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Train Reveals Who Inspired Virginia In "Meet Virginia"

She sounds god awful, TBH.

Confession time: I spend a lot more of my time thinking about Train than I'd like to admit. Like, did you know there are this many people in Train????

Train, if you're somehow unfamiliar, is a band that became famous in 2001 with the song "Drops of Jupiter," which is about talking like summer and walking like rain and painting with all the colors of the wind maybe?

The lead singer is named Patrick Monahan, but he will be referred to as TRAIN for the remainder of this post to make things easier.

TRAIN is very active on Twitter, and spends time answering *burning* questions from inquiring minds like myself. Recently, someone asked TRAIN a question I've had for many moons: Is Virginia of "Meet Virginia" fame based on a real person or nah? This is what TRAIN said.

She's real parts of real woman that make up a woman that I've always wanted to meet https://t.co/WOEUpAOyhW

"She's real parts of real woman that make up a woman that I've always wanted to meet."

So, to clarify, no she's not a real woman. She just has many qualities that REAL women have...

Well, if that is the case, I am here to help you find your IRL Virginia, TRAIN! Thank me later. Ladies, please take a moment to check all answers that apply to you so that I can send the best match to TRAIN:

Basically you need to be a pants-wearing, messy, law-breaking, pretty, smoking, stubborn, baby-loving, impractical-gym-dressing, late-night-coffee-drinking, unusual person whose family enjoys alligators, carborators and the president and really can't fucking decide whether she wants to be the QUEEN or not. Good luck with that!