• Best of 2018 badge

18 Things That Happened In 2018 That Are So Melbourne It Hurts

Never change, Melbourne.

1. This person getting comfy on the tram.

2. This notice.

3. This optimism.

4. This cafe where you have to make your own toast.

5. This deconstructed iced coffee.

6. This couple's Halloween costume.

7. This response to political advertising.

8. And this one to a "for lease" sign.

9. This DIY radio station.

10. This tragedy.

11. This cyclist.

12. And this one.

13. This fare offender.

14. This absolute legend.

15. This Parkdale Pigeon party.

16. This hen just casually strolling down the street.

17. This chain link fence art.

18. And this bus.