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    16 Mistakes Every Traveller Makes At Least Once — And How To Avoid Them

    Save yourself money, time — and a whole lotta headaches.

    1. Overpacking your suitcase.

    2. Exchanging currency in the wrong place.

    3. Not getting the right travel money card.

    4. Using data roaming on your phone.

    5. Overplanning and cramming in too much.

    6. Getting self-conscious about being a tourist.

    7. Getting intimidated by local public transport.

    8. Comparing prices to home rather than destination.

    9. Not learning local phrases.

    10. Travelling too fast through an area.

    11. Eating at chain restaurants.

    12. Going in with zero research.

    13. Relying on planes or fast trains.

    14. Being too frugal.

    15. Not negotiating taxi fares.

    16. And finally, not saving all your recommendations in one place.