Justin Bieber Owns Up To His Mistakes In An Emotional Instagram Post

    "I let bitterness, jealousy, and fear run my life..."

    Last week, Justin Bieber announced on Facebook that he was canceling the rest of his Purpose World Tour dates without much of an explanation:

    Facebook: JustinBieber

    Fans were devastated...

    Justin Bieber just cancelled the rest of his tour which included our show, and I've never been more devastated in my life

    ...and heartbroken...

    So justin bieber cancelled the rest of his tour dates. And im legit heart broken💔. Whyyyyyy😩 @justinbieber

    ...and just wanted some answers:

    When Justin bieber cancelled purpose tour... Me:

    Well, for the first time since breaking the news, Justin just spoke out about canceling the tour and building his character back up in a long and emotional Instagram post:

    If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, here are some of the most emotional parts:

    "I have let my insecurities get the best of me at times, I let my broken relationships dictate the way I acted toward people and the way I treated them. I let bitterness, jealousy and fear run my life."

    "I'm gonna keep making mistakes but what I'm not gonna do is let my past dictate my future. What I'm not gonna do is be ashamed of my mistakes. I wanna be a man that learns from them and grows from them."

    "I want my career to be sustainable, but I also want my mind heart and soul to be sustainable. So that I can be the man I want to be, the husband I eventually want to be and the father I want to be."

    Sending Justin good vibes as he figures things out. 🙏