We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Just 45 Little Upgrades For Your Home This Summer

    These little upgrades will make hangin' at home this summer even better. ☀️

    1. A set of blackout curtains that'll block out between 85% to 99% of light so your bedroom feels like the coziest cave when you want to hide away from the world (and, you know, sleep in for once). They also have an insulating effect to help keep your room cooler in the summer!

    If you don't want to drill into the wall to install curtains, we recommend going with either a tension rodCommand hooks, or brackets that connect to existing blinds. In the winter, these'll also help keep your room warmer!

    Promising review: "I bought these for keeping it cooler in the house in the summer as running the AC costs a lot of $$$ where I'm at...where even setting the thermostat to 72 we get a $700 electric bill. You can literally walk up to being within a foot of them and you can feel the heat, because it's retaining it and you can't feel it if you get more than a foot away. I ended buying these that are same style and color for my window in my living room. It keeps the room darker, which is nice for movie watching, and as of right now it's 90 degrees outside and I'm in the house in light sweatpants; it literally is keeping it that cool in here (along with opening windows early morning then closing before it warms up. I looked on my electric company website and my projected bill is only $217, which they show being $150 less from this time last year! Loved the price on these as well, much better than I expected!" —Karen

    Get them in black from Amazon for $20.67+ (available in many sizes and colors).

    2. Or sheer curtains for a light, summery feel that'll brighten up a room and let that good sunlight stream in. They'll make the room feel bigger too! 

    You can also layer blackout curtains with sheers and keep them tied back when not in use! I use this method in my living room (it's handy to still have the blackout curtains for watching movies or playing games during the day) and it works great.

    Promising review: "I bought a pair of these last summer for my bedroom as I was looking for a light, airy summery feel, which I got the moment they were up. Decided to order another pair at this summer for my guest room and again I love them. They are light, breezy, and really open up the room and let the light in. I recommend them highly." —MariLynn C. Fuhrer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.39+ (available in 15 sizes and 18 colors).

    3. An expandable wall gardening system so you can start using your fences and walls as vertical growing space for flowers, herbs, and veggies. This genius system even has a built-in adjustable dripper (when you hook the planters up to a hose) to handle watering for you!

    Promising review: "Where have these been all my life?! I have always grown herbs and had a garden the traditional way (in pots or in a garden bed). I love these because my husband and I travel a lot, so we're able to hook these babies up to a water source and timer...and voila!!!! Plants are stayin' alive! I bought three panels, but am going to order more and do a whole wall of the house." —Yee Jensen

    Get an eight-pot section from Amazon for $99.

    4. A soundproofing strip if the walls in your apartment building are paper thin and you'd really rather not hear car horns or your neighbor's loud music while you're working from home. There's another big benefit as well: These can prevent cold air from escaping under your door, saving you $$$ on summer AC bills!

    Reviewer pic of the soundproofing strip installed on a door
    A reviewer showing a close-up of the insulation on the strip

    Promising review: "Finally got around to putting this in. New neighbors have obnoxious kids and this helps block out their foul-mouthed yelling and other annoying sounds outside. It is two strips per roll, which is actually the width needed for my windows, door, and sliding glass door. I used a chopstick to push it into place since the spaces in my windows were exactly the width of each strip. I was amazed at how much sound this managed to block out, and it will likely do wonders for letting air escape during the hot summers here as well. I wish I’d put it in sooner and will be ordering more to finish sealing my sliding glass door." —Tabitha

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97+ (available in four colors and two lengths).

    5. And a three-layer door stopper you can install (and by "install" we mean peel and stick!) underneath your door if there's a pesky gap letting out your cold air (or letting *in* those creepy crawlies trying to escape the heat outside). 

    the white door stopper attached to a door
    The doorstopper showing it touches the ground and doesn't let light or sound past it

    Promising review: "I’m renting an apartment and my front door doesn’t brush up against the floor. There was about an inch gap which was annoying because it meant light, noise, and bugs could get in. Ever since I’ve installed this, I’ve had almost no bugs, no light, and so much less sound! It’s great. The sound-blocking is especially amazing because my bedroom is near the front door and I hated hearing my neighbors conversations clear as day in the stairwell. It’s not totally noise cancelling but it’s so much better." —airazedy

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in four colors).

    6. high-voltage insect zapper for hanging near wherever people will be hanging out the most in your backyard, whether it's by the pool, patio, or fire pit. It eliminates mosquitoes, gnats, flies, and other bugs with wings that are undeniably the worst part of lounging around outside. 

    the blue insect zapper hanging under a patio
    close-up look at the bug zapper with dead bugs inside

    It has a range of up to 1,500 square feet!

    Promising review: "Perfect for summer days. Absolutely in love with this product. We’ve been avoiding being outside in the evenings due to gnarly mosquito bites. But ever since we bought this product, it hasn’t been an issue! Highly recommend and try it out for yourself. You won’t regret it!" —Venus

    Get it from Amazon for $26.90+ (available in three colors and another style). 

    7. An oscillating tower fan because trying to sleep in hot, stale air is simply ✨ the worst ✨ but so are high energy bills. This bladeless fan cools your room quietly and efficiently, with six speed options and a remote so you don't even have to leave your bed to adjust. It's perfect if you plan on basically hibernating until fall. 

    Promising review: "GO BUY THIS NOWWWWW!!! My room has been hot for over FIVE months now with no AC. Especially now with summer, I almost feel like I want to pass out. I’m so glad I got this. It’s been two hours now since we got it in the mail and our room has completely turned around from hot to freezing cold. I can’t believe I’m saying this. I have purchased over three fans the past few months and this one tops it all." —Inca

    Get it from Amazon for $89.99 (also available in a smart Wi-Fi version).

    8. And an outdoor fan for your porch or patio because keeping the air circulating won't just keep things cool; it'll also help cut down on the bugs that linger while you're outside trying to enjoy the fresh air.

    the outdoor fan hung in a tree
    the outdoor fan mounted in a corner on a patio

    This weatherproof fan has a fully sealed and permanently lubricated industrial motor to protect it against wetness.

    Promising review: "Great fan at a good price! I bought this fan for my backyard to help circulate the air in hot days and to help deter mosquitoes at night around the fire pit. This fan worked perfectly. It has three speeds, the highest of which is super strong. The fan at high speed is a bit noisy, but nothing unexpected of a powerful fan. It is also 100% waterproof, which is a must. My only minor issues would be 1) it would be nice if the fan came with a cover for when it’s not used (I bought 20-inch tire storage covers to do the job), and 2) the fan is only adjustable up and down not side to side — if they could make it oscillate that would be great. Having said that, I would recommend this fan for sure and would not hesitate to buy it again" —Bigdad

    Get it from Amazon for $106.79+ (available in three sizes).

    9. A dog spot repair solution to address the dirt patches in your backyard caused by pet damage. It's made from a combo of mulch, seeds, and soil designed to help healthy grass regrow in no time.

    Promising review: "I have lacrosse players and dogs and this stuff is amazing. My yard looked like an abandoned lot before this and it literally 'grew anywhere' just like it said. The bag I planted last year actually came back strong this year so I put more down and it is working like a dream!" —chchmom

    Get it from Amazon for $13.10+ (available in five sizes and in packs).

    10. A flexible adjustable mister you can bend to point directly at yourself so you can close your eyes and enjoy the cool, fine mist instead of sweating up a storm under the beating sun. Maybe if your fam asks nicely, you'll let them get a little misting in too. 

    reviewer photo of a green mister outside by someone sunbathing
    reviewer photo of a blue mister attachment wrapped around a pole

    The mister will cool the surrounding area by 20 degrees, and it comes with an interchangeable flower-shaped misting head for a fun, whimsy detail.

    Promising review: "Works exactly how I want it to. Provides a fine, cool mist on the patio, allowing us to enjoy the backyard until sunset without breaking a sweat. Easy to set up. It was out of the box and cooling us off within minutes." —Debra L. Kusek

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    11. hammock so comfortable, it has reviewers swearing off their *actual* beds entirely. Pair it with a refreshing drink and a good book, and it'll become your go-to hangout (or snooze) spot.

    Plus, the stand is easy to assemble, disassemble, and pack up in the included carrying case for storage or travel.

    Promising review: "The cotton fabric is sturdy and breathable. I never feel stuck to it the way I do in a nylon hammock. The set up/take down is super easy and the frame is very sturdy — we have definitely put 300+ pounds in it. The ability to raise and lower the hammock with the multiple hook positions might be the best feature. I have bad knees and like to get into the hammock from a higher position... no problem. My kids like it lower so they can reach the ground to swing it... no problem. It works great as a traditional hammock to lay in. It works as a 'swing' to sit on. It has enough fabric that you can cover up if you're cold or want to block out light or bugs. We have accidentally left it out in the rain several times and it dries great, hasn't faded from the sun, hasn't had any mold, and hasn't developed any weird smell." —Mary

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99 (available in 19 colors).

    12. An air purifier to help keep your home free of indoor allergens like dust and pet dander as well as outdoor irritants that slip in like pollen and smoke (especially during wildfire season). This works quietly in the background to clean your air — all you have to do is replace the HEPA filter as needed!

    editor's cat next to the white air purifier
    editor's old filter that's gray with captured dust and dander, next to a brand new replacement filter that's pure white
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    I picked this air purifier up a while back to help manage the ~smell~ that sometimes wafts from my cats' litter box when it starts to get full, and to help keep my NYC apartment air cleaner in general. I'm also (lol) extremely allergic to cats, and though I get allergy shots for this, it's also nice to help cut down on the pet dander for myself and any visitors with allergies. This thing makes a DIFFERENCE. It cuts down on any noticeable smell from the cats, my air feels cleaner, and my allergies are usually non-existent in the apartment. 

    I was *especially* grateful to have this recently when Canadian wildfires brought smoke all the way down to NYC, where the AQI (air quality index) was over 400 at some points (for those who don't know, that's BAD). It helped keep the air inside my apartment as clean as possible, which made me feel better for myself and my kitties. Since I have a one-bedroom, I'll likely pick up a second one just so I don't have to move it back and forth at night. Oh, and it's fairly quiet — it basically functions as white noise, which can be handy if you run this at night in the bedroom too.

    Depending on your usage and environment, it's recommended to replace the filter every 3–6 months — replacements are available on Amazon. (You can see the difference between my old filter and a new replacement one above!)

    Get it from Amazon for $54.97 when you clip the $35 off coupon. 

    13. set of two cooling pillows if sleeping on the "cool side" is something you like to do — especially in the summer. No more flipping your pillow over constantly — reviewers say these keep you cool all night long, and they're filled with a plush gel fiber that provides just the right amount of support. If you've ever wish you could bring those fancy hotel pillows home with you...now you can.

    A flattened pillow in plastic next to another pillow that has fully inflated
    Reviewer pushing the pillow to show how plush it is

    Promising review: "These had great reviews but I was still a bit skeptical. I'm a bit of a pillow snob. I usually require about three pillows for just myself, not including my husband. I like to sleep propped up a bit so my sinuses don't get stopped up at night. My old pillows would require three to nine adjustments a night for me to be comfortable again. These pillows — these amazing, heavenly pillows — are now my favorite part of going to bed. Soft but firm. How does that work? It gives support for me to sleep slightly propped up but I sink into this comfortable personal cloud. Soft, but firm. My head isn't sinking through the pillow to rest on my mattress, but I feel comfortably enveloped. Now mind you, I have one very cheap Walmart pillow behind it so I'm not against my headboard, but even still. Heaven. I bought two but think that would be too much fluff so now my husband and I each have one. Buy them. Add to cart. Buy now with one click. Stop the research. You've found the pillows you were looking for." —Marissa Urey

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $61.37+ (available in queen and king sizes).

    14. And to pair with them (or your current pillows), a set of two cooling pillowcases made with Japanese cooling fibers designed to absorb body heat away from you as you sleep. 

    Promising review: "Finally found pillows that are worth every penny!!! I am buying more ASAP! I have a sweating problem and also have my bedroom on the third floor of my home so the heat rises, which doesn’t help my hot flashes at all! I have a hard time finding a pillowcase that isn’t sticky feeling, too hot to lay on, etc. I really appreciate that there is a zipper on one end of each pillowcase to zip up your pillow to help your pillow inside from slipping or falling out! These pillowcases are cool to the touch, super soft, and they are super comfortable to lay on, to the point I woke up with drool all over my face from my remarkable amount of great sleep I had! This pillowcase doesn’t get that overwhelming warm sticky feeling after laying on it for a while. It stays comfortable to lay on all through the night! I’m incredibly happy and grateful to finally find pillowcases that are exactly what anyone with sweating issues and hot flashes need and want in pillowcases." —CosmeticatedReviews

    Get them from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in standard, queen, and king sizes and in 20 colors).  

    15. And!! A set of hotel-worthy cooling bed sheets you *won't* wake up hot and sweaty in. Silky soft and breathable, these popular sheets feel ~expensive~ but aren't, with over 188,000 (!) 5-star ratings backing up their incredible value.

    White bed sheets on a bed with matching pillows

    Promising review: "I am a very hot sleeper therefore, I am very picky about my sheets. These sheets are very comfortable and do not make me hot. They are soft and very comfortable. Also, the company is great to work with! Excellent customer service! When my sheets arrived, there was a small problem with the fitted sheet so I emailed them (the sheets came with a flier with their contact info) and they sent me another fitted sheet right away. They said they are a family owned business and really want the customer to have a great experience. I was impressed with that level of service especially in this day and age! Bottom line: great sheets, excellent customer service and great price! Do not hesitate to buy!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in twin–split king sizes and 45 colors).

    16. An Alexa-compatible energy-efficient air conditioner that can help ease your (usually painful) energy bills in the summer, as it saves over 35% on energy compared to traditional window AC units. Now you can lean back and enjoy not only your comfortably chilled room, but the sweet feeling of more money in your pocket too. 

    the window ac unit in a window
    app screenshot showing reviewer's garage AC set at 75

    Since the AC is Wi-Fi-enabled, you can control it from anywhere using the MideaAir app (available on both iOS and Android). You can also use voice control with Alexa or Google Assistant.

    Promising review: "I don’t usually write product reviews, but I am now because this is one of the best household products I have ever bought. This Midea U-shaped AC is an ingenious design that is basically a split AC system mounted in a window, with the window closing almost all the way through the middle of the unit. The result is a much quieter and more efficient unit, with the noisy part that generates heat on the outside of the closed window. It also looks sleek and modern and the remote control and app are great. I have thought many times 'I wish someone would make a split AC system that can fit in a window without having to install separate units on the roof or wall,' and now they have!" —Ben

    Get it from Amazon for $379+ (available with three BTU levels).

    17. A good-quality pressure washer to blast away all the caked-up mud, dirt, and dust on your deck, patio furniture, fences, rugs, and more — so you can rediscover what your outdoor surfaces *actually* look like.

    the sun joe pressure washer and the sidewalk in the middle of being cleaned, with the already cleaned part looking drastically better
    a fence partially cleaned with the pressure washer, with the already cleaned side looking fresh and almost new

    Promising review: "Easy to use. Minimum maintenance. Works great. Have already power washed my new deck to prep for sanding and staining. Pressure washed my shed and driveway to improve our curb appeal. Worked great pressure washing the kids summer toys and the plastic lawn furniture. Has not had any major issues yet." —pjrilstu

    Get it from Amazon for $169.53.

    18. Or a bleach-free outdoor cleaner that's especially effective on concrete and stone, but can be used on any part of your yard where you need to wash away layers of dust, dirt, and grime. It hooks directly to your garden hose to deliver a deep foaming clean.

    a dirty dull looking sidewalk
    the same sidewalk after being cleaned, looking much brighter, lighter, and cleaner

    Promising review: "I first used this product about two years ago on the awning on my RV. That awning was so bad, that I thought I was going to have to replace it. After using this Scott's product as directed, the mold and mildew completely disappeared. This product definitely works and it works GREAT! What more can I say — it saved me nearly $500." —R. Latreille

    Get it from Amazon for $10.98 (also available in larger sizes).

    19. Vacuum-sealed bags capable of transforming your closet's ever-teetering avalanche of stuff into an organized stack with room to spare. Watching the air get sucked out the bags will be *almost* as satisfying as when you see all the extra space in your closet that's somehow magically appeared out of nowhere. 

    This is a photo of a closet that's open. Blankets fill up the closet from the floor to the ceiling. There are at least 13 different blankets in varying thicknesses and colors.
    A photo shows the same closet with most of the blankets stored in vacuum-sealed bags at the bottom of it. Four blankets sit on top that aren't in the vacuum-sealed bags. There's about a foot and a half of space from its ceiling to the top blanket.

    So long (for now), winter clothes, thick bedding, and blankets!

    Promising review: "I don't know why I didn't think of getting one of these years ago. I had piles of winter clothes, quilts, and bedspreads all over. Now, they are packaged neatly in my closet. I feel so much better. My bedroom (and spare room) are neat and I don't have to feel guilty about not having put them away." —Super Librarian

    Get a pack of five from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in sizes small–jumbo and also in a 10-pack).

    20. And clear shelf dividers to help separate piles of T-shirts and tanks in your closet so everything doesn't just become one big jumble. It lets you stack things more efficiently, looks neater, and will help you find what you need much more quickly.

    Promising review: "Love these acrylic shelf dividers! They make my closet look so neat and organized. I used them to divide shelves that hold my folded workout tops. I used a folding helper tool like the ones retail stores use, which gives my folded clothes a uniform width/look, and by using two dividers on each shelf, I can fit three stacks perfectly on my 30-inch wide shelves. I am ordering more to add to my shelves with sweaters!" —Aimee Lonergan

    Get them from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in two sizes and in packs of two, four, or six).

    21. Or a Roll Keeper organizer letting you utilize the back of your bedroom or closet door for storing and organizing your prized T-shirt collection. It's neat, space-efficient, and *actually* helps you find that vintage band tee you're in the mood to wear without tearing through your entire closet and drawers.

    the buzzfeed writer's closet door closed with several shirts hanging from a hook at the top of the door. The shirts are attached by rolling them up and putting them through stretchy loops
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    The Roll Keeper is a woman-owned small business from Kelso, Washington! And if you need help learning how to load and unload the Roll Keeper, you can watch this handy video.

    BuzzFeed Shopping writer Mal Mower says, "Before getting this I was driving myself up the wall with my bad folding habits. I basically shoved all my shirts into the storage drawers under my bed, because I have a teeny-tiny closet in a small apartment (the picture above gives you a solid idea of how small it is). This has given me a massive amount of clothing storage I didn't have before. The quality is stellar and Traci is 10/10 the most thoughtful person I've purchased an Etsy product from!"

    Get it from The Roll Keeper on Etsy for $17.99 (available in two colors) or from Amazon for $23.99

    22. A mini sprinkler pool so you can convert your backyard into a splash park during that brutal heat wave when everyone needs a way to cool off ASAP. Plus, it has an adorable ABCs design on the bottom so the kiddos can learn in between splashing.

    Several reviewers shared that this little pool kept their kids engaged for hours. Even dogs like this pool, according to reviewers, and it's held up well even after pups have been on it.

    Promising review: "My kids love this. It is soo easy to plug the hose into and turn the water on and the kids can have hours of fun. Once the kids are done playing, I disconnect the hose let the water drain, and hang it over the porch." —Austin

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95+ (available in four styles).

    23. A convenient cereal dispenser because the kids are out of school for the summer, but you don't have time to cook them a full breakfast every morning! This turns the mess of cereal boxes crammed into your pantry into a sleek storage solution that's easily accessible *and* lets you see at a glance how much is left. Each container holds an entire family-sized box of cereal!

    Check it out in this TikTok

    Promising reviews: "I fill these during summer break so my daughter can serve herself when she wakes up. They hold a lot of cereal and are fun to use." —Amazon Customer

    "We have three kids and a very small kitchen with very little cabinet/counter space!!! We used to keep our cereal boxes on top of our refrigerator, but I've been trying to declutter and also come up with a solution for our kids to be able to get their own cereal in the mornings. THIS IS IT!!!! It looks great on our counter, and we have very little space, so it fits just right! This has been the perfect solution to giving our kids the independence they need to get their own breakfast! It has been a lifesaver!!! Love it!!!" —tenle

    Get it from Amazon for $33.15.

    24. A magnetic mesh cover to keep air circulating and let pets go in and out without pawing at the door every half hour, closing automatically behind them thanks to the magnetism. It *also* keeps mosquitos, gnats, flies, and other flying pests out of your home!

    a screen door with a mesh cover over it that connects magnetically in the middle
    chickens waiting outside the closed mesh door

    Heads up, friends: The brand and reviewers strongly urge you to measure your door first. I know you think you have a standard door size but what if it's...not? Double-check.

    Promising review: "I initially bought one for my back patio and loved it. It was great for allowing air to circulate and for keeping flies out during the summer. So I ended up buying another for the front door. It's great for pets too to act like a doggy door. The product really works and does exactly what it states. I highly recommend this product!" —Frank Zapata

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97+ (available in three styles; comes with the screen door, a roll of hook and loop, and a pack of push pins).

    25. Or a genius Pop Up Pet Door designed to be set up between your wall and a sliding glass door, providing easy access for dogs or cats to go in and out as they like while keeping the AC in and the bugs out. Our fur babes deserve to enjoy the nice weather too!

    Two adorable dogs coming through and sitting next to the pet door
    A gif of a person installing the pet door in their sliding door
    Pop Up Pet Door on Etsy

    Pop Up Pet Door is a Carlsbad, California-based Etsy shop specializing in easy to install pet doors.

    Promising review: "SO great! The pet door is everything they said it would be: lightweight, easy install and transportable! My cat loves being able to go on the balcony without having someone open the door for her. I love it already." —Kita

    Get it from Pop Up Pet Door on Etsy for $74.99+ (available in three sizes).

    26. Ninja air fryer for days when standing over the hot stove is gonna be a big "NOPE" from you (but you still want a yummy meal for dinner).

    An air fryer with its drawer pulled out and fried chicken wings sitting inside
    plate of food with steak, salad, potato, and lobster

    The air fryer can cook raw and frozen foods and it's good for preparing french fries, sweet potato nuggets, chicken wings, and more.

    Promising review: "This unit takes up less counter space than any of my other kitchen appliances and cleans up faster. It holds just enough for two people to share a meal with no leftovers, not to mention conveniently and quickly heating up leftover food that might go to waste because there's not enough to bother turning on the oven. This air fryer has become my new microwave, and improves the taste and crisps the texture of foods much better than a microwave can do. Compared to other air fryers I've looked at, this unit is easier to use and clean, at the best price. And it doesn't heat up the kitchen, which matters a lot during our hot Austin summers." —Austin Shopper

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99.

    27. And a Yonanas fruit soft-serve maker to convert your favorite frozen fruits into a smooth and creamy sorbet-like treat in a matter of minutes — what better comfort when the temps outside are soaring? Strawberry-banana, mango, kiwi, blueberries... the options are endless, and if you're vegan or have dietary restrictions that prevent you from having ice cream, this lets you get in on the action as well.

    The black device on a table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Promising review: "I saw one of these in action at a friend's house like five years ago and thought it was just a made up memory, because making ice cream out of solely frozen fruit seems wild. But when I saw a TikTok about it I immediately went to Amazon and bought it. Literally this was the BEST decision of my life. I cannot believe still how amazing this thing is! It makes the creamiest, best-tasting fruit ice cream ever. It’s easy to take apart and clean, and super easy to use." —DMCKAY

    Get it from Amazon for $39.50+ (available in six colors). 

    28. Some waterproof globe lights so your outdoor gatherings can continue long into the night. Hang them along your roofline, drape them on outdoor structures, or just string them up solo to give your backyard the most magical vibe.

    globe lights strung up along a patio fence
    reviewer pic of lights strung up above a patio area

    Reviewers note that you should remove the bulbs before stringing up the strands and then install the bulbs.

    Promising review: "I am loving my new lights! Just got them up in time for hanging out on the back deck for springtime. They give a great outdoor cafe feel to my back deck. I advise purchasing extra light bulbs when purchasing these lights. It comes with one extra, but they are extremely fragile/delicate. We ended up breaking four total during the hanging process." —charlee harris

    Get a strand from Amazon for $17.95 (available in four styles and four lengths).

    29. chic outdoor patio set to create a cozy hangout space outdoors, whether you're working with a small balcony, porch, or full-sized patio. Pair it with a nice rug, some pouf footstools, and some boho-style pillows to really cozy it up and draw the space together!

    It comes with the two chairs and small matching glass table.

    Promising review: "Exactly what I was looking for. Construction seems sturdy. Dimensions and style were perfect for the small patio space I was looking to get use out of, and the egg shape of the chairs is very comfortable. I paired them with a seagrass outdoor rug, faux fur chair pads, a beanbag style poof footstool, and some boho throw pillows, and love how the space was instantly transformed. I highly recommend this set." —Baby blues

    Get it from Amazon for $149.99+ (available in five colors).

    30. A durable, fast-drying outdoor area rug for laying down on your porch or patio. Not only can it withstand storms and other wear and tear; it also brings the whole look of your decor together and makes your patio feel like a cozy oasis.

    It's super easy to clean — just wash it off with the garden hose if it gets dirty, and it'll dry in no time!

    Promising review: "We have purchased this rug three times! Fits perfectly on our outdoor deck. Holds up for the summer, rain, wind, dust, heat. It will start to fade by end of summer. We put it out on deck in April and stays up until October. (about 7 months). It is exposed to all weather, tree sap, pine needles and sun so it does fade by October. Price is great! Our dog loves it, too. It can withstand dogs running, jumping, scratching and rolling on it. You can vacuum it with outdoor vac. We recycle it each year and in spring put out a new one!" —Margaret J. Batcheler

    Get an 8x10 rug from Amazon for $109 (available in 11 sizes and in two styles).

    31. Clear refrigerator bins because with your busy summer schedule, letting food go bad in the fridge is VERY easy. This isn't just an aesthetic upgrade; it'll also let you see everything you've bought at a glance and, you know, actually use it so your grocery store trips aren't just money down the drain.

    A customer review photo of their organized fridge
    A customer review photo of their organized fridge

    You get five drawers and one egg holder! These are great for stashing drinks, produce, and other commonly used items.

    Promising review: "I love these things so much. I just got my first apartment with my boyfriend and it looked so messy in our little fridge and now it looks really appealing and everything is easy to get to. The quality of them is so good, I’m honestly impressed they’re very sturdy and the egg holder is so cute and holds 14 eggs!" —Faith Sperry

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $16.99 (available in four colors and also in a set of 12). 

    32. And a macrame hammock — hanging your summer fruit and veggies will let them ~breathe~ and also free up space on your kitchen counter! It makes it so much easier to quickly grab an apple as you head out the door, or reach for an onion while you're in the middle of a recipe, and you'll always know at a glance whether you're running low.

    buzzfeed editor's green basket hanging underneath a cabinet
    The macrame net hung below a cabinet with wood dowels and hooks
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed, Knapps Knots / Etsy

    This cute macrame hanging basket is handcrafted by Knapps Knots, a San Diego-based macramé and wood craft shop run by Anastasia Knapp, who is originally from Ukraine. 

    I own this macrame basket (in the Cactus shade) and *highly* recommend it if you're looking to add a cozy touch to your kitchen. As someone with a relatively small NYC kitchen, I need every bit of counter space I can get, and this lets me keep produce out without having to take up space with a fruit basket or banana stand. I'm a big fan of utilizing vertical space as storage, and this does just that; plus, it allows for ventilation to help your fruit stay fresh for longer. I'm constantly cooking with onions or grabbing an apple as a mid-day snack, and having them right there at an arm's reach is sooo nice. BTW, these come with hooks that screw directly into a cabinet, but if you (like me) want to avoid that damage, I recommend using Command hooksI'm using four of these small toggle hooks and they've held up the basket *with* produce in it wonderfully.

    Get it from Knapps Knots on Etsy for $27.90+ (available in two sizes and 12 colors).

    33. Cute summery shelf liners that are as practical as they are pretty. Their anti-slip, easy-to-clean, slightly cushioned design makes them perfect for lining your drawers, shelves, and even the inside of your fridge, providing protection against damage and messes as well as a seasonal look you can appreciate on the daily.

    close up look at the flower shelf liner
    the flower shelf liner inside cabinets

    It comes in a roll, which you can then cut to size as needed!

    Promising reviews: "I wanted something that was easy to cut and waterproof to put under the sinks in my house to hopefully stop any cabinet water damage that could happen. I love the happy daisy print. This seems to be working great so far!" —TheStirnemanns

    "My mom recommended these after I complained about having to take the fridge shelves out to scrub them. Very easy to use. One roll did all three shelves of my medium-size fridge. I cut them to fit; they clung down easily. Very easy to wipe down, and the little daisies are so cute! Brightens up the shelves." —Lauren Skiba

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in two floral designs and nine sizes). 

    34. cosmic-themed fire pit, complete with moons and stars etched into the sides, so you can set up an area for s'mores, late-night chats, and star-gazing. Cozy ambiance, here we come.

    a black fire pit with moons and stars etched into the sides
    the cosmic themed fire pit at night

    It's made of thick durable steel and covered with rust-resistant, high-temperate pain. And the effect of the light shining through the moon and stars at night? Stunning.

    Promising review: "Got this as part of our backyard renovation project. Shipping was super fast, received it earlier than expected. Large fire pit, super easy to assemble. It’s a sturdy piece! I read the reviews and decided to take some precautions — we drilled 3 drain holes at the base, fast and easy to do. We also bought a cover just in case. Used it the same day during a chilly NC night to watch an outdoor movie with friends and blankets in the backyard. Worked amazingly and kept us toasty. Love the cutouts! Friends asked where we got it all night. Would recommend to anyone!" —Isabel

    Get it from Amazon for $239.

    35. And classic, comfortable, weather-resistant Adirondack chairs to replace your mismatched assortment of camping chairs. They're made of a plastic material that looks like real wood but is resistant to rot — a good thing since you'll want to just leave them outside parked by the fire pit.

    If you've never sat in an Adirondack chair before, I can testify to their comfort. My parents have a set of these that sit outside by their fire pit in Missouri year-round, and we've sat in them for hours during countless bonfires. The angle of the seat feels great on your back as it's helping relieve pressure on your spine, and the wide arm rests give you a place to lay your arms and relax your shoulders as well.

    Promising review: "It took me about 25 minutes to assemble, I will admit I was a little overwhelmed at first, but luckily the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. The finished product was well worth it. The wood look finish is even prettier in person. It has somewhat of a gloss to it but not too much; it looks gorgeous when the sun is beaming on it. Totally surpassed my expectations! The color is also just what I was expecting from the pictures, so it matches the rest of my decor perfectly. The chair is quite heavy; it is totally designed to last! I am sure I will get many years of use out of this. A gorgeous new addition to my backyard." —Barby4321

    Get them from Amazon for $139.99+ each (available in 13 colors).

    36. Prismatic window film that'll add a little more privacy while letting the strong summer sun cast gorgeous rainbows across the room during the day. It gives the coziest stained glass effect at night, and knowing no nosy passerby can peek inside your windows only makes your home feel more like a sanctuary.

    the prismatic window film on a window with sunlight streaming through and rainbow prisms
    the prismatic window film applied to a kitchen window

    Promising review: "I live in an apartment community and I wanted to find a solution to cover up my windows without using my blinds/curtains. Let me just say...wow! This beyond exceeded my expectations. Not only does it give me the privacy I need, but the way the lights reflect in the daytime AND nighttime is just breathtaking! In the morning when the sun shines through, tiny little rainbows get casted all over the bedroom! At night it looks so cozy, warm, and has a beautiful, realistic stained glass look to it." —Katie Coyle

    Get a 17.5"x78.7" roll from Amazon for $7.98 (available in 11 sizes).

    37. Floating bookshelves if you're finally getting serious about reading this summer and want a cool way to display your collection (as well as keep it off the floor). These clever shelves make it look like the books are floating there in place, and they'll double as decor you'll want to just stand back and admire every time you walk by.

    multiple stacks of books mounted on a reviewer's wall using the floating bookshelves
    showing the book how it fits onto the book shelf bracket

    Promising review: "Super chic way of organizing our many books and keeping them off windowsills and other non-book surfaces. This was a great solution and we didn’t have to buy ANOTHER furniture piece — win!" —EmGeeBond

    Get them from Amazon for $11.50+ (available individually or in a set of three, in two sizes, and in silver or white).

    38. A sleek Beast countertop blender that'll become the MVP of your kitchen this summer since you can use it to crush ice and fruit for chilled, DELICIOUS smoothies. And not only is it *not* an eyesore like most blenders; it's also designed to be extremely quiet so the entire household doesn't get a wake-up call when you turn it on. 

    Reviewer using their cloud white beast blender to crush ice
    Reviewer holding their cloud white beast blender with a green blend inside
    Maitland Quitmeyer / BuzzFeed

    Another cool feature: The blending vessel turns into a cup for drinking directly out of! It comes with a drinking lid + carry cap for taking on the go. 

    My former colleague Britt Ross says: "I got this blender over the summer, and wow, as someone who had firmly decided I was an 'I don't need a blender' person, I quickly changed my mind after the first use. For starters, it's not as large as those super industrial-strength blenders, and it's so aesthetically pleasing that I have it out on my counter at all times. Plus, it couldn't be easier to use — just fill the bowl with your ingredients, pulse, and in a matter of ~moments~, you'll have a perfectly uniform blend of whatever you're trying to blitz. I first tried it out on a smoothie made with frozen bananas and peaches (see it in action on TikTok here!), and it pulverized the icy fruit like a champ. Best of all? It's a total breeze to clean, which, if I'm being honest, was probably the biggest factor in my having waited so long to add a blender to my kitchen arsenal. I can't recommend it enough, 15/10, no notes." For more deets, check out BuzzFeed's full Beast blender review!

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $140 (originally $165; available in three colors).

    39. Interlocking Teak tiles if you're itching to redo your patio, bathroom, or pool area. You can lay these on any hard, flat surface, and they snap together easily without needing tools or glue. The results: a spa-like vibe that'll let you pretend you're on a summer getaway. 

    Reviewer's shower in with the tiles on the bottom
    a balcony with the teak tile laid down

    Promising review: "Completely transformed my shower! Our boring white shower floor was a terrible texture that always looked dirty — I was able to fix that with one box of these tiles! It now feels like a spa. I treated the wood with Teak oil as it will be getting wet every day, and I don’t want it to fade too quickly (I can tell that it will if you do not treat). I also had to buy an anti-slip mat to go between this and the hard plastic shower floor as the black grid on the bottom is also hard plastic and would slide everywhere. This was a much easier, cheaper fix than hiring someone or retiling myself." —Heather Rodd

    Get 10 sq. ft from Amazon for $73.79.

    40. A raised garden bed in case you're looking to dip your toes into gardening — this has over 8 cubic feet of space for growing veggies, flowers, succulents, and more, with six drainage holes at the bottle to help the roots aerate and let excess water escape. And the taller height means less bending over and strain on your back!

    two of the wooden raised garden beds outside filled with plants
    small plants planted in soil inside the raised garden beds

    This comes in smaller sizes if space is really limited!

    Promising review: "Love this product for so many reasons. The raised design keeps our dogs and nature friends out of the garden. It's great for elderly and people with back or knee problems. You can still garden. Easy to put together. We got a 4-foot garden. Possibly overloaded it, but we have four tomato plants, three eggplants, three green peppers, three red peppers, and three strawberries. Highly recommend." —Cybil

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99+ (available in three sizes and three finishes).

    41. Or a galvanized garden bed designed to last for many, many years without risk of rot. They're easily assembled and a budget-friendly option for container gardeners!

    Promising review: "I ordered the raised flower bed because I just couldn't prep my hard ground for a garden. It arrived a week sooner than it said it would be here, and it took me about 20 minutes to put it together. It saved me hours of unnecessary work, and my garden looks great." —Christine Hanaki

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99+ (available in three sizes and five colors).

    42. A set of groovy archway light switch covers because swapping out those boring white covers for something a little more exciting is such an easy (and rental-friendly) way to add more personality to your space. And what a fun way to add a pop of color for summer!

    the blue, pink, and yellow light switch next to a bed
    a red, blue, and yellow single flip plate cover

    MindFlowers is a woman-owned small biz creating '60s and '70s-inspired clothing, accessories, and home decor. Her psychedelic designs are meant to empower any and everybody with a focus on eco-friendly production. Check out some of the gorgeous designs + how easily they're installed in this TikTok.

    Promising review: "Beautifully packaged and the plate was better than I imagined. Sleek colors, just like image online, and super easy to put on. Absolutely love it. Thank you very much." —Hayley W. 

    Get a two-pack from MindFlowers for $40+ (available in 10 switch types and many styles, with customization available). And check out their full collection for lots of other groovy designs!

    43. A set of macrame plant hangers — hang some of your plant bbs in these by a sunny window to save space *and* keep nibbling-prone pets from taking bites out of them. By elevating your plants, they really become a gorgeous piece of decor; plus, these hangers will help show off your prettiest planters by bringing them up to eye level!

    macrame hanging planters
    a plant hanging in one of the macrame hangers
    www.amazon.com, Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    I am a Lazy Plant Mom who used to let my new plants sit around in the plain pots they came in for wayyy too long, but since I finally got around to transferring them into cute pots and hanging some of them, it's made *such* a huge difference in my home. I've now bought this set of macrame hangers twice, and they were super easy to install all on my own; it took me (as someone who is *not* good with a drill) maybe five minutes tops per hanger. Each hanger has a slightly different design for a varied look, and they are super sturdy! I have a HEAVY ceramic pot holding a big golden pothos in one of my hangers, and it's holding up just fine. Trailing plants look particularly striking when hung, but I have some of my smaller plants in these hangers too and they look great! And as a cat mom, these let me hang my non–pet safe plants so they're out of reach of my curious kitties as well. 

    Get the set of four from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two colors). 

    44. A bundle of fresh eucalyptus for hanging in your shower to provide some luxe-feeling aromatherapy when it steams up. It'll smell *heavenly* while you're washing off all the dirt and sweat from the day, and the oil in eucalyptus can help clear your sinuses too. Plus, it'll make your shower feel more like a tropical retreat!

    A bundle of eucalyptus hanging from a shower head
    Eucalyptus Blooms / Etsy

    These bundles are put together and sold by Eucalyptus Blooms, a small woman-owned shop based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

    Promising review: "Exceeded my expectations!!! I received my bundle quickly and it was packaged well. Very fragrant and I appreciated the hook that was included with the bundle to hang it right in my shower. I am definitely enjoying the aroma of eucalyptus as I shower." —Mcjunkinst

    Get it from Eucalyptus Blooms on Etsy for $12.59+ (originally $17.99+; available in three sizes and in bundles).

    45. And finally, a discreet pair of waterproof, LED-lit Bluetooth speakers to place around your fire pit, patio, or table so whoever's DJ-ing can control the tunes right from their phone and keep the party going all night long. And because there's two of them, you can position them on opposite sides for a ~surround sound~ effect.

    several of the led lit bluetooth speakers hung around a fire pit
    a speaker hung on a shepherd's hook

    The Bluetooth distance between phone and speaker is up to 33 feet, while the dual pairing distance between the two speakers is up to 66 feet! The handles at the top make them easy to hang, but you can also just set them on the ground or a table!

    Promising review: "The surround sound that we get at night while sitting around the fire pit is wonderful! We invested in shepherd's hooks so that we can relocate wherever we want! Nice." —Denise Peoples

    Get the two-pack from Amazon for $169.98 (available with white lights or rainbow lights).

    Note: Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.