22 Teachers Who've Clearly Had Better Days

    Why are 8-year-olds so fascinated with poop?

    1. This teacher and her volcano experiment.

    2. This teacher who didn't notice her spelling error until halfway through the day.

    3. This teacher who found out the hard way what it's like to teach 8-year-old boys.

    4. And this teacher, who has to put up with Grayson all year.

    5. This red-haired teacher who was really asking for it.

    6. This teacher who had the best of intentions.

    7. This teacher with high artistic aspirations.

    8. And this teacher who got personalised pencils for her students.

    9. This teacher who's going to be cleaning up glitter until summer.

    10. This teacher who thought she'd bought a pack of rainbow markers, without realising she'd actually got the "assorted diverse shades" multipack.

    11. And this teacher, whose strength is definitely math, not English.

    12. This teacher who experienced a Pinterest fail.

    13. This teacher who could not have been more clear.

    14. This teacher who didn't check what the dot-to-dot image would be before giving it to her students.

    15. And this one who also didn't pay enough attention.

    16. This teacher who tried her hand at a DIY map.

    17. This teacher whose cat got in the way of her marking.

    18. This teacher who is ready for a career swap.

    19. This teacher whose Play-Doh turned into something from Goosebumps overnight.

    20. And this one who tried to make crayons with a tray that clearly wasn't microwave-proof.

    21. This teacher, who has to educate even on snow days.

    22. And this one who was greeted with a bottle fort around his desk.