Here's How Much The "Pretty Little Liars" Characters Have Changed In Seven Seasons

    Wow Toby, you've changed a lot. (Kinda spoilers.)

    Hanna Marin

    Memorable moment: Her dancing scene in Season 5. Truly iconic.

    Emily Fields

    Memorable moment: She got a the Japanese symbol for "courage" tattooed ~close to her good china~.

    Aria Montgomery

    Memorable moment: Being hit on by Adam Lambert on a murder train.

    Spencer Hastings

    Memorable Moment: Making out with not one, but two of her sister's fiancés. Also, that entire finale.

    Alison DiLaurentis

    Memorable moment: Choosing to wear a ruffled yellow top and having it be relevant for seven freaking seasons.

    Mona Vanderwaal

    Memorable moment: Faking her own death by collecting small samples of her blood over a long amount of time, then filming a dramatic AF "death" video.

    Ezra Fitz

    Memorable moment: Hooking up with an underage Alison, then deciding to write a "true crime" about her. After they broke up, he hooked up with another underage girl, who was also his student, to find out about Ali and finish the book. Oh, then he married her.

    Wren Kingston

    Memorable moment: Spelling "diagnosis" wrong despite being a doctor.

    Melissa Hastings

    Memorable moment: Accidentally burying Bethany Young alive, thinking it was Ali, and thinking Spencer killed her. (Lol, it was Mona.)

    Jessica DiLaurentis / Mary Drake

    Memorable moment: Both twins slept with Slut Daddy Peter Hastings and had his children.

    Toby Cavanaugh

    Memorable Moment: He ate some weed-laced gummy bears meant for Spencer, and ended up greening out and letting A get away.

    Jenna Marshall

    Memorable moment: Blackmailing her step-brother into sleeping with her.

    Byron and Ella Montgomery

    Memorable moment: Getting divorced then remarried in their backyard.

    Ashley Marin

    Memorable moment: Having an affair with Jason DiLaurentis. I guess she was just feeling left out because she wasn't on Slut Daddy Hastings' radar, so had to go for his son instead.

    Pam Fields

    Memorable moment: Dashing off with the rest of the Wine Moms to help rescue the girls... but not before downing her glass of Pinot.