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22 Things Adam Levine Totally Looked Like At The Super Bowl

A show within a show.

1. The Super Bowl halftime show this year brought on a lot of opinions on Adam Levine's dancing. One thing people also noticed about the show was how much Levine's shirt looked like home items everyone seemed to have.

Why Adam Levine wearing curtains at the Super Bowl?? #SuperBowlLlll

2. Like this pillow.

Although auto tune failed Adam Levine terribly, Target Home Collection really came through with his wardrobe.

3. This chair.

why is adam levine out here looking like my chair?

4. This chair as well.

Who wore it better? #adamlevine vs my chair #SuperBowl2019

5. It even matches with this set of kitchen towels.

Adam Levine is deadass wearing one of my kitchen towels #SuperBowlLlll #HalftimeShow

6. He also got compared to a Louis Vuitton Bag.

Yo, anyone wanna tell me why Adam Levine is out here looking like a Louis Vuitton bag??? #SuperBowlLlll

7. However, pillow comparisons were a constant.

Who wore it best: Adam Levine or pillow

8. Everyone seems to have a pillow like that.

Adam Levine’s shirt looks like the cover on my aunt’s throw pillows 😂 #SuperBowlLIII

9. Literally everyone.

I have to give my friend Jana Anderson all the credit for this pic. Her couch pillows match Adam Levine's shirt.

10. Retro brown squares is apparently a very popular pattern.

Pretty sure Adam Levine’s shirt was cut from my curtains..

11. Aside from home goods, shirtless Adam Levine drew a lot of comparisons to Chipotle bags.

12. 🌯🌯🌯

13. 🌯🌯🌯

Adam Levine legitimately looks like a chipotle bag

The comparisons truly were an added gift to the performance.

wow the highlight of Adam Levine's performance was definitely that his shirt looked exactly like pillows that an alarming amount of people happen to have from Target #SuperBowl

Bonus — Here are a few more things Adam Levine was compared to.

14. Free clip art.

Adam Levine looked like a book of royalty free clip-art #SuperBowl #superbowlmemes

15. A custom Xbox character from 2004.

Adam Levine looks like every single one of my 2004 Xbox character creations #SuperBowl

16. One of those fake tattoo shirts.

Adam Levine made super bowl history by being the first person to perform a half time show wearing one of those fake tattoo shirts

17. The performer from the movie The Lost Boys.

19. Jared Leto's Joker.

20. A ouija board.

Cool that #adamlevine can conjure his grandma thru his tummy.

21. Spider from School of Rock.

@adamlevine #TotallyLooksLike Spider from School of Rock #ChangeMyMind

22. A tatted-up Popeye.