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27 Annoying TV Plot Lines That Pissed Everyone Off

Spoilers, obvs.

If you watch a lot of TV (guilty!) there are probably some storylines you're still not over. So when Twitter user Juliet Mushens asked her followers for theirs, the answers started rolling in right away...

Name the TV show plot line that you're still angry about. Mine? Rachel/Joey.

Twitter: @mushenska

Here's a list of some of the most aggravating TV plots of all time, according to the Twitterverse:

1. Rachel and Joey getting together on Friends:

@mushenska Rachel/Joey, for sure. It was a stalling tactic for a Ross/Rachel finale but it was awful. The One Where… https://t.co/icaTcmZx8x

2. Lorelai and Luke's breakup on Gilmore Girls...

@mushenska Lorelei and Luke breaking you and her randomly marrying Christopher in Gilmore Girls.

3. ...and Lane's whole storyline on Gilmore Girls as well:

@mushenska Lane's ending in Gilmore Girls. She deserved so much more!!

4. Buffy and Spike's relationship on Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

@mushenska Buffy and Spike start their weird / creepy relationship. I was never convinced by that.

5. The Lost finale:

@mushenska The finale of LOST. SERIOUSLY. They all end up in a church what? WHAT?

6. The whole way the Ted/mother storyline was handled on How I Met Your Mother...

@mushenska Ted/The Mother on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER.

7. ...and Barney and Robin getting together on HIMYM too:

@IrisBlasi @mushenska Barney and Robin. We didn't want it, then they spent so long building it and we loved it and… https://t.co/vUhDZpL4pf

8. Toby's exit from The West Wing:

@mushenska Toby's exit from the White House in the West Wing.

9. Cooper and Audrey Horne never getting together in Twin Peaks:

@mushenska Cooper & Audrey Horne not getting together in Twin Peaks. I’ll never be over it

10. Debs falling in love with Dexter on Dexter:

@mushenska Dexter. Debs 'falling in love' with Dexter. I feel sick just thinking about it. And the whole mess of the last season.

11. Dan being Gossip Girl the whole time on Gossip Girl:


12. Fatboy's death on EastEnders:

@mushenska Killing off Fatboy in Eastenders 😡

13. The whole damn Pretty Little Liars series finale:

@mushenska the finale of "Pretty Little Liars". I wasted hundreds of hours of my life for the worst British accent of all time

14. Carrie cheating on Aidan with Big on Sex and the City:

@mushenska Carrie cheating on Aiden with Big. Will never forgive! Big was rubbish.

15. The ending of True Blood...especially for Tara:

@mushenska true blood had the worst ending ever. the way tara’s story came to an end was especially frustrating.

16. Daphne's overeating plot line on Frasier:

@mushenska Daphne's sudden problem with over-eating in Frasier to disguise the fact that the actress was pregnant... 😡😡

17. Starbuck's Battlestar Galactica arc:

@mushenska Starbuck's arc in Battlestar Galactica. She was such a kickass character!

18. Tyra and Landry's terrible murder plot on Friday Night Lights:

@mushenska The accidental murder in season 2 of Friday night lights ooh don't get me started

19. The post–Michael Scott episodes of The Office:

@mushenska everything that happened on The Office after Steve Carrell left.

20. The past six seasons of Grey's Anatomy:

21. Marie's little stealing habit on Breaking Bad:

@mushenska When Marie started stealing stuff in Breaking Bad and the writers refused to let it go.

22. The end of Merlin:

The end of Merlin! Like what?! You end up in modern day and killed Arthur off way too soon! 😭😭😭😭😭 https://t.co/bWqEYMlvRz

23. Every terrible moment with Oliver on The O.C.:


24. House and Cuddy's breakup on House:

@mushenska House/Cuddy. Not that they got together (it was about damned time) but that they broke up again so ridiculously easily.

25. The focus of Season 7 of Mad Men:

Season 7 of Mad Men focused too much on Megan & her family & that one waitress Don kept chasing https://t.co/5a2pD6xSLe

26. The timeline issues with Homer and Marge's relationship on The Simpsons:

@mushenska The Simpsons rejigging Homer & Marge's timelines to be Gen X so they met in the 90s. Goes against the ve… https://t.co/baCyKFLbda

27. ...and, of course, the musical accuracy behind Itchy playing Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone.

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet… https://t.co/Hv1w09iZHW