22 Of The Most Offensive Things That Have Happened To Breakfast

    Can't we all just agree to eat toast and be done with it?

    1. This mayonnaise monstrosity.

    2. These buffet "scrambled" "eggs".

    3. This toast sandwich.

    4. This extremely rude pancake.

    5. This cereal and OJ combo.

    6. And this poor man's "cereal".

    7. These microwave oats.

    8. This portrait of failure.

    9. This "breakfast burrito".

    And this popcorn omelette.

    10. This innovative way to get your protein in.

    11. This smoothie which probably would have tasted really great.

    12. This lazy egg and cheese option.

    13. These... hard boiled eggs?

    14. And this attempt at "just a pinch" of seasoning.

    15. This doughnut disappointment.

    16. This IHOP plating fail.

    17. This meal which can be enjoyed on-the-go.

    18. And this marriage of three of the most American foods ever.

    19. These improvised coffee stirrer chopsticks.

    20. This attempt at an Instagram-worthy smoothie bowl.

    21. These sad waffle remnants.

    22. And this, aka the worst thing on the internet.