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13 Ways To Get Your Gross Winter Feet Ready For Summer

We're so close to sandal season, guys.

1. Indulge in one pedicure to set you up.

2. Use Vaseline and cotton socks to make your feet super-soft.

3. Or use a foot mask.

4. Don't walk around barefoot.

5. But you should also learn how to properly and safely remove splinters.

6. Learn how to cut your toenails properly.

7. And treat your feet like your face.

8. Always use a base coat on your nails!

9. If you feel a blister beginning to form, deal with it STRAIGHT AWAY.

10. Try a DIY foot soak.

11. Use a pumice stone at least once a week to get rid of dead skin.

12. Or use an electronic foot file if you just cbf with a pumice.

13. And when in doubt, moisturise.