I Tried A Bunch Of DIY Beauty Products To See What Actually Works

    The thought of DIY deodorant honestly gives me nightmares.

    Hi, I'm Jemima! Nice to meet you, please have a seat and let's chat beauty products.

    I've seen a few things on Pinterest about making your own beauty products but honestly it all just seemed like too much effort.

    So I found a bunch of ~recipes~ and tested them out to see if they are actually as good as their store-bought counterparts.

    First up, dry shampoo.

    Then I tried to make my own bubble face mask.

    Up next: body exfoliating scrub.

    Next I tried the recipe I was most afraid of, deodorant.

    Then I tried my hand at some DIY eye-makeup remover.

    Method: Mix two parts water to one part olive oil in a jar or bottle (yes, I used another Doritos jar. I love salsa.). If your makeup is waterproof, make it one part water to two parts olive oil.

    Did it work?: Yes! Normally I use a cloth face washer and Sorbolene to take off my makeup, and this oil mixture was just as effective, if not moreso. All my makeup (including liquid liner and waterproof mascara) came off in two wipes. And my skin actually felt hydrated afterwards, not raw or dry like it sometimes can when I take off a lot of makeup. I'm not sure if it would work for all skin types, but it's worth a try because you've surely already got olive oil in your kitchen. Also, I'm realising the selfie light in my room is truly terrible and I must fix this soon.

    Lastly, I made my own shampoo.

    Method: Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with three tablespoons of water. If you have long hair, double the recipe. Wet your hair in the shower, then pour this mixture over your head. Massage into your roots for about a minute, then rinse. After that, rinse your hair with vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar) to neutralise it.

    Did it work?: Yes! I had low hopes for this one but I've actually tried it a bunch of times and every time my hair has felt so clean and fresh and surprisingly bouncy! There was no lather like I'm used to when washing my hair in the shower, and rinsing my hair with vinegar was not a pleasant experience. But I felt like it was a really good way to get rid of product buildup and freshen up my hair. Though I must say, the lingering smell of the vinegar in my hair was... not great. But still, I 100% recommend this recipe. I know you can also buy castile soap to make your own natural shampoo but that's not technically something I already had in my kitchen so I didn't try it out this time.

    Overall, it was a success! I'm not going to be throwing out my beauty product stash any time soon, but maybe I'll reach for the cornflour next time I run out of aerosol dry shampoo.