22 Non-News Podcasts That, Try As You Might, You Probably Won't Be Able To Stop Listening To

    Time to get those earbuds out.

    1. My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast, which means you'll end the episodes laughing your butt off and texting your friends with facts you never knew about crime cases big and small.

    2. Why Mommy Drinks is perfect for current parents, soon-to-be parents, and anyone who's just curious about parenthood and want a peek into the chaotic (and sometimes adorably hilarious) challenge of raising children.

    3. The Secret Room is a plethora of chilling, unbelievable, and downright hair-raising stories from real people (and you may not want to stop listening).

    4. Just Break Up is the advice podcast for anyone who's ever had their heart broken, grappled with a text message left on read, or has ever said, "I freakin' hate love sometimes."

    5. Scam Goddess is your go-to for feeding your brain with wild, hilarious, and sometimes ridiculous tales of fraud — who doesn't love a good "how they got caught" story?

    6. Real Life Ghost Stories is a collection of never-before-heard paranormal experiences — because they're submitted by listeners. Even the biggest paranormal proteges (who have researched every known ghost story under the sun) may find themselves shaking under their covers and sleeping with one eye open after just one episode.

    7. The Potterless Podcast is your dose of all things wizarding world, polyjuice potion, Quidditch, and more — all from someone who has never read the series before.

    8. Overdue is the podcast for all you bookworms who like to read during your morning commute (or for the bookworms who like to listen to a podcast about reading during their morning commute). The hosts will talk you through a new book you've been meaning to read.

    9. Radio Rental is a stream of scary first-hand experiences told by the people who went through them. It's almost guaranteed to make you a wee bit jumpy (and curious for more) after listening to just one episode.

    10. Girls Gotta Eat is a bevy of episodes featuring very real, very funny (and sometimes very awkward) girl talk on navigating modern romance. Think of every night as kind of like a slumber party with your two very hilarious, very incredible hosts.

    11. Ologies with Alie Ward is for anyone looking for a little edufication with a few laughs thrown in and who might delight in learning about the science of some of their favorite things — the science of beer, anyone?

    12. Why Won't You Date Me? is the podcast for any single person who's ever had that one annoying, nagging question without an answer in the backs of their minds — why won't anyone date me!??!?!

    13. The Purrrcast is the podcast every cat lover has been waiting for. If you have a cat, want a cat, might get a cat soon, or just enjoy hearing other people talk about their cats, then you can just leave this post right now and go listen to this paw-some podcast.

    14. Decoder Ring is the podcast for all you deep-thinking, curious cats out there. You'll walk away from every episode having learned a little something new about societal symbols through the decades.

    15. 10 Things That Scare Me is for anyone who's afraid of something (aka all of us). Take a brief journey through another person's mind as you learn about the fear that keeps them awake at night.

    16. How To Fail is the podcast for anyone who's ever had something just not go their way (once again, literally all of us). Sure, you can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to those situations.

    17. 99% Invisible is here to satiate the curiosity of design geeks and anyone who honestly might've been an architect in their past life.

    18. The Mortified Podcast is probably the only podcast that'll make you cringe, cry, and laugh all at the same time. It features stories of embarrassing things people did as kids and, honestly, we can all relate.

    19. Happy Place is all about those feel-good stories. Each week, a new guest introduces listeners to the experiences that have shaped what happiness means to them.

    20. If I Were You is probably gonna make you feel like you have a pair of new best friends who talk to you about the random and not-so-random things we all think about and give you advice whether you want it or not.

    21. LeVar Burton Reads is probably gonna have you getting into your jammies and huddling under the covers as you prepare to listen to a relaxing fiction short story told in the soothing voice of LeVar Burton himself.

    22. Meditation Minis is the meditation podcast for anyone who says they "don't have time to meditate," or "don't know how." Get ready to feel more relaxed than you've felt in a while.