16 "Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina" Questions That Will Haunt Me Forever

    I still want more of this show.

    Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has sadly come to an end after four seasons — but we still have a bunch of burning questions. Warning: spoilers ahead!

    Sabrina's hair blows back from her face

    1. Why did Prudence disguise herself as Penelope Blossom when she was hunting Blackwood in Part 3?

    Prudence disguised as Penelope Blossom, wearing a blouse a hat

    2. Will Lucas Hunt show up on Riverdale?

    Lucas Hunt sitting with his hands clasped in front of him

    3. Speaking of Riverdale, will some of the CAOS characters crop up on the show now?

    Betty stands behind Jughead in a bunker; they both have their arms crossed

    4. By the way, what was the deal with the plot inconsistencies between Riverdale and CAOS?

    Ben Button stands in a doorway in a pizza delivery uniform

    5. Where will witchcraft lead Roz?

    Roz stands in a dark cloak

    6. Will Robin really stay with Theo?

    Robin and Theo look at each other affectionately

    7. What's the deal with the Trinket Man?

    The Trinket Man holds open his box of trinkets

    8. What really happened with Sabrina's parents?

    Edward tries to attack Sabrina

    9. What the hell happened to Baby Adam?!

    A baby wrapped in cloth

    10. What happened to Judith and Judas?

    Judith and Judas wear old-fashioned clothes and stand in a doll's house

    11. Why did Sabrina Morningstar, who was "our" Sabrina until the end of Part 3, decide it was a good idea to marry Caliban?

    Sabrina and Caliban stare at each other

    12. Who is ruling Hell now?

    Lilith stands next to Lucifer sitting on his throne

    13. Why didn't they just bury Sabrina in the Cain pit and resurrect her?

    Zelda, Hilda, Ambrose, and Nick stand over Sabrina's body

    14. What exactly is the Sweet Hereafter?

    Sabrina wears white and looks confused

    15. If it IS an afterlife — why is Sabrina there alone (until Nick shows up)?

    The two Sabrinas look at each other

    16. And, finally, what's the deal with Nick's death?

    Sabrina and Nick staring lovingly at each other