"People Do Have The Right To Be Bigots," Says Australia's Attorney-General

    We wouldn't want a little racial humiliation to get in the way of free speech.

    Attorney-General George Brandis has caused controversy by proposing changes to Australia's Racial Discrimination Act.

    #rda #18C Amendments for one month consultation

    The Bill would see section 18C repealed, making it no longer unlawful to "offend, insult or humiliate" someone on racial grounds in public.

    During question time yesterday, Senator Nova Peris questioned Australia's chief law officer Brandis on the proposed changes.

    Brandis responded by defending freedom of speech.

    Not surprisingly, a lot of people were outraged.

    @Refugees @zdaniel In Australia, if the victims are not white, they don't matter. Australians have a right to be bigots.

    So George Brandis is keen on Freedom Of Speech opening the door for racists/bigots/etc.... What a c***. He's a slap headed balding fucker.

    Your child is bullied at school, do you: a/ tell the teacher b/ tell your child to rejoice because "people have a right to be bigots"?

    So laws should protect wealthy bigots over the vulnerable and marginalised? The world according to Brandis. #auspol #18C

    We want to give license to this.... #18c

    Politicians from Labor and the Greens spoke out.

    The Abbott Govt said people had a right to be bigots, SHARE this if you think Australians should be free from racism

    PM & AG give green light to bigots. Labor stands strongly against racial hate speech. RT if you stand with us http://t.co/dzEicAigHu #auspol

    Brandis steadfast in support of bigots honestly you couldn't make this attorney general up

    Our white male middle-class Attorney-General just said "people do have a right to be bigots". Under this Gov, they are encouraged. #SenateQT

    And some people responded with humour. It's better than crying, at least.

    Attorney General - “People have the right to be bigots.” Wow ... I guess it explains how Abbott chose his cabinet. #MICF

    Won't somebody please think of the bigots?

    I'm so glad George Brandis has upheld the rights of bigots. Those ethnic & sexual minorities have been getting away with far too much lately

    Bigots Relieved To Have Clarity On Rights http://t.co/o9jq8L02qT #auspol