For Everyone Whose Childhood Was Shaped By Monica From "Play School"

    More like YAY School.

    Play School was one of the best parts of our childhoods.

    Whether you were Team Big Ted or Team Little Ted, everyone could agree on one thing.

    Monica was straight-up the best part of that show.

    Whether she was telling us stories about bunyips... us the weekly weather forecast dressed in this get-up...

    ...or singing the Ning Nang song...

    Monica 👏 Was 👏 The 👏 BEST 👏.

    She taught us the most valuable life advice that we should all be following now as adults.

    And let's not forget that she was the voice behind the most iconic theme song of the '90s.

    Also, her name is a lot of fun to say.

    What a badass.

    Thanks for the memories, Monica. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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