41 Of The Most Messed-Up Things I've Photoshopped Over The Years


    1. Hermione with Steve Buscemi’s eyes

    2. Donald Trump without his fake tan

    3. An illustration of Kylie Jenner where she's thinking about a photo of Guy Fieri for some reason

    4. Disney princesses with normal-size eyes

    5. Bert from Sesame Street as Burt Reynolds

    And a crappy watercolor painting to go with it

    6. Kanye kissing himself

    7. Pumpkin Spice Tampax

    8. Taylor Swift as Doug

    9. Winnie the Pooh singing a PG-rated version of "Bitch Better Have My Money" to Christopher Robin

    10. Nicolas Cage in Beauty and the Beast

    11. Graham the crash test sculpture as The Little Mermaid

    12. A minion as Pocahontas

    13. Uh...

    14. Clippy the MS Word helper, but old and sad

    15. Donald Trump as Rose in Titanic

    16. Doug Funnie contouring to look like Bobby Hill

    17. Whatever this is

    Jen Lewis / BuzzFeed / Disney / NBC

    18. Spring Breakers with Beaker the Muppet instead of James Franco

    19. I don't even know anymore

    20. Taylor Swift's 4th of July photos as horror movie posters

    21. Flesh-toned peaches and eggplants

    I made these because I’m a dirty old man.

    Jen Lewis / BuzzFeed

    22. Bruno Mars as well as the Bruno solar system

    23. Hmmm...

    24. Me and Carly Rae Jepsen looking like we're best friends at a barbecue even though we are not best friends, nor have we ever gone to a barbecue together

    25. A headline to convince my family that I'm dating Bill Murray

    26. The intro to Law & Order: SVU as the intro to "All Star" by Smash Mouth

    27. A presentation explaining why this promotional image for Lisa Frank bedding doesn't physically make sense to me

    28. The BuzzFeed homepage to be all about Doug and nothing else, as it should be

    29. Kanye as one of the parents on Rugrats

    30. This screenshot of Chuckie and Phil to look like Macklemore and Ed Sheeran (they weren't smiling or touching, they were actually very upset because Chuckie's shirt shrunk)

    31. This bad weed joke about Rob Lowe

    32. Honestly not sure

    33. "Bey Arnold!" (I stand by this one)

    34. Bob Ross painting a masterpiece

    35. My friend Matt as a guinea pig

    36. My boss as a tooth

    37. Thomas the Tank Engine where his face is replaced with the smoke detector from my office's ceiling

    38. Pepe as a teen hunk on Arthur

    39. Barney sneaking up on my coworker because I had nothing else to do that day

    40. Winnie the Pooh looking at a drawing of Skeeter and Roger making out

    41. Miley twerking at the VMAs except it's Jar Jar