I Photoshopped My Friend's Plant Into Famous Movie Posters To Make Up For The Fact That I Maybe Killed It

    What have I done.

    My name is Jen and I'm terrible at two things: plant-sitting and apologies.

    I started photoshopping my friend's plant into movie posters while it was still alive and thriving...

    I'm photoshopping the plant I'm plant-sitting into movie posters and sending them to its mom. It's going well!

    ...but at some point it lost 60% of its leaves and I feel terrible. So, without further ado, here's my best friend's plant in 14 movie posters to make up for the fact that I maybe killed it.

    1. Plant of the Apes

    2. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Plant

    3. The Reveplant

    4. Plantz

    5. Plantum of Solace

    6. Bicentennial Plant

    7. Plantasia

    8. Star Wars: Episode I – The Plantom Menace

    9. Plant-Man

    10. Plant Hardly Wait

    11. Plantastic Four

    12. Plantastic Mr. Fox

    13. Bad Planta

    14. Save the Last Plant