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    16 Small Money Habits That Might Have A Surprisingly Big Impact On Your Life

    And, people have actually tried (and loved) them.

    Ngl, 2020 changed many, many things — including our relationships with money. The way you manage money today is probably a little different from the habits you had a year ago. So we recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share money habits that changed their lives in 2020.

    Here's what they shared:

    1. "We were putting aside money in our savings account each month for a trip in 2020 that didn’t happen. Instead of stopping when our trip was canceled, we kept putting that money into savings each month."

    2. "I started considering how small purchases add up quickly."

    Coffee cup at a cafe

    3. "Whenever I wanted something that was pricey, I'd add it to a list. Then, after I paid my bills and put some money into savings, I could see what was leftover. If it was a sizable amount, then I could choose something off my list to buy."

    4. "Before I was laid off from my job due to the pandemic, I joined my employer's 401(k) plan, and contributed the maximum of what they matched. This basically doubled my money."

    Jar of money labeled "401k"

    5. "Setting aside one-third of each paycheck in a completely different bank account saved my life."

    6. "I quit smoking cigarettes. I quit for my health but, my goodness, the savings added up quickly."

    Model putting coins into a piggy bank

    7. "I started using cash back apps like Ibotta or Receipt Hog to get some extra cash or gift cards!"

    8. "I break down my larger bills into smaller payments as I get paid."

    model working at a computer surrounded by paperwork

    9. "I set aside $10 each week for Christmas gifts."

    10. "I paid off my car and instead of buying a new one or using that money for something else, I continued to 'pay my loan' by putting the amount into my savings."

    11. "I set aside 20% of my check no matter how much or little it is."

    Model using mobile check deposit on their phone

    12. "A few months before the pandemic hit I started using the Trim app, and it helped me so much during the pandemic."

    Computer illustration showing that Trim has helped save $200 on a bill

    13. "I unsubscribed from all newsletters that advertise a sale on their site and lure me into buying things I don't need."

    14. "I stick to a budget that I made a few years ago. Sometimes, I don't like not being able to buy an expensive pair of shoes or a nice purse, but the budget is what has helped me pay off my student debt."

    15. "I’ve been doing this for a few years now, but it’s the thing that helps me save the most money: I keep a set amount of money in my checking accounts and transfer the rest to savings."

    16. "I use the Acorns app. It's mindless saving, and it paid for a trip to Disney World in less than a calendar year."

    If this sounds like music to your ears (and bank account), check out more of our personal finance posts.

    Submissions were edited for length and/or clarity.