Noni Hazlehurst Just Schooled All Of Australia With Her Logies Speech

    We are not worthy.

    Noni Hazlehurst, actor, presenter, and national treasure, was inducted into the Hall of Fame at tonight's Logie Awards.

    And her acceptance speech was a straight-up gift to us all.

    She started by throwing some shade at Malcolm Turnbull's comments this week about asylum seekers.

    She touched on how children are affected by what they see on TV and around them.

    And then reminded us that not only children are affected.

    THEN to top it all off, she spoke about race and gender in the media industry.

    And our love for her could not be greater.

    ☆ @realNoniH thank you for giving the most open, honest, beautiful & moving winners speech of all time #Logies2016 #nonihazlehurst

    We need more people like Noni Hazlehurst. We need more people like Waleed Aly. We need more people like Lee Lin Chin.

    And of course, she CONTINUED going in during her speech later in the media room.

    Noni Hazlehurst in media room after Hall of Fame nod #TVWEEKLogies

    "I look forward to the day where it's not an issue whether a man or a woman, or an Asian person or a Muslim gets anything in this country. We share more similarities than differences. Any other idea is divisive and potentially disastrous."

    Thank you, Noni. For everything.