11 Illustrations That Perfectly Sum Up What It's Like When It's Finally Nice Outside Again

    Aaah, spring.

    1. Ah, yes, spring: that magical time of the year when you finally feel motivated to shave again...

    2. Or not. It's up to you!

    3. You venture out to buy a new pair of go-to shorts...

    4. ...and prepare yourself for another season of chapped thighs.

    5. You begin looking forward to summer...

    6. And you try to eat a liiiittle healthier...

    7. Or at least, a little more sensibly.

    8. Being outside is awesome...until it isn't.

    9. And while figuring out how to dress for warm weather again is always awkward at first...

    10. You'll eventually hit your stride...

    11. And maybe even work up the courage to rock that new spring look.

    This post was translated from French.