19 Times Kath And Kel Were Major Relationship Goals

    Any couple who makes power walking cool is good in my books.

    1. When they were workout buddies.

    2. And really tried to embrace a healthy lifestyle.

    3. When they were the perfect dance partners.

    4. And took it all the way to Dancing With The Stars.

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    5. When they rocked matching jumpers.

    6. When Kel tried to get frisky in the kitchen.

    7. When they went on a honeymoon but just stayed in the airport for two days.

    8. And tried to sneak into the Qantas Lounge with a Video Ezy card.

    9. When Kel got this tattoo in his lady's honour.

    10. When they made the most of their trip to New Zealand.

    11. When they went to see Marion to work out their issues.

    12. When Kel only had eyes for Kath.

    13. And when he was ready to stand up for her.

    14. When they shared a romantic bath.

    15. When they had to face their differences.

    16. When Kath wouldn't have a bar of Kel making fun of her.

    17. When Kel supported Kath's absurdist art.

    18. And when they shared beauty treatments...

    19. ...no matter how extreme.