14 Shows That Are So Comforting, People Watch Them Over And Over Again

    The weighted blankets of TV shows.

    Sometimes, all I want to do is stay in bed and watch TV forever. I think we all have those days, you know?

    Luckily, Reddit user u/leviathan_web asked for some excellent recommendations of the best shows to watch when this feeling hits.

    From comedy to sci-fi to animation, people shared a wide range of shows that they swear make them feel better. Here are 14 of the most popular responses:

    1. Gilmore Girls

    2. 30 Rock

    3. The IT Crowd

    4. Archer

    5. The Good Place

    6. Star Trek: The Next Generation

    7. Malcolm In The Middle

    8. What We Do In The Shadows

    9. Regular Show

    10. Frasier

    11. Scrubs

    12. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

    13. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

    14. Arrested Development

    What would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!