap buildup. Seriously though, the different attachments came in very handy depending on where I was operating the drill. The angled corners of the tile walls were cleaned perfectly with the circular brush. Also, the circular brush was awesome for the drain too. The big scrub brush was spectacular on the bathtub itself while the little scrub brush worked well with the grout lines in the tile. The attachments were easy to put on and take off the drill. They were also easy to clean, dry and put away for the next time. The price was WELL worth the product. There truly is no reason not to make this purchase to make cleaning fun again!!" —Soul-ga Girl Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in soft, medium, stiff, and ultra stiff bristles and six colors).

    The reviews used in this post have been edited for length and clarity.