19 Things You Know If Your Partner Can't Drive

    Looks like I'm the designated driver. Again.

    1. Whenever you want to go out somewhere together, you’re the one who has to drive.

    2. So you're always lobbying to stay home and have a date on the couch.

    3. Which quickly gets tiring.

    4. You've become used to always being the designated driver when you go to a party.

    5. So you often end up looking after their drunk ass.

    6. And you usually want to end up going home at like 9pm.

    7. On days when you’re both hungover, you’re the one who has to drive to pick up hangover food and risk your license.

    8. You try to avoid road trip holidays because you know you’ll just have to spend the whole time driving.

    9. And they get to lie back and put their feet on the dash while you're trying to avoid being run over by trucks on the freeway.

    10. Sometimes they'll ask you to drive them places, which just makes you feel like a parent.

    11. Or a taxi driver who doesn’t get paid.

    12. You often find yourself having to run the errands or do all the annoying things that need a car.

    13. But if you ever get mad at them you just refuse your chauffeur services.

    14. They don’t get that driving can sometimes be so fucking annoying.

    15. You always get weirdly nervous doing reverse parallel parks near them because THEY DON'T KNOW HOW HARD IT IS.

    16. If you go away without them, you don't get to have that cute airport reunion, because they can't come pick you up.

    17. You never have as much money as them because having a car is goddamn expensive.

    18. Every now and then your partner will offer up your service to give friends a lift somewhere without even asking you.

    19. And they keep telling you that one day they’ll learn to drive, and you’re like “not in my car, bitch".