16 Easter Eggs Spotted In "The Umbrella Academy" Season 2

    Here are all of the interesting details we spotted.

    🚨Warning: Contains spoilers for Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy. 🚨

    The Umbrella Academy is the kind of show that's full of Easter eggs. Here are some we spotted in Season 2 (so if you haven't watched it yet, look away)...

    1. First off, this isn't in the season itself, but the promo poster, as expected, gave away some key clues to the plot.

    A promotional photo for season two of The Umbrella Academy featuring the main cast wearing sunglasses.

    2. As for the show itself, a fun detail is that every opening title is displayed over a different umbrella-shaped object within a scene at the beginning of each episode.

    3. When Ben and Klaus arrive in Dallas in 1960, there's a John F. Kennedy presidential campaign poster on the deli wall, and in the same spot in 1963, there's a poster welcoming him as president to Dallas.

    4. The movie theater marquee advertises a different supernatural movie in each year the Umbrella Academy lands: The Curse of the Undead in 1960, The Curse of the Werewolf in 1961, and Kiss of the Vampire in 1963 (in 1962 the marquee is hard to spot).

    5. Klaus's cult "wisdom" is derived almost entirely from modern song lyrics — which is fitting, considering that his cult is called Destiny's Children.

    6. The Frankel footage is inspired by a real conspiracy about JFK's assassination.

    Diego and Five looking at a video of their father holding an umbrella at the site of the JFK assassination.

    7. There are sparrows hidden in many scenes throughout the season — foreshadowing the Sparrow Academy reveal, and perhaps indicating that there's a meaning behind the name that we're not yet aware of.

    8. One of the sparrows is on what seems to be a newspaper in the old Five's suitcase — and you can also spot a copy of Vanya's book that he carries around.

    A briefcase with newspaper with the sparrow logo in it inside.

    9. Sir Reginald Hargreeves is invited to a gala by Mr. Hoyt Hillenkoetter, which seems to be a nod to Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter, the first director of the CIA.

    An invitation to the Mexican Consulate.

    10. The fictional Hillenkoetter is in the Majestic 12 — a group that real UFO conspiracy theorists believe actually exists to investigate aliens, and one they often claim the real Hillenkoetter was a part of.

    A black-and-white photo of ten men sitting at a table.

    11. In Episode 2, A.J. mentions the "743 incident" to the Handler, and we later learn that 743 is the number of the kill order the Handler forged to have Lila's parents executed.

    12. There are some hints sprinkled throughout Season 2 that Lila is one of the super-powered 43 children born Oct. 1, 1989.

    13. The words that Five quotes at Sir Reginald at the gala are a quote from Homer's The Odyssey. We see Sir Reginald reading the same passage to baby Pogo in the following episode.

    14. The Southland Life Building, where the siblings meet their father, was a real building — and the tallest one in Dallas in 1963.

    A photo of the Southland Life building.

    15. When Diego is at the Commission headquarters, we see a woman carrying what appears to be Cha Cha's mask.

    16. Finally, the Handler is frequently depicted wearing spiders or weblike accessories.

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