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Emma Stone Supported The Hell Out Of Other Women At The Oscars And I'm Obsessed

And the award for Most Supportive Actress goes to...

Emma Stone was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars this year for her role as Abigail in The Favourite.

Which is a big ole coincidence, because I'm pretty sure she's my favourite human. (And I guess I'm British now? Sweet!)

Emma is a delightful person, and here's an equally delightful photo of her with her The Help mom, Allison Janney.

Now, let's talk about her Oscars delightfulness.

First, there's what she did before the show even started —Emma sent a bouquet of flowers to her co-nominee, Marina De Tavira (Roma) with this lovely handwritten note...

...and then they shared this very sweet and pure moment together at the show:

"It's a huge honor to be nominated alongside you." I can't.

But the main thing I need to discuss is the way she reacted when her The Favourite co-star Olivia Colman won the Best Actress award. Like, this was her face:

Emma's reaction was SO major!

emma stone being more thrilled by olivia colman's oscar win than her own 2 years ago is a thing of beauty

The two most important people in any woman's life are her significant other and Emma Stone, DUHHHHH!

I simply can't get over the pure unadulterated respect between Emily and Olivia. (Yes, Emily! Her birth name, which Olivia called her during her speech.)

the best part of olivia colman winning is how proud emma stone was #Oscars

Emma's reaction was just so genuine and pure, it's really lovely to witness:

Emma Stone walking out crying through lobby. "That was the best thing that's ever happened," she tells her publicist, presumably talking about co-star Olivia Colman? "She's the best person ever."

To summarize, I love absolutely everything about everything I just mentioned. Now, here's a photo of Emma and Laura Dern that will bring you luck for seven years: