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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    45 Products With Before And After Pics So Unbelievable, I'm Convinced Witchcraft Was Involved

    Get ready to be absolutely entranced by these results. 🪄

    1. Lightweight Cosrx snail mucin essence, a hydrating holy grail for many people with dry, sensitive skin and a gentler, cheaper alternative to many name-brand moisturizers and serums. It's effective on all skin types, and reviewers report seeing improvement after just a few uses! Acne scars, dark spots, and fine lines are about to meet their match. 

    Promising review: "This stuff is incredible. I had suffered from minor acne for almost two years and I finally realized the products I was using were far too harsh for my dry, sensitive skin. After using gentle products and eventually moving onto k-beauty, I found this to lighten all the scarring from the years of picking at my breakouts. My scarring is still a bit noticeable but it was gotten tremendously better thanks to this product and this product alone. Pictures [above] show my acne a while ago and a more recent picture." —Marc

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99

    2. A beloved Folex carpet cleaner to finally tackle that stain on your white carpet that simply won't disappear — or rescue it in an emergency. Whether it's a pet accident, red wine, or a mysterious stain of which you don't even know its origins, this odor-free cleaner will lift it right away, no rinsing needed.

    a set of stairs covered in red sauce stains
    the same set of stairs looking completely clean and stain free

    Promising reviews: "I purchased this cleaner since the reviews were so great. No regrets since it did exactly what it said. Coffee, dirt, and wine stains removed, just like that! It’s easy to use and oh-so-fast too!" —empowered

    "I just removed makeup from my favorite white shirt and my white pillow cases!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn’t bleed the stain further down on cotton and removes on carpet just as well! They are both mind-blowing and easy to use! I love spending my money on products that do what they say they are going to do! No regrets. Stop wasting money and effort on everything else!" —JRreview

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65+ (available in thre sizes and multiple packs).

    3. An ink remover for that ink- or permanent marker-stained item you thought was a lost cause. Just apply this to the mark, let it sit (for up to 12 hours, depending on the stain), and run it through the laundry! You can use this for all sorts of stubborn stains besides just ink, like blood, wine, grass, coffee, and grease stains.

    For permanent markers specifically, reviewers say it does take some time and scrubbing, but they were able to get most if not all of the stain out with persistence!

    Promising review: "Imagine large blobs of permanent blue Sharpie on a white football uniform. Now imagine that the ink had sat on the garment for over a week before the uniform was washed and dried by a mom completely unaware of the ink blobs. This product took out 95%+ of the ink and was easy to use. Now said kiddo does not look like the only one with a spotted jersey. A+ result." —Baby B's Mom

    Get it from Amazon for $7.86+ (available in three sizes and in multipacks).

    4. A leather recoloring balm to bring new life to your well-worn, faded, and scratched-up leather, restoring its smooth, vibrant original appearance. It's great for leather furniture, car interiors, shoes, bags, and more!

    Note: Furniture Clinic (the maker of this product) recommends testing to see if your leather is absorbent before using this product by seeing if a drop of water will soak into the undamaged part of the leather. If the water is able to soak in, use this balm! If it cannot soak in, they recommend using their leather repair paint instead. 

    Promising review: "The sofa in the pictures [above] is 10 years old and well used. My wife and I could not believe the results after using the balm. Really got rid of the cracks. Amazing stuff. Highly recommend it. The two pictures are before and after using the product on one arm of the sofa. Match the color, and it is magic!" —Loyal Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.95 (available in six colors and three kits). 

    5. The iconic Brazilian Bum Bum body cream designed to tighten and smooth skin with its fast-absorbing formula that includes caffeine-rich guarana as the star ingredient, *plus* nourishing cupuacu butter, coconut oil, and acai oil to hydrate and support skin elasticity. And it smells soooo heavenly, you might end up using it as perfume too!

    Promising review: "Like so many, I was brainwashed by TikTok into buying this rather expensive lotion...then I bought one for my mom, and one for my sister and five more for myself as they became harder to find. My favorite thing about it is the smell. Lightly tropical/coconutty but nothing overwhelming. Every time I wear it people say, 'What are you WEARING?' like I have some amazing perfume on. Besides that, it really is a great moisturizer. I’m not usually a sucker for marketing but this was so worth it." —Kristen

    Get it from Amazon for $22+ (available in three sizes). 

    6. A bottle of makeup brush-cleaning shampoo because chances are, your sponges and brushes are overdue for a good cleaning. Made with gentle, plant-based ingredients, this cleanser will remove all the built-up makeup, oil, and impurities from your tools — and watching all the gunk be washed down the sink is *so* satisfying.

    Left: a reviewer holding a brush covered in product. Right: the same brush with the bristles restored to white
    left: a brown looking sponge right: the same sponge looking clean and blue

    This shampoo is hypoallergenic, cruelty-free, and paraben-free.

    I've used Ecotools brush cleaning shampoo for years, and it makes cleaning my brushes so much easier. I just add a bit of the shampoo to my brush and gently rub it against a silicone mat under running water, and it makes quick work of removing all the makeup that's built up on my brush for, frankly, way too long. You'll see the water start running brown immediately, which is always super gross but also really satisfying, and once you see your brush return to its original color, you know you're done. And the bristles are always left as soft as before too!

    Promising review: "I've been skeptical about items that seem like glorified soap but got it as a gift. This cleaned my brushes like nothing else, with just a drop, a few seconds of spreading it around, and literally about 10 seconds of swishing in warm water. It was unbelievable. It took out weeks of caked-on 24-hour concealer and foundation, and left my brush soft and fluffy like it were brand new. I will always use this (and my brushes will always be clean!). It's nothing short of miraculous." —Chloe

    Get it from Amazon for $6.96 (available in two styles and a two-pack).

    7. A bottle of professional-grade callus-removing gel here to save the day and rid your feet of those old, thick calluses that have been there for YEARS. It's a simple process of applying, waiting, and rinsing it off — then marveling at how your once-hardened feet could ever look and feel this baby soft.

    Just presoak feet, apply the gel, let sit for 5–10 minutes, and rinse! It's recommended you go back in afterward with a foot file just to make sure no residue or dead skin is left behind.

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok. My feet were sort of rough, and I used it as directed — after four applications, my feet are baby smooth. Now, I didn’t soak my feet properly the first three times, but the fourth time I did, and it made a big difference. Some did get on my skin, but it didn’t burn." —Coresa

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    8. A pumice cleaning stone to tackle the buildup in your toilet — it's capable of removing the rust, mineral deposits, and stains that you can't bear to look at for one more day without damaging your porcelain.

    before pic of a brown stained rusted toilet bowl
    the same toilet bowl looking clean and white after the pumice stone is used

    This pumice stone cleaner is free of chemicals and odors. It also has a heavy-duty plastic handle so you'll have a solid grip while you clean. Use gentle back-and-forth motions to remove stains and deposits from inside the toilet bowl, and voila!

    Promising review: "Will definitely buy again. Almost 30 years of hard-water buildup of green, and I tried everything for years to remove the green stain. This product rocks. It takes a little elbow grease but sure is worth it. Just don't use it on surfaces that will scratch. In my case, the fiberglass tub aggravates and is hard to clean. After 30 years, I scrubbed away and didn't regret it one bit, and the tub looks almost new." —Debra L.

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99 (also available in a two-pack).

    9. A zero-effort, once-a-week Wet & Forget cleaner that works on soap scum without *any* scrubbing or wiping needed — yes, you read that correctly! All you have to do is shower and then spray this on afterward; it'll handle all the grime and residue from there.

    Promising review: "I wish I took before and after pictures because the results are unbelievable with no scrubbing or elbow grease. We have a stone floor/wall shower with stupid large and annoyingly mold prone grout lines. I used it per the directions and rinsed with hot hot water the next morning, and couldn’t believe all the crap that rinsed off. Seriously worth every penny!" —Kate

    Get it from Amazon for $20.93+ (available in two scents and two sizes and a two-pack). 

    10. An ultra-hydrating TruSkin vitamin C serum concocted with hyaluronic acid (which locks in moisture), organic aloe vera, and vitamin E. It not only brightens and smoothens the skin; it also fades blemishes. Many reviewers say it's a worthy swap for SkinCeuticals' pricey CE Ferulic serum.

    It's recommended that you do a patch test 24–48 hours before applying this all over your face, as it's a strong, concentrated formula. After that, apply three to five drops once daily and follow with a moisturizer (ideally one with SPF if you apply in the morning!). Though the bottle looks small, reviewers say it'll last you several months with daily use.

    Promising review: "I should have started using this years ago! I’m in my mid-30s and I’ve tried everything including much more expensive brands, Korean skincare, Japanese skincare, etc. but I’ve always had breakouts and problems with texture. This is by far the best vitamin C product I’ve tried. I’ve tried multiple vitamin C serums in the past, but they always broke me out or had a slimy or gritty texture. This serum has a smooth texture, soaks in quickly, does not pill with other products, and has noticeably cleared up my skin." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $21.97+ (available in two sizes). 

    11. Or a trio of serums letting you incorporate three powerhouse ingredients — retinol, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid — into your routine without breaking the bank. Together, they'll bring a noticeable difference to your skin, including a brighter tone, reduction of fine lines, and a smoother, plumper feel. 

    Be sure to follow the brand's instructions on how to use these together!

    Promising review: "I'm in my mid-30s and realized it was time to step up my skincare game. I always looked younger than my age, but recently that's worn off a bit and makeup remover wipes and argan oil at night weren't cutting it. I happened across this trio and, for the price, thought I'd give it a try. My skin feels AMAZING!!! This trio is worth every penny. I don't even feel like I have to wear makeup all the time anymore and when I do, it goes on so much smoother. This is definitely going to be part of my routine for years to come!" —Caitlin

    Get the pack of three from Amazon for $34.99

    12. A professional-strength grout cleaner if the grout on your tile floors and walls is so dirty, you've forgotten what it used to look like. This heavy duty cleaning can remove years of stains to unearth your grout's original color beneath. Prepare to be like 🤯 when you see it.

    A side-by-side reviewer photo of dirty tile and much cleaner, whiter tile
    reviewer's up close picture of dirty grout next to clean grout

    Promising review: "I have a white tile floor and I was pretty sure the grout was white also, but it was hard to tell since it was so dirty. I had tried many different methods to clean the grout, with limited or no success, so I gave this product a whirl, and was very pleased with the results. Essentially, you squeeze the bottle, aiming for the grout lines, but in reality, it's a little hard to control, but eventually finds its way to the recessed grout lines, and then let it sit. I let mine sit for 10 minutes. You then need to use a scrub brush to 'agitate' the solution, and it lifted up an amazing amount of grime. You have to wipe up the dirty solution, which sometimes gets into the grout again, so a second application may be needed depending on how dirty your grout is. I have a 6'x6' tiled area on my bathroom floor, so it's a small area, and ended up using about half of the bottle, so this is fairly expensive, but in my opinion, it's well worth the expense because it's the only thing that's worked." —Joseph Canas

    Get it from Amazon for $18.66 (also available in bundles with a brush).

    13. A bottle of wood polish and conditioner made with beeswax and orange oil if the wood surfaces inside and outside your home are looking dull and dry. With this, you can polish your furniture, cabinets, doors, and more to restore their former luster — basically erasing years of use like magic. 

    Promising review: "I am a middle-aged antiquer who loves wood and authenticity. This product rejuvenates aged wood leaving the antique finishes in place. It really does just hydrate and polish your wood. We literally were running around the house arguing over who got to hold the bottle as we treated all of the wood in our home. The transformation is unbelievable! We are so happy with it we ordered three more right away and are planning a wine/polish weekend. Everything it touches turns out amazing, from my grandmother's 150-year-old wood-framed mirror to our 40-year-old china hutch. There is not a better product on the market. Buy this, you will not regret it." —K.A.S.

    Get a bottle from Amazon for $9.98.

    14. A bottle of Rain-X Original Windshield Treatment if encountering a sudden downpour while driving is one of your *least* fave situations — turns out, there's actually something you can do about that (besides crank up your windshield wipers and pray it passes soon). This treatment drastically improves your visibility by literally repelling rain, sleet, and snow on your windshield, and it even keeps bugs from sticking.

    Readers also use this to keep their eyeglasses from fogging!

    Promising review: "I had a cheap, untempered windshield that was awful in the rain. A friend of mine from college recommended Rain-X and I was shocked at the difference. I applied it with a soft rag and sat there wondering if it was even on properly. I trusted the system and then later that night took my car out for a drive; it rained while I was out and the difference was instantly noticeable. Before, when using my wipers, streaks would obscure my view so much that any lights would make driving in the rain hard. Now, the droplets don't smear and smaller ones sometimes just roll off. It's pretty great." —Alison J. Gong

    Get two bottles from Amazon for $9.98.

    15. Cult-favorite Bio-Oil that's ultra-effective at fading scars and stretch marks, reducing redness, and evening out skin tone. It's packed with vitamins A and E, chamomile, lavender, and other natural oils for anti-inflammatory and skin-smoothing benefits, and it smells like an expensive spa treatment!

    reviewer pic showing some stretch m arks on their stomach
    reviewer's after showing how bio oil reduced the appearance of their stretch marks

    BuzzFeed Shopping writer Emma Lord uses this on the reg: "FWIW re: scars, this stuff really works. I had thyroid surgery a few years ago, and Bio-Oil took me from looking like I'd stumbled out of the Red Wedding to virtually no detectable scar within a few months. All I did was apply it once in the morning and once at night."

    Promising review: "Acne scars? Read this. I found out about this product while scrolling through TikTok last week. It came highly recommended, so I decided to look up the price on Amazon. After reading several reviews, I figured I might as well try it out. Today is the fourth day I use the product on my face. My skin looks dewy and nice. The discoloration on my cheeks from a few years old acne scars is improving. My skin looks younger — it’s hard to describe, but I can see a difference. It looks less rough. I’ve been using it morning and night." —Yasmin Rodriguez

    Get it from Amazon for $11.12+ (available in two sizes and in bundles).

    16. A vegan ingrown hair oil so you can combat that irritating post-shaving or waxing redness while also treating those uncomfortable, unsightly ingrown hairs and bumps. Safe for use on intimate areas, its all-natural formula includes skin-softening jojoba seed oil and calming tea tree oil. Who knew sweet, fast-acting relief came in such a simple bottle?

    a split image of a reviewer before and after using the oil with the look of razor bumps drastically reduced after a month

    Bushbalm is an Ottawa-based small skincare brand creating products for our most sensitive areas.

    Promising review: "I've bought this product numerous times and it never fails. I have no more ingrowns and it also helps so much with irritation after shaving!" —Pris

    Get it from Amazon for $26 or direct from Bushbalm for $36.

    17. ChomChom pet hair roller if your pet loves to sprawl out on your furniture and leave a thick layer of hair behind. The ChomChom roller doesn't mess with sticky tapes or paper; instead, you get a reusable brush that grabs up every bit of hair and lint as you roll it across an area — I was personally shocked at how well it works. Just empty it out after, and you're good to go again!

    a blue velvet ottoman covered in cat hair, with an after photo of it 10 seconds later looking clean and hair-free after using the chomchom
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    See it in action on TikTok

    The tens of thousands of 5-star Amazon reviews are reason enough to add the ChomChom to your cart immediately — but let me add my own personal review to the stack. I've been using the ChomChom for quite a while now, but I took the photos above literally just now to show just how quick, easy, and effective this roller is. It took 10 seconds to rid my velvet couch ottoman (yes, velvet...a terrible cat owner choice, I know) of the hair my two gray kitties are constantly leaving everywhere. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of using this roller — at first, I thought you only brushed down in one direction, and was confused why it wasn't picking up hair. It's important to do a push-and-pull brushing in *both* directions so it actually pulls the hair inside, which does require you to apply a bit of pressure. Afterward, you'll just dump out the hair that's been trapped inside. The ChomChom is best for large flat surfaces like couches and beds. 

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99+ (available in two colors).

    18. LilyAna Naturals eye cream to brighten and firm undereye skin to reduce puffiness, fine lines, and bags, but it doesn't stop there — this potent cream also nourishes the delicate area with restorative ingredients like rosehip seed oil, organic hibiscus flower extracts, and vitamin E. 

    A person's hand next to a bottle of LilyAna Naturals Eye Cream with a dab of product on top
    Reviewer before and after showing the cream tightened and brightened their under-eye area

    The after pic (above) was taken after about six weeks of use! A little goes a long way, so one bottle can last you a long time. 

    Promising review: "The product is a game changer for me. I would have dry creases under my eyes no matter how much primer or expensive foundation I used. I use this in the a.m. and p.m. and it has made a 100% difference. I was at the doctor’s waiting room and was chatting with a woman and I mentioned I was going to be 53 in two weeks. She was shocked and said she thought I was 35, saying I had barely had any wrinkles. It made my day!" —Angela Kilburn

    Get it from Amazon for $13.11+ (available in four sizes and two styles).

    19. A value-size bottle of sulfate-free biotin shampoo if your hair is thinning and you're eager to do something about it. In addition to volumizing biotin, this shampoo contains other natural ingredients like keratin, rosemary oil, and tea tree oil that moisturize the scalp to help your mane grow in thicker and healthier than ever. 

    Read more about how biotin shampoo could help with the fullness of hair at Cleveland Clinic.

    Promising review: "I love this shampoo! I had gastric sleeve surgery and my hair was very, very thin. I started taking biotin and switched to biotin shampoo as recommended by my doctor. It doesn’t make your hair grow by washing it but it makes your hair and roots stronger. And it worked. After using the whole bottle, my hair was stronger. I had a lot of new growth that was sticking around (the previous new growth fell out early on) and my hair was getting thicker. Eight months later, my hair is back to normal. It's longer and thicker than ever. I still use it twice a week and love it! I [don't love] the way it smells but others love it when they smell my hair." —Diane J. Huff

    Get it in a value size from Amazon for $34.95 (also available in smaller sizes and a rosemary scented version).

    20. A nail file board — because what if I told you your pooch can take charge of their own nail care? If they *hate* getting their nails trimmed, this is a great alternative, giving them an abrasive surface perfect for filing down those long nails that keep making click-clack sounds on your hard floors. 

    gif of a dog scratching on the scratchpad, then eating a treat
    before photo of a dog's overgrown nails, and an after photo of the same dog's nails looking much shorter and blunter after one scratchpad session
    ScratchPad for Dogs / Etsy

    Once you train them to use it using positive association, they'll be able to grind away at their own pace, completely stress-free!

    ScratchPad for Dogs is a small biz based in Atlanta.

    Promising review: "Love this scratch pad! We adopted our dog almost a year ago and he's been terrified of clippers and grinders since day one. We've never been able to maintain his nails due to his super reactive anxiety around nail care. That's all changed since we got the Scratch Pad a few weeks ago! He took to it right away and his nails have shown significant improvement in just a few sessions!" —Kira Armajani

    Get it from ScratchPad for Dogs on Etsy for $39.91+ (originally $46.95+; available in four styles and three grit levels).

    21. shoe stretch spray if you've despaired over your expensive leather or suede boots, loafers, sandals, or gloves that you paid *so much money* on, only to have them fit too tightly. This spray will safely stretch them out without staining or fading the material if all those other hacks you tried (like pulling out the hair dryer) failed.

    BuzzFeed writer holding the spray bottle of shoe stretch
    reviewer showing a pair of knee-high boots that don't fit around their calves
    reviewer showing how the boots fit after using the shoe stretch spray
    Amanda Davis / BuzzFeed,

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Amanda Davis swears by this spray. Check out her Foot Matters Shoe Stretch spray review for more deets! BTW, Foot Matters is a small business that specializes in shoe-stretching products.  

    Promising reviews: "My sandals were awfully tight on the top of my feet. I tried everything before finally finding this spray. Nothing helped, there was no relief. Then I tried this spray, and it moved heaven and earth, and now my sandals are perfect!" —Swissharpist

    "I injured my foot a few months back, and most of my shoes don't fit. I've tried stretchers, hair dryer, wearing multiple socks — everything. I bought this stuff, and within a half hour, my problems were solved. Try this method first." —Susan Olson

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    22. Hope's Perfect Sink Cleaner and Polish, made to restore brushed stainless steel, porcelain, cast-iron, and other surfaces to their former glory so you can skip replacing your entire sink.

    Promising reviews: "My stainless sink had streaks on it from using an ultra strong cleaner. It left a dark shading that I thought was permanent. I’ve tried scrubs, polishers, natural home remedies from online, just about everything. I read about this sink cleaner from an online best products on Amazon blog. I figured, I’ve tried everything else so I bought it. IT WORKED!!! I’m thrilled with this cleaner and it brought the finish back on my stainless steel sink. Highly recommend this product!!" —loriregin

    "I have a ceramic sink, but the drain was old and blackened from years of use. This product cleaned it up and shined the old drain. I had tried everything else but to no avail. Whatever is in this is just what you need for old sink metals." —BonLynLee

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in multiple sizes and packs).

    23. Some wart-removing pads you stick on like they're regular bandages — from there, they'll get to work removing your stubborn growths while concealing and cushioning the area for max comfort.

    Reviewer's progression photos showing the pads removed a wart on their finger
    Different reviewer's progression photos showing the pads removed a dime-size wart

    Promising review: "I had a wart on my finger that I had been trying to get rid of for a while. I used all different kinds of freezing medicines and wart removers and ended up with this as a last resort before going to a doctor. These had my wart come off my finger within a week — no pain, literally just came off when I decided to change my bandage. Amazing!!" —K Pic

    Get a 14-pack from Amazon for $6.49+ (available in two styles, and three sizes). 

    24. A jar of The Pink Stuff that really *shouldn't* work as well as it does on SO many messes — and yet, the ever-growing hype and countless 5-star ratings for this all-purpose cleaning paste prove otherwise. Put it to the test on that burned pan, stained bathtub, or marked-up wall you've long given up on and watch it work its magic.

    hand holding a jar of the pink stuff next to a marked-up wall and the same wall looking completely clean
    a burn stained stovetop followed by the same stovetop completely clean and free of any stained after using the pink stuff

    Check out this TikTok where my former colleague Britt Ross uses The Pink Stuff on a dirty sheet pan, pair of white sneakers, and her toaster oven — spoiler, the results are *seriously* impressive. And for another testimonial, peep this TikTok where it's used on the bottom of a burn-stained saucepan!

    Promising review: "Got this because TikTok made me do it. I put a smear on a hair dye stain in my shower from six months ago. Thought I’d have to let it sit for a while so I rubbed it in with a Scrub Daddy and was ready to let it sit, but it was already gone. Blew my mind. Removed rust stains in the toilet and hard water marks from the tank instantly. Goodbye other cleaners." —L. Seitz

    Get it from Amazon for $5.29+ (available in three sizes).

    25. A stainless-steel tongue scraper because fighting the battle against stinky breath can be a real struggle without this surgical grade tool, which helps remove odor-causing plaque and bacteria. Now your friends can stop offering you breath mints out of the blue. 😬

    before photo of a reviewer with a thick white film on their tongue
    the same reviewer's tongue with the white film scraped off

    Promising review: "This product works!! High quality material, well made, easy to clean, corrosion resistant, at least in my experience. I can tell this will last a long time. And, it works!!!! Got rid of a coating on my tongue that other tongue scrapers and the tongue cleaners on toothbrushes did nothing for!! Noticed it got a lot off the first use!!! My tongue looks healthy, and my throat feels better. Once a thicker layer starts on the tongue due to postnasal drip there's nothing else that got rid of it. It's easy to hold, and doesn't gag me at all. It comes with a travel case, which I love because I don't want anything that goes in my mouth loose in a bag." —Saffire Dragon

    Get a single pack with a travel case from Amazon for $6.49 (available in various styles, materials, and packs).

    26. A portable Bissell Little Green machine if your sofa, chairs, and carpet have seen better days...*much* better days. As in, they've taken on an entirely new color over years of heavy use. This TikTok-beloved cleaner is a holy grail product for many, capable of sucking out stubborn baby stains, pet accidents, dust, dirt, and more. It's time: Let's unearth what your upholstery is actually supposed to look like. 😬

    a tan suede recliner covered in dark black stains
    the same recliner with all the stains removed and the fabric looks clean again

    The Bissell Little Green machine offers strong spray and suction to remove tough pet stains with ease. It has a 48-ounce tank that allows you to do plenty of cleaning before a refill is needed. It comes with a three-inch tough stain tool, a HydroRinse self-cleaning hose tool, and a trial-size of Spot & Stain with Febreze Freshness formula.

    Promising review: "Two months ago we got a 6-month-old puppy who has needed some time to get adjusted. That included more than a few accidents in our living room and on his bed. This machine has made cleanup of everything so much simpler and I love that it's deep cleaning and has a nontoxic pet cleaner so that our not-so-little puppy isn't harmed through exposure or smells. Also helpful since my teenage sons like to camp out on the couch with their friends on long weekends and our couch gets that fresh clean smell in an hour." —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59.

    27. A pack of Bottle Bright tablets, because your water bottle is probably disgusting and long-overdue for a wash. (It happens to all of us.) Drop one of these tablets into your bottle with some warm water, watch it fizz up while it deep cleans, then empty and give your bottle a quick rinse. No more funky smells or weird residue!

    Simply fill your dirty mug with water, add a tablet, let it fizz for 15–30 minutes, and then give it a thorough rinsing before drinking from it!

    Promising review: "Saw this on BuzzFeed, had to give it a try. Used it on our stainless steel coffee carafe that I have been trying to get clean for two years. The coffee stains inside just would not come out, no matter how much vinegar, dish detergent or scrubbing I did. Until today!! Hot water and tablet in, let it sit for three hours, and UNBELIEVABLE. Where has this Bottle Bright been all my life?? I can’t wait to use it on all my travel coffee mugs. Can you please make tablets for all my cleaning needs?! This was about the easiest thing I have ever done. Love it. Highly recommend!" —Someone

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $7.99 (available in three other pack sizes).

    Check out our Bottle Bright tablets deep dive for more incredible before and after pics. 👀

    28. A Nuvo cabinet paint kit in case you've been itching to renovate your kitchen but the costs of hiring a professional have been holding you back. Prep is super minimal — no need to strip or prime — and the paint dries beautifully with a soft satin finish. Get ready to see friends' jaws drop when they find out you did it all yourself!

    reviewer image of their brown cabinets before
    same kitchen with white painted cabinets after

    The kit comes with two cans of cabinet paint, a roller arm, two roller covers, and an angled paint brush.

    Promising review: "Unbelievable results. This product surpassed our expectations. We were skeptical because it did not seem like enough paint. Wow, we did two coats and still have half a can left. We did prep the whole kitchen with tape and contractor protection paper. First coat went on very fast and I couldn't figure out the amount to apply, but after the first cabinet it became clear that it did not cover like the first coat of paint. It was thin like satin. When we applied the second coat, oh my gosh, it was just beautiful. We did take the doors off and painted them separately in the basement. We did no sanding, no top coat, because you do not need it. We did label the doors, which made the installation back easier. Would purchase this product again. Our neighbors cannot believe that we did the painting ourselves, because it looks professional. Transformation of our kitchen is priceless. Buy buy buy the product." —Brad Isley

    Get it from Amazon for $72.70+ (available in 11 colors). 

    29. cuticle oil if you've nearly given up on your poor peeling nails and shredded cuticles. Made with jojoba oil, almond oil, and vitamin E, this ultra-popular conditioning treatment not only strengthens nails but also heals and smoothens cuticles. With a little persistence, it'll have you doing a double take in wonder at your new model-worthy nails like, "Are these mine?"

    Promising review: "This product is amazing. I've always had acrylic or dipped nails because my real nails have always been brittle and always break and peel. I decided to give my nails a break and wanted to try and grow them out. I can't even believe the outcome! They are stronger than ever and growing! I really wish I had taken a before pic to show the difference!" —JOE D.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in three sizes).

    30. An antifungal tea tree balm made to target all sorts of somewhat embarrassing skin conditions — athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, back acne, even just dry skin — so you'll probably just want to keep a tub of it on hand.

    Photo of reviewer's foot after one application
    Same reviewer's foot after four weeks of consistent application, which is now completely healed and free of the red rash

    Promising review: "I ordered this balm on a whim as a remedy for a skin rash, and was very impressed with its effectiveness! After getting rid of my rash, I decided to try it elsewhere and it worked wonders on dry skin areas like elbows, knees, and feet. I was blown away with how I changed my feet entirely! As a dancer, my feet have always been a war zone: dry skin, callouses, ingrown toenails, and athlete's foot (all frequent problems over the course of many years). I was always embarrassed to wear sandals or any type of shoes that would show off parts of my feet because of all the dry skin, but sometimes it couldn't be avoided. This balm has made my feet the loveliest they have been and now I can choose any type of shoes I want to wear without embarrassment." —anengstrom

    Get it from Amazon for $36.32.

    31. An odor-eliminating spray you should have on hand for when you locate your dog or cat's latest carpet accident, because it's *much* easier than a professional cleaning. Not only does it lift away stains; it also releases enzymes that break down the deep and persistent odors left behind. It's true: Your home doesn't *have* to smell like that. 

    Carpet messes are undoubtedly the worst to clean up, but you can also use this on clothes and other surfaces like concrete and hardwood. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully for noncarpet use. 

    Promising review: "I have six elderly cats, and a few of them oftentimes leave smelly pee puddles to register their disdain at whatever cats get 'peed off' about. It's not a litter box problem and, although I've caught one or two of them doing it, I can't blame them all. This product works great on fresh messes as well as dried ones. After blotting up fresh pee pods, I saturate the area with Rocco & Roxie's odor remover and let it dry. For dried stinky stuff, I just saturate the area and let it dry. It has a pleasant odor and completely eliminates the ammonia odor. Believe me, I've tried all kinds of products, and this one works the best. I buy gallons now just to have on hand. It's better than smelling that awful pee!" —mona mia

    Get a 32-ounce bottle from Amazon for $19.31 (also available in a gallon size).

    32. A wheel cleaner that'll trick everyone in the neighborhood into thinking you just got new wheels. What's even more unbelievable is that you just spray and let it sit, then rinse off all that baked-on brake dust and grime with ease. 

    a dirty grimy car wheel
    The same wheel looking silver and shiny.

    Promising review: "It will take one look from your friends to say 'Did you buy some new wheels?' This stuff is absolutely amazing. For the full effect, dismount your wheel, spray the back. Go do something for 10 minutes. Wash with water, no scrubbing needed. Turn the rim face up, do it again. Do the rest of your rims, and don't forget the tire protectant when you reinstall them. This stuff will handle salt, road tar, off-road dirt and mud — you get it dirty, it comes clean. Where was this stuff when I was racing off-road?" —johnfcon

    Get it from Amazon for $16.73 (also available in a larger size).

    33. A rechargeable Finishing Touch electric razor made to give you such a smooth and flawless shave, you won't be able to stop running your hands up and down your legs. Compared to regular razors, there's no risk of accidental nicks or irritation, and it even has a built-in light so you never miss a spot. 

    It features 18K gold plated heads to contour every curve on your leg. Reviewers with disabilities or injuries also say it makes it way easier to get the job done!

    BTW, this is solely for use on legs, do NOT use under your arms! 

    Promising review: "LOVE IT! This is now my favorite hair remover. It's so easy and comfortable to use, leaving my legs soft and smooth from top to bottom. There was no discomfort or irritation at all. Smoothly gliding around/over ankles, back of the knees, and blind curves. I have found using this is actually a relaxing experience." —Jez

    Get it from Amazon for $40.88.

    Psst — BuzzFeed Shopping editor Samantha Wieder is also a huge fan of the Finishing Touch eyebrow hair remover, and they make a tool for general facial hair removal too!

    34. An enzymatic dog toothpaste that'll help you keep your pup's dental hygiene under control (and improve that stinky breath you get a whiff of every time they lick your face). This can help you handle that scary built-up tartar on their teeth at home instead of shelling out for a professional cleaning — and many dogs love the taste, too!

    reviewer showing two before photos of dog's teeth with tartar and two after photos showing them visibly whiter with less tartar
    closeup of a reviewer's dogs teeth looking super clean after using the toothpaste

    This no-rinse, non-foaming toothpaste comes in a poultry flavor dogs will love. For best results, it's recommended to brush their teeth at least 2–3 times per week.

    Promising reviews: "The dogs love this stuff. The picture attached is only after two weeks of use (brushing two times a day). The dogs love the flavor and actually think of tooth brushing as a treat now. I also put it in a chew toy for them to chew on to help brush their own teeth. We used children tooth brushes at first to help her gums adjust and now use an actual dog toothbrush." —Paisley

    "I thought I would never be able to remove the tartar on my dog’s teeth unless I go to the vet. But after brushing her teeth for 2–3 weeks, the thick and hard tartar began to fall off. The result is unbelievable." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $10.03. You can get a pet-friendly toothbrush for $6.79!

    35. And an ear treatment capable of soothing your poor pup or kitty's red, inflamed ears without having to coax them into taking oral meds (anyone who's ever tried knows the struggle). The gentle 1% hydrocortisone formula doesn't sting and relieves itching so you won't have to helplessly watch them pawing at their ears and whining anymore. It also helps protect against fungal and bacterial infections (and future expensive vet visits).

    Promising reviews: "Saved a ton of money for vet bills. This stuff works fantastic and my cat actually doesn't mind getting the drops. I followed the instructions and they did exactly as they said. After reading the reviews, I was sort of convinced but now I won't get anything else. Totally worth the money." —Debbie M

    "I bought this to help my dog’s ears and it’s the best on the market. Within days, her ears started clearing up and she stopped scratching her ears and shaking her head. Awesome product, well worth the money." —handheld

    Get it from Amazon for $23.79+ (also available in two larger sizes).

    36. A fabric defuzzer that will prove your well-worn sweater and cardigans aren't a lost cause — they just need a little TLC. This genius gadget will safely remove the fuzz, lint, and pills making them look old and ragged, leaving your favorite apparel looking brand new and ready to wear out in public again. 

    Before photo of reviewer's dark gray sweater, which is covered in white lint and pilling
    The same sweater looking brand new after using the shaver

    Promising review: "TikTok made me get it. I have a few favorite sweaters and was super upset when these little lint balls started popping up. I was looking for ways to remove them and stumbled upon this fabric shaver and my life has been changed! I absolutely LOVE it. 100/10." —Ruth

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in six colors and two styles: battery-powered or rechargeable).

    37. An antibacterial butt acne-clearing lotion made with tea tree oil that's effective at penetrating the skin to target the roots of acne, leaving your bum clear and baby-smooth. Buttne, you've met your match-ne. 

    a reviewer photo of their skin with many blemishes
    a photo of the same reviewer with their skin now clean

    Promising review: "This kicked my buttne's a#$. I will say that I paired this with an antibacterial body wash (which I recommend if you have folliculitis) Background real quick: My skin is pretty sensitive and I work out 5 days a week. A bad combo for your skin, especially if you have folliculitis. Everything irritated my skin: sitting down, wearing the wrong underwear, shaving my bikini line even got irritated the next day. Summer time was always the worst. The extra sweat really clogs your pores. I have been using this for a week and a half. It did get worse for the first 3 -4 days and then all of sudden it cleared up like the sun coming out after a hard rain. I like the smell of the lotion, personally I think its a mild smell. It dries fast and doesn't stick to your clothes. I put this on in the morning and in the evening. You don't need much. Your skin is left feeling very smooth. If you have buttne, give this a try — you will not be disappointed." —Dani Dawson

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    38. An all-natural scour paste capable of cutting through even the thickest, nastiest grime, like that disgusting layer inside your kitchen cabinet that previous tenants (apparently) never bothered to clean. 🙃 Just rubbing at it with a rag is pointless, but put this to work, and you'll be able to wipe the loosened gunk away effortlessly.

    a reviewer photo of a cabinet top covered in a layer of grime and dust and text reading
    a reviewer photo of the same cabinet now clean and text reading
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    Humble Suds is a small business based in Evergreen, Colorado, and run by moms Holli and Jennifer.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Danielle Healy swears by this stuff: "I recently moved into a new apartment, so lately I've been cleaning A LOT. Shortly after moving in, my partner and I went to store something on the top of the kitchen cabinets only to find them caked in a thick layer of grime. 🤢 After going at it with regular multipurpose cleaner (with little success), we broke out the scour paste as a last-ditch effort and OH BOY did this miracle product deliver (pics above). If it can handle that grossness, it's going to have no problem with day-to-day messes like soap scum and burnt-on food. Plus, it smells delightful and comes in minimal, low-waste packaging!"

    Promising review: "Buyer beware: don’t buy just one!! Learn from my mistake, and buy at least two jars because this stuff is INCREDIBLE. I used it on my textured shower floor. It was EASIER to clean and required less scrubbing than any other product I’ve used, including CLR. If you have black matte bathroom fixtures, this is the stuff you need. My shower and sink drains look brand new. My other favorite part about this scour paste, is the fact that I don’t need to use any paper towels. Just a wet rag to wipe it all down at the end." —littleashleyshortcak

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $15.95+ (available in two packaging styles).

    39. A fungal nail renewal formula because those thick, discolored, painful spots on your nails are getting hard to ignore. You won't have to wait around long for improvement, either — reviewers started noticing a visible difference within days. 

    To use, you just apply a thin layer twice a day (morning and night) to the affected area and under the edge of the nail for a week — after that, switching to applying once per day at night.

    Promising review: “I tried EVERYTHING! I tried tree tea oil for years and various different products. Nothing worked. The reviews were so great on this that I decided to try to cure it one more time. But when you have had a condition for 35 years, you aren’t too hopeful! I followed the suggestions of some of the reviewers and cut my toenails (I only had it on my big toes) everywhere that the fungus was present. Even below the quick. I started applying this gel, which is super easy to use. I swear to you that I noticed a difference after one application.” —WIAPilot 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.28 (also available with a file).

    40. A bottle of Burt's Bees dander-reducing spray if your precious feline bb has more flakes on their coat than a snowy day in Alaska. This contains nourishing colloidal oat flour and aloe vera for a deep-conditioning treatment that'll have you running your hand through their silky, shiny, dander-free coat in amazement. 

    Promising review: "I spray this on my cats' brushes and they both love it. It really picks up the dander from my one cat and helps a lot with any hotspots he has. There's marked improvement in both of their coats, definitely worth the purchase. I’m glad I bought two bottles." —doink

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (also available as wipes).

    41. A hairbrush cleaning tool that might just be the most brilliant product you never knew you needed, considering how well it'll pull out all of that stuck-in hair, dirt, and product buildup inside your brush (that you've been running through your clean hair, over and over, every day for years 🤢). 

    A reviewer's hairbrush caked with hair, so you can't even see the base holding the bristles
    The same hairbrush clean so you can actually see the base

    The reviewer above got such amazing results by using this tool along with soaking their brush in a Dawn-and-diluted-vinegar solution!

    Promising review: "When I bought this I was really skeptical. I am grossed out by my hairbrush and clean it all the time. I've soaked it in vinegar and tea tree oil, used a toothbrush, scrubbed it with shampoo, picked it clean by hand — everything you can think of. Still, it's so hard to get the little lint that forms at the base of the brush — they don't dissolve off and you have to pick them off the bristles one by one because a toothbrush won't even break them up. This thing works amazingly. I don't know why, it just does — the particular texture of the bristles on this really grabs everything. It scraped the little lint rings right off and now my brush is cleaner, 10 times as fast." —HeartsofHavoc

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    42. A game-changing dishwashing spray because hey, not all of us have a dishwasher out here (shoutout to those teensy NYC apartments). But even if yours is currently full or already running a clean cycle, this'll let you hand-wash your dirtiest pans as well as your expensive appliance would — just spray, let sit for a few minutes, and wipe away the yuck. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Dawn Powerwash Spray to see it in action! 

    Here's what BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly has to say about this spray: "I live in an apartment without a dishwasher, and I honestly use that as an excuse to order takeout food instead of cooking. But, as soon as I got my hands on a bottle of this stuff (regular Dawn is my go-to dish soap, BTW), I put it to use on both a saucepan I used to make homemade enchilada sauce *and* the casserole dish I baked those enchiladas, which had a ton of caked-on food. It really does work like I say it does! Like, scary well." 

    Get the starter pack from Amazon for $17.50 (includes a full spray bottle and three refills; available in four scents and various packs).

    43. A pack of Magic Erasers that live up to the hype and might have been designed by actual wizards based on the results people see with these. Just wet one, squeeze, and then simply ✨ erase ✨ stains, marks, and layers of dirt as if they were never there in the first place. Those paint splatters, marker doodles, and grass-stained sneakers won't know what hit them. 

    top: reviewer before photo of black shoe with dirty white sole / bottom: after photo showing the sole looking new and clean
    GIF of another reviewer cleaning dirty cabinet with Magic Eraser

    Promising reviews: "First-time homeowner. We expected to do deep cleaning BUT THIS is just a small fraction of how filthy the cabinets were! I will forever live and advocate in favor of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! Along with lots and lots of wood cleaner!" —Amazon Customer

    "A gentleman who saw the paint on my van recommended this. And holy cow it actually removed the paint off my van. I was skeptical at first because I tried other things and it didn't work. But only with one Magic Eraser it came out! Simple instructions just wetting it, squeezing it, and scrubbing the area. I'm super happy and it looks like nothing ever happened! Totally with the money!" —Keiry

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $4.98 (also available in a 12-pack).

    44. hard-water stain remover made to leave your shower doors sparkling clear, your stainless steel pristine, and your rusted porcelain so white, it'll look brand-new. Put it to the test anywhere you've got mineral deposits leaving ugly marks and stains. 

    reviewer putting their hand behind a hard water stained shower door, followed by the same door looking clear and clean
    a reviewer's shower looking super dirty, and the same reviewer's shower looking clean and brand new after using the stain remover

    Promising review: "OK, here is the first review in my life, as I usually can't be bothered. This product shocked me and deserves to be famous. It completely blew my mind. I have no idea what kind of magic is in this bottle but I have tried literally everything to remove the hard water drops/film/residue from our glass shower door. I'm talking hard, white texture that you cannot scratch off at all! For two years. I came across this, ordered, put some on a sponge, drew a square to test it out, a couple of minutes later rubbed it slightly and ran outside screaming for hubby to come see the miracle of the glossy again, see-through shower door! Seriously unbelievable!" —PuniafDesign

    Get it from Amazon for $17.77.

    45. A plant-based cooking oil solidifier that'll make messy cleanup after frying a thing of the past. Sprinkle just a little of this on your hot oil and watch it ~transform~ into a fully hardened chunk for easily dumping in the trash (instead of down your sink). 

    hand sprinkling white flakes into a pot of oil
    Hand scooping a large block of hardened grease into the trash

    FryAway is a woman-owned and Latine-owned small business started by Laura Lady, who loves both cooking and being kind to the planet. They donate 1% of revenue to nonprofits focused on water conservation.

    Promising review: "This is a must-have for anyone who fries. We rarely deep fry, but having to get rid of the oil is always a pain. This product makes disposal SO much easier and less of a headache. No need to worry about spills or greasy containers. Pop it into the hot oil (with burner off), and let it sit. Once it’s solid, scrape it into the trashcan. Done. Seriously GREAT." —Michael

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99

    You after seeing your old, scratched-up leather furniture transform before your very eyes: