Here's What Might Happen In "House Of The Dragon" Next Week

    Here comes a wedding — uh oh.

    House of the Dragon Episode 5 — the midway point of the season — is almost upon us. Let's take a look at the trailer and then break it down:

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    The trailer opens with this shot of Corlys Velaryon's fleet and two dragons flying toward King's Landing:

    Dragons and ships head towards King's Landing

    Then, we see Viserys and Rhaenyra arriving somewhere — presumably Driftmark, seat of House Velaryon, so that Viserys can set up the marriage between Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon that he mentioned in Episode 4.

    Screen shot from "House of the Dragon"

    We see this man playing a drum, who may be a nod to — or the actual inclusion of — the character Mushroom, who is a court fool and a source for some of the "history" in Fire & Blood, the book the show is based on.

    A person of short stature plays a drum

    Then, there's more of Corlys' boats.

    Corlys' fleet on the water

    And then, we see Viserys and Rhaenyra in the throne room dressed for a formal event — likely Rhaenyra's wedding to Laenor, especially considering the Targaryen and Velaryon banners on the wall behind them.

    Viserys and Rhaenyra are dressed in formal attire in the throne room with a feast in front of them and the Targaryen and Velaryon banners behind them

    We get a better look at the dragons that were apparently accompanying Corlys' fleet — it seems like they are the Velaryon dragons, Meleys (Rhaenys' dragon) and Seasmoke (Laenor's, who we saw in battle with him in Episode 3).

    Two dragons fly over water

    Here's another look at those dragons. We hear Viserys say in voiceover, "I hope to herald in a second age of dragons."

    Two dragons fly over water

    There's a shot of Rhaenyra looking pensive — probably on the journey to Driftmark, to be offered up to Laenor.

    Rhaenyra looks serious

    Then, we have Rhaenys telling Corlys "Rhaenyra's succession will be challenged. Knives will come out."

    Rhaenys and Corlys talk seriously

    Next, we have the Lannisters — led by Jason, with Tyland behind him — entering what is probably Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding. Behind them, it looks like the Hightowers, led by Hobert, are also attending.

    The Lannister twins walk into the throne room with their entourage

    There's this shot of Ser Criston in Alicent's chamber, which is significant for a couple of reasons — notably, Alicent is wearing her (mother's) Hightower gown here, not the Targaryen red and black that she's been wearing in recent episodes.

    Criston stands in front of Alicent

    We also see Ser Criston removing his sword. There are a few reasons he might do so around Alicent. In private. In her chambers. HMMMM.

    Criston begins to remove his sword

    Next, we see a shot of a blonde man being beaten up — this looks like it's Joffrey Lonmouth, who we saw very briefly in Episode 3 alongside Laenor — the two of them are very close.

    A blonde man is beaten up; his face is bruised and bloody as he lays on the ground

    Laenor is also being attacked — it seems as though fighting has broken out at the wedding.

    Two men attack Laenor Velaryon

    Corlys looks on as chaos breaks loose.

    Corlys watches as chaos erupts in the crowd in the throne room

    Ser Harwin Strong is seen punching someone.

    Harwin Strong punches someone

    And Ser Criston Cole is, too.

    Criston Cole punches someone

    A distressed Rhaenyra seems to be caught up in the fray.

    Rhaenyra looks up at someone, distressed

    Meanwhile, we get another shot of Alicent wearing her Hightower dress.

    Alicent looks sad/angry

    Here's Corlys in front of what looks like his Driftwood Throne at Driftmark.

    Corlys looks unimpressed

    We see Daemon wearing a hood and standing in what looks like the Vale — which is where his wife Rhea Royce lives. Perhaps, he's paying her a visit after being banished from King's Landing (again)?

    Daemon wears a hood in a greet and hilly area

    There's a shot of Viserys being attended to by maesters, and he is NOT looking well. The infection in his hand seems to have spread up his arm.

    Viserys is attended to by two maesters as he reclines in his chambers with an infected arm

    Rhaenyra and Ser Criston stand side by side on what looks like a ship — probably heading toward Driftmark.

    Rhaenyra stands next to Criston

    There's a shot of someone on a horse as the horse rears up — you can see a hooded figure in front of them.

    A horse throws a woman off

    The hooded figure is no doubt Daemon, choosing violence in the Vale.

    A hooded person stands in front of a woman and a horse falling backwards

    We see Alicent, still in that Hightower dress, watching as it appears someone (probably Viserys) collapses in the courtyard below.

    Alicent watches a distant scene in the courtyard below her

    The trailer closes with Otto talking to Alicent (who is here wearing Targaryen colors, indicating this probably takes place before the above shots of her in the Hightower dress).

    Otto talks to an upset Alicent

    Alicent is very distressed as Otto says, "The king will die, and if Rhaenyra succeeds him, war will follow. Prepare Aegon to rule."

    Alicent looks distressed

    What are you most excited to see in Episode 5 of House of the Dragon?