23 Times Callie Torres Was The Best Part Of "Grey's Anatomy"

    Queen of dancing in her underwear.

    This post has minor Season 12 finale spoilers! Proceed if you dare....

    1. First of all, she's strong as fuck.

    Remember when she went through a windscreen while heavily pregnant?

    2. And she never lost her fighting spirit.

    3. And let's be real, she has been through A LOT.

    4. Though honestly, she wasn't the best at thinking on her feet.

    5. She's a phenomenal doctor.

    6. She blessed us with this, one of the greatest ever scenes on Grey's.

    7. She married a man, then a woman, and became one of the best role models we could have asked for.

    8. Preach, girl.

    9. Through it all, she remained sassy AF.

    10. Like, honestly, she refused to take shit from anyone.

    11. Including Derek...

    12. ...and the Chief.

    13. And was never afraid to be herself.

    14. She was always there for her friends and the people she loved.

    15. Whether it was for talking or drinking.

    16. Oh lord, and can we talk about how smoking hot she was?

    17. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    18. Plus she and Arizona were honestly one of the best couples on the show...

    ...until, you know. They weren't.

    19. And their love was next-level.

    20. Though let us never forget that, for a brief moment there, she was Callie O'Malley.

    21. She made the musical episode a bit more bearable.

    22. She's honestly one of the most relatable characters.

    This is especially admirable because the show itself is pretty damn far-fetched.

    23. And she will always, always, be the queen of dancing around in her underwear.

    Goodbye, Callie. ❤️