21 Lessons You Can Learn From A Mature Student

    We WILL outlast you on a night out.

    1. We've made the relationship mistakes already, so YOU DON'T HAVE TO!

    2. Mature students have usually had jobs before, so time management and organisation is a strong point.

    3. Life experience means great embarrassing stories.

    4. We nearly always have snacks, especially for an early morning lecture.

    5. We WILL outlast you on a night out.

    6. We often have our own clean, tidy, houses you can visit to study in.

    7. But the chances are that we'd love to talk about anything other than our kids, work, or home life.

    8. You know we'll be committed to a group project.

    9. Local mature students know all the best hidden bars and pubs, and where the cheapest drinks are.

    10. You're less likely to get ID'd if you go to a bar with us.

    11. We'll nearly always have done the seminar reading.

    12. We'll teach you to appreciate your parents.

    13. We'll answer the questions nobody else wants to.

    14. Two words: Cooking lessons.

    15. We love to give advice and lend an ear.

    16. We'll get more drunk than you during a game of "Never Have I Ever".

    17. The threshold for a "mature student" is 21+. Not all mature students are old and grey, and most want a laugh too.

    18. You'll worry that we'll judge you like your parents, but we really won't.

    19. We may well have a car, so goodbye buses!

    20. We can be brave enough to challenge lecturers or tell annoying students to shut up.

    21. You can help us too.