People Are Still Confused About Australia's Eurovision Entry

    Even though we had one of the best performances of the night, just saying.

    This year, Australia competed in Eurovision for the first time.

    ICYMI Guy Sebastian just SLAYED at #EurovisionSongContest

    And, understandably, some people were very confused.

    Wait ..... Australia ?? In Eurovision ? O___o But Australia isn't in Europe oo""'

    Why the fuck is Australia in EUROvision

    Eurovision do you realise that in 3 minutes you may have destroyed 5 years of secondary geography teaching, Australia in Europe? #isawitontv

    I just figured it out #Australia ended up in #Eurovision because someone misspelled #Austria on some official correspondence

    Can't get over the fact that Australia is competing in the EUROvision song contest. CANT WE HAVE ANYTHING ALONE

    wait wait can Australia actually win the Eurovision i thought they were just guests and had no part in the competition what is happening

    Even the hosts threw shade.

    There were some changes made to maps...


    ...and some people were quick to point out the other non-European countries involved.

    "Australia isn't even in Europe!" - people who haven't looked up Azerbaijan or Israel on a map. #Eurovision2015

    But the BBC had no regrets.

    Stop asking they just ARE. #australia #aus #eurovision

    Everyone did agree on one thing.

    australia are doing it wrong you're not meant to be good in eurovision

    Guy absolutely KILLED his performance.

    No #aus you just can't come 60 years late and be killing the game #ESC15

    It might have even been one of the best songs of the night.

    #AUS doesn't realise that #Eurovision2015 songs are meant to be sh*t

    how is it australia in Eurovision if theyre not in Europe ???? but yet still 100 times better than everyone

    Ooh, I really like this. It's like an Antipodean Pharrell. #Eurovision #AUS

    Though some people were a little bitter.

    Mute your TVs. They're not Europe. They're not allowed our attention. #aus #Eurovision2015

    And this guy realised that if we vote on Eurovision like we vote on elections, we've got it in the bag.

    Remember folks, this is Australia which means voting in #Eurovision is compulsory. Avoid a fine and make sure you vote.