16 Things Mindy Kaling Has Revealed About "The Office" On Twitter

    "Michael Scott's Ted Talk would have been fun to write..."

    1. This delightful reveal about an iconic Michael Scott scene:

    Scripted. One of my favorite Michael Scott moments ever https://t.co/8aQGEyRwI2

    2. Her favorite line that Pam had on the show:

    My fave Pam line @jennafischer "but Angela said she doesn't like to gamble. Of course by saying that she was gambling I wouldn't smack her."

    3. This scene that I wish I could have seen:

    Michael Scott's Ted Talk would have been fun to write

    4. This true statement about John Legend's EGODT (and that includes his Dundie!):

    Sure @johnlegend has an EGOT but the honorary Dundie Michael Scott would’ve given him is the real story.

    5. This joke about Michael Scott that didn't make the cut...

    One joke I wrote (and loved, but no else did) was that Tony and Ridley Scott are Michael Scott's cousins but he doesn't get along with them

    6. ...and then again, so we know it's THE TRUTH:

    They never used it on the Office but I pitched that Michael Scott was Ridley and Tony Scott's cousins

    7. This talk show TRUTH:

    Michael and Kelly on The Office would've loved and identified with Live with Kelly & Michael.

    8. This very true statement about the internet:

    All gifs should be Stanley from The Office

    9. This perfect GIF response to a tweet from The Office's official Twitter:

    10. This fun concept for the Dunder Mifflin office environment:

    Why has Michael Scott not tried to turn the office into a chill gossip hangout like the TMZ show and he's Harvey Levin??

    11. This personal fave Dwight story:

    One of my favorite Office stories is when Dwight wanted a porcelain wizard holding a crystal that he saw in a shop at the mall.

    12. This Halloween meme:

    13. This cover reveal:

    Proud to grace the cover of Michael Scott's favorite magazine, #AmericanWay! @AmericanAir 😍✈️❤️💁🏾👍🏾🌈

    14. This very accurate statement about Dwight's taste in TV:

    Wolf Hall and Mr. Robot sound like shows Dwight Schrute would come his pants for

    15. This joke, which is the only time I've seen the phrase "goofy serial killer" in my life:

    I think people are going to really like when Jim and Pam are murdered by a goofy serial killer, special guest star Chris Parnell!

    16. And finally, this super-sweet nostalgic tweet that makes me want to go start another re-watch RIGHT NOW:

    I'm ancient! TEN YEARS AGO Greg Daniels hired @PaulLieberstein @bjnovak @KenTremendous & me as full-time writers for s1 of The Office.