We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    34 Personal Care Products To Help You Out With Some Little Body-Related Problems

    AKA the somewhat cringey issues that we all deal with from time to time.

    1. A two-pack of "flossing toothbrushes," if getting food lodged in between your teeth feels like a daily recurring nightmare. These remarkable feats of oral hygiene feature soft, multilayer bristles that are essentially like strong pieces of floss that reeeally reach between teeth, under the gum line, and deep into grooves where cavities and bacteria can breed.

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans that even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    Here's what one of our editors, Emma Lord, has to say: "I love it just after the first few days of use! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively." 

    Promising review: "I'm amazed at how well this toothbrush cleans my teeth — it definitely gets between the teeth and also more importantly for me, gets in the small, deep crevices in my molars where I always have food stuck and regular toothbrushes couldn't get stuff out. I brush more often (after meals/snacks) because of how effective it is. As stated, definitely go easy around the gums. The bristles feel soft, but will cause your gums to bleed if you use regular pressure. Nice and easy does the trick, SO WELL!" —Jason A.

    Get a pair from Amazon for $9.90 (also available as a four-pack). 

    2. A stainless-steel tongue scraper designed to banish bad breath, enhance tastebuds, and reduce bacteria buildup for an ultra clean mouth. A bonus? This also restores the look of the natural color of your tongue.

    Promising review: "I never realized how much gunk was on my tongue in the mornings. Pretty disgusting actually. My mouth feels extra clean after using this. Great quality stainless steel. To sanitize it, I just dip it in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes. The only thing others may have an issue with is storage as it doesn't come with a case or anything. Simple solution, though. I put up a small hook next to my toothpaste and toothbrush and hang it on that." —Alexis T.

    Get it from Amazon for $7.95+ (available in two colors and in two-pack options).

    3. A natural shoe deodorizer spray if rushing to wash your feet after a long day in your work shoes has been your norm since...well, forever. Good news! This handy spray features refreshing essential oils and smells like lemon and eucalyptus to get rid of any funk in a flash.

    Promising review: "This product WORKS! You won’t be disappointed. I used to get embarrassed taking off my flats in my office because they smelled so bad, but not anymore! My work flats make my feet sweaty and this spray helps keep the awful odors away at least four to five days (probably longer but I was so excited I just sprayed my shoes again because I liked the smell haha!) The lemon is strong and the eucalyptus I love, so I would purchase again! Although it will likely last a while! I have a little boy who gets sweaty feet also so I’m sure I’ll soon be using this in his shoes also." —Traeannah Brown

    Get it from Amazon for $13.95.

    4. A CeraVe salicylic acid body wash so you can say "see ya!" to those pesky scabs left over from picking ingrowns, and "au revoir!" to keratosis pilaris flare-ups. This exfoliates without the rough, physical microbeads and buffs away bumpy skin while smoothing — thanks to hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.

    Promising review: "My 6-year-old daughter has keratosis pilaris, commonly known as 'chicken skin.' This year it really flared up during warm weather so I gave this wash along with lotion a try. Wow, I saw results after just a few uses and after a couple of weeks most of her bumps disappeared. Thrilled we skipped a trip to the dermatologist! Can’t beat this price for the results either." —Ashley Steigerwald

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    5. A jar of Lawless Forget The Filler overnight lip mask, which takes care of chapped lips that are battling dryness and dehydration. Packed with shea butter, berry extract, and hyaluronic acid, this stuff supports natural collagen production to plump and soothe as you sleep. So getting kissably softer skin has never been easier!

    Jasmin showing chapped lips before applying the mask
    Jasmin the next morning with visibly softer, fuller lips
    Jasmin Sandal/BuzzFeed

    Team up harsh acne medication with fierce winds and you've got the perfect formula for lizard-like dryness. AKA what I'm currently dealing with — especially around my mouth. Enter: the Lawless Forget The Filler Overnight Lip Mask, which has been saving my chapped lips for the past few months. It's cooling, it's soothing. It's thick without feeling tacky. It's hydrating without feeling sticky. And I don't have to do a darn thing except liberally apply it each night and wake up with softer, fuller, less painful-feeling lips!

    *And* this is vegan and cruelty-free!

    Lawless Beauty is a woman-owned beauty brand from Annie Lawless. She makes clean, nontoxic makeup and skincare that doesn't skimp on pigment or coverage.

    Promising review: "As someone who is skeptical about overnight products like this, I was pleasantly shocked and surprised to see results the next morning after my first use! My lips not only felt hydrated and smooth, but definitely looked more plump (without that tingling sensation most plumping products provide which I don't like!)" —JuliaFromPhilly

    Get it from Sephora for $21 (available in three shades).

    6. A shampoo scalp massager to soothe a dry, itchy scalp that's home to pesky dandruff. How? By a) reinvigorating, b) exfoliating, and c) stimulating the roots to really get that deep, deep clean. Plus, it can also be used to gently detangle any knots!

    And! This just happens to be fan-favorite among the BuzzFeed writers — including myself. I have one of these shower companions, and while I don't use it every time I get sudsy, I usually run it through my hair after a few days of back-to-back dry shampooing. It really gets in there to clear up any buildup while also feeling like a nice little scalp massage.

    Promising review: "This has been the BEST $8 I’ve ever spent! I suffer from psoriasis on my scalp I’ve dealt with FOR YEARS. I get the worst flare-ups and the dandruff is just incredibly painful and embarrassing. I tried just about everything. I read some of the reviews and saw some other people had used it for the same thing. I literally just massaged my entire scalp while shampooing. I have a lot of hair so I had to flip my head over and do sections but I was able to get everything off my scalp. I didn’t have ANY dandruff. It really did help get all the buildup out and remove any irritation I had on my scalp. If you have psoriasis, try it!" —Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    7. A set of itty-bitty dermaplaning razors so you can carefully take care of any unwanted fuzz + keep your eyebrows looking their best. The blades are designed with built-in guards that won't hurt your skin, plus they come with an extra attachment for salon-precise eyebrow shaping.

    Reviewer using the tool to dermaplane their face
    another reviewer before and after using the tool on their face

    Promising reviews: "I saw these on TikTok and was skeptical but they work so well. I use them for any facial peach fuzz and to shape my eyebrows and they're perfect." —Megan Kopicko

    "I bought these blades to try at-home dermaplaning. I was nervous at first, but it’s almost impossible to cut yourself with these and it took the peach fuzz right off my face. In fact, as I was staring at my face in a magnifying mirror and removing the fuzz, I noticed my nose hair was a little out of control. I even used one of these in my nose (that’s right) and it worked great! I will be keeping a few of these on hand at all times." —TKB 

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $5.67 (also available in a set of nine).

    8. blackhead scrub stick, which comes in the form of a too-cute-for-words octopus-shaped stick that is ridiculously good at removing excess sebum. Rub this over your face post-cleanse and just watch it work wonders on exfoliating your pores to yank out blackheads and whiteheads.

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Psst! TikTokers love this thing!

    Promising reviews: "Must-have. I use this a couple of times a week. I have terrible blackheads and this manages to scrub 90% of them away and the rest are barely noticeable. Will keep buying." —Princess Jasmin

    "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    9. L’Oréal 8 Second Wonder Water Lamellar, a rinse-out hair treatment that works like a treat in eight, yes, you read that correctly, EIGHT seconds to fight troublesome frizz and bed head. Think: mirror-like shine and softer-than-soft locks in fine to thick textures. 

    to the left, an image of brown hair with the text
    a reviewer with 3c hair showing their results
    @lorealparis / Via www.instagram.com, www.amazon.com

    Apply this directly to wet hair, avoiding the roots, massage it in for eight seconds, then rinse. Effort required = practically zero. You can use one dose for fine- to medium-textured hair, two to three doses for thick- to curly-textured hair, and add one more dose if you have long hair.

    Promising reviews: "I don’t usually do reviews on products, but for this one I absolutely have to. I have 3c type hair and struggle with a lot of breakage, unmanageability, and moisture. When my mom mentioned this product to me I didn’t take her seriously because of the simple fact that we have two completely different hair textures. I never would have thought this brand would work on my hair. I have never in my 22 years felt my hair like this. I feel like I have a completely different head of hair. This product is so amazing and I will FOREVER be using this product in my hair regimen. Thank you so much!! ♥️" —Theressa Hailey

    "It does exactly what it says...makes your hair soft, shiny, and cooperative! I have given this to two of my friends ALREADY — one with thick and curly hair, the other with limp and fine hair — and THEY BOTH swear by this product! Just can't think of enough good things to say! I have short bleached hair, so am getting excellent results using less than half as much as they recommend. Buy this stuff — you'll thank yourself later!!!!!" —enamelcamel

    Get it from Amazon for $9.87

    10. Medicated, waterproof bandages lauded by reviewers for effectively concealing, protecting, and lifting stubborn warts out from the deep, dark depths of your skin. Some saw results after just ONE application.

    Promising review: "More than six years with a large, sometimes painful plantar wart on the bottom of my foot. The doctor tried freezing. I tried apple cider vinegar, aspirin, freezing at home, over and over again...nothing worked. Never showing the bottom of my feet, refusing to get a pedicure with the girls, and so, so embarrassed...It felt like I was doomed to have it for forever; it was resistant to everything. Literally six years of fighting it and on a whim tried these because of the good reviews. ONE APPLICATION. I wore the bandage overnight. I didn’t think it did anything, but a few days later the wart just came off. I know it’s silly to be so emotional over a stupid wart, but I’m telling you, I nearly cried. I’ve never been so happy with a product in my life. Highly, highly recommend giving these a try if you’ve got stubborn plantar warts." —Liz Dube

    Get a 14–pack from Amazon for $7.29+ (available in five pack sizes). 

    11. Korean skincare exfoliating mitten to slough away dead skin and reveal visibly (and touchably) softer arms...legs...bums...literally wherever you want to use it — and much more effectively than your worn-in loofah!

    Promising review: "I have always had skin issues. Itchy, flaky skin, lotion won't absorb, no product really helps remove the gross dead skin in high friction areas. These changed my life! Remove dead skin with ease, and aren't as coarse as those gloves you see in big box stores! I'm significantly less itchy, lotion absorbs better, and I feel better when I wear tank tops or even less! These things are a lifesaver. Most gross and satisfying, while scrubbing, I noticed the water turning gray in the tub as I scrubbed away all those dead skin cells. My allergies aren't half of what they were a week ago, and I can use all those cute soaps and lotions! I feel great. I'd buy these a million times more. I had no idea how much body soil I was retaining. I feel great after a shower and for once, I feel truly clean." —Rachel Anschuetz

    Get it from Amazon for $5.99+ (available in a one-piece and two-piece option). 

    12. CND SolarOil nail and cuticle repair oil, the tried-and-true potion in a bottle that's made with natural nourishing, strengthening, and brightening ingredients that whip weak nails and damaged cuticles into shape.

    Promising review: "It's a miracle! I had peeling, weak nails for years. Tried everything. A friend recommended a nail strengthener they saw on QVC. It was quite pricey and I wanted to make sure it was worth it so I read the reviews. One of the comments said just buy Solar Oil. Since it was much more affordable than the QVC stuff, I tried it. I bought it in February. This size bottle lasted a bit more than a month religiously applying it two to three times a day. I was really seeing great improvement so I bought another bottle in late March. By May, all the peeling had grown out and my nails were getting stronger every day. I then bought the big 4-ounce refill bottle because I never want to run out of it again! Cannot recommend this stuff enough!" —Diana

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in four sizes) 

    13. Foot exfoliating peel masks that work like witchcraft to peel away calloused skin and leave you with the softest baby bum feet. And this at-home science experiment might be gross, but you'll be so very satisfied with the results.

    day 6 and day 8 of reviewer's peeling skin on feet
    day 14 of reviewer's super smooth feet

    Just pop on the booties for an hour, wash your feet, and marvel as your feet start shedding layers of dead skin.

    Promising review: "Okay, so first things first: I have VERY calloused feet from years of barefoot gravel adventures. The directions advised me to use a second application one week after the first, which I did. My feet just keep PEELING. I'm talking massive chunks of skin coming off. My feet literally haven't felt this soft in over a decade and I'm only 21!! It's a must-have for those wanting to take care of their feet!" —Callie Pinaire

    Get it from Amazon for $17.95+ (available in three scents and in three pack sizes).

    14. Or! A foot file so you can tell pricey pedis to beat it once and for all. This makes taking care of crusty feet epidermis easy peasy — and if you want to let your hooves see the light of day quickly (without going through a two-week treatment), this miracle worker will gift you with brand-new skin that you'll be proud to parade around.

    A reviewer's dry calloused heel
    The same reviewer's heel looking smooth and callous-free after using the file

    Promising review: "AMAZING!!! Seriously beyond impressed with this product. I've never had dry or cracked heels until recently, and I've tried everything I could find to get rid of them. This is all you need!!! I literally opened the box and did this in less than a minute! I'll never use anything else! Even better than professional pedicures!!!" —Kyla Jackson

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    15. A nose hair wax kit in case you're looking to avoid eye-watering pain that comes from tweezing those stragglers beneath your nose. This kit contains everything you need to keep that area hair-free for up to four weeks!

    Reviewer with the sticks inside their nostrils
    Reviewer's used wax sticks full of nostril hair

    You'll get 100 grams of nose wax beads, 30 wax applicators, 10 mustache protectors, a measuring cup, and 15 paper cups at your disposal.

    Promising review: "I highly recommend this product. The instructions were super easy to follow, and it worked perfectly! I was a little nervous to pull the sticks out once the two minutes were up; however, it didn't even hurt. I expected it to hurt momentarily and my eyes to water, but neither was true! If you wanna get rid of them pesky nose hairs...snag this product!!!" —Julie J.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in two colors). 

    16. TheraBreath oral rinse invented to fight stank breath for a whole 24 hours —and all with a mild mint formula that's tough on bacteria that can cause sour, bitter, and metallic tastes in your mouth.

    Check it out on TikTok here

    Promising review: "TikTokers have done it again. This was one of the products on Amazon a person could not live without, stating all-day freshness. It's true, I cannot believe it. The taste isn't strong, it does not burn at all. It keeps my breath smelling fresh all day no matter what I eat. This brand will be a new staple in my bathroom and morning routine." —Zac

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $15.34 (also available in a pack of six).

    17. A cradle cap comb to soothe and rid your bub's irritated scalp of dead skin. This'll slide onto your hand easily and is made with the softest rubber bristles to gently *and* effectively remove flakes. 

    A baby's head with dry scales on the left and the same baby's head looking smoother and flake-free on the right
    the flakes on the comb

    New parents, don't panic. Cradle cap — aka seborrheic dermatitis — is a very common dry scalp condition that affects infants.

    Promising review: "The pictures posted here are legit. It makes removal so much easier and gives more consistent removal than my previous method of washcloths or just scratching the cradle cap off with my fingernails. It’s amazing and gross and wonderful. My babe doesn’t even flinch when I spend 10 minutes clearing his scalp of all the goo. It seems to be soothing to him. I just apply baby shampoo, then brush a little with the blue brush. Then I slowly start to comb in sections all in one direction. Then I go back and forth in multiple directions. It’s shocking the amount of dead skin that comes off. I’ve even used it successfully in his eyebrows (he gets some cradle cap there, too). This is a KEEPER!" —ZMomUtah

    Get it from Amazon for $4.19.

    18. An itty-bitty toenail brace set that'll correct the natural curve of your nail that causes cringeworthy ingrown pain. Simply apply the strip to your toenail and watch this lil' bb straighten out the sides so pressure is *poof* eliminated and the new you can walk ache-free.

    The kit comes with 10 toenail braces and the materials needed to apply it, including a nail file, solvent, and cotton swabs.

    Promising review: "I never realized how curved my toenails were. I thought the pain I had was just normal and a fact of life. Only when I read about the Curve Correct product, did I realize that I had a major problem, and it could be resolved! Now I'm on the way to normal, flat toenails, that DON'T grow curved into my skin!" —Jamie H.

    Get the kit from Amazon for $44.99.

    19. An Esarora Facial Ice Roller here to depuff and de-stress skin — with the added bonus of alleviating sinus pain and migraine ouchies. Just plonk it in your fridge or freezer and use it across your cheeks, eyes, and head. And for some extra self-care: roll this over a sheet mask for better absorption and ultra soothing feels.

    reviewer before and after using the ice roller around their eyes
    reviewer placing the ice roller to their face

    Promising review: "I was skeptical about this product. I wasn't sure how it was much different than rolling any other frozen thing on your body. I'm beyond pleasantly surprised. I've used it for sinus pain, migraines, swollen neck glands, under-eye circles/bags, inflamed acne, TMJ pain, etc. Not to mention, when I used it on my face, it leaves my skin feeling tight and wakes me up in the mornings. It also stays cold for forever but never sweats or leaves water behind. It's like magic. I also bought one for my mom who suffers from nerve damage in her arms and legs. I think it'll really help when she has bad pain days." —Jessica McRee

    Get it from Amazon for $16.14+ (available in nine colors and in two-roller options).

    20. leave-in curl conditioning spray that tells knots and tangles to take a hike *plus* will turn your little one's messy morning bed head into one that looks a lot more presentable (and one that features soft, picture-perfect curls and ringlets). This stuff gently detangles and restore tresses, all without the use of harsh and nasty chemicals.

    Reviewer's before photo showing their child's curly hair before using the spray and after photo showing glossy curls with the spray
    reviewer pointing to their curly hair

    Reviewers say this spray will leave wavy or curly hair (from 2a–4c hair) shiny, soft, and bouncy. And it's free from parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic colors or dyes, propylene glycol, gluten, wheat, and nuts!

    Promising review: "This is the BEST product EVER! I will never use another hair detangler ever again. We use this product daily in my house, my daughter, my son, and I. Both of us girls have long and thick curly hair, and it allows us to brush through our hair with no problems! And my son mostly uses it to style his hair before gel, and because it smells so good! We tried a few products from Walmart, Ulta, and Target, and nothing was good enough. This is now on my Subscribe & Save every month!" —Tamira McLelland

    Get it from Amazon for $9.69.

    21. A tub of Vanicream Moisturizing Cream you can use to pump out hydration for your whole bod. This is a fuss-free formula that's omitted fragrances, dyes, and parabens to take care of eczema and just generally irritated epidermis. Enthusiasts are noting that stinging, burning, and itchiness are now a thing of the past!

    reviewer showing a rash/eczema around their armpit area
    same reviewer after using the cream with the rash completely cleared up

    Promising reviews: "Swear by this stuff for sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin due to rosacea and skin allergies. My dermatologist recommended Vanicream Lite Lotion for my face. It was OK, but then I discovered this stuff — the moisturizing cream in the pump. The Vanicream Moisturizing Cream is fantastic — my rosacea is so much better since switching to this stuff. It keeps my sensitive skin happy and protected. I even use it during the summer months with no problems. Vanicream made a fantastic product!" —S

    "Finally a moisturizer that doesn’t burn, sting, or irritate my skin. I’ve had super-sensitive skin all my life, especially on my face, and I am 46 years old. I have finally found the one lotion that doesn’t irritate my face. I am day two into using the cleanser and the moisturizer, and you have no idea how great it is for my face not to burn and turn bright red — just fantastic!!!! The moisturizer is a bit thick so you don’t need a lot; even though it’s a little higher priced it’ll last forever, and it’s worth it when you have super-sensitive skin. FAN FOR LIFE!!!" —Alisa Griffey

    Get it from Amazon for $13.56.

    22. Or! A hydrating "Like Butter" mist, which soothes painful flakes and discomfort caused by eczema and other sensitive skin issues. Why should you choose this? Well, for one, the spray bottle makes it easy to cover those hard-to-reach spots (nifty!) *and* it's dermatologist tested so you know the ingredients are safe to support moist, smoother skin, *plus* calm redness. (Hooray!)

    model with eczema on their back spraying the mist on their body

    Key ingredients for this include: Hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and centella asiatica (aka tiger grass).

    Plus! It's vegan and cruelty-free!

    Topicals is a WOC-founded small business started by Olamide Olowe, who actually ditched plans to apply to medical school in favor of launching her skincare brand.

    Promising review: "I looooove this product. I have eczema and it’s so much easier to moisturize my entire body with this spray. It has an herbal smell when you first spray it but it goes away quickly (I like the smell though). My only complaint is that I wish it was bigger!" —clearlykendra

    Get it from Sephora for $30.

    23. A pair of super-comfy period-proof underwear that are ultra-absorbent and designed to hold two tampons' worth of period blood. It's up to you whether you pair 'em with a tampon or not, but if anything, they provide some added reassurance when you're not so sure what your monthly mate is gonna do.

    BuzzFeed editor in black brief style underwear
    Closeup of the black underwear
    Emma Lord//BuzzFeed

    Also, unlike your regular undies, you don't have to scrub the blood out of these. They're designed so it rinses right out in the sink with soap and warm water and can get tossed in the washer and dryer from there. Check out our Bambody period underwear review for more deets!

    Psst — reviewers love these undies, but suggest sizing up!

    Promising review: "I was very hesitant to buy these, but I put a lot of faith in the other good reviews. These are absolutely wonderful! Way more than I ever expected, so much so that I ordered another pack. They are SO soft and comfortable. I am using them for my period, not post-partum. They are incredibly absorbent and keep me feeling dry. I used them all throughout the night and had zero leakage. I really cannot recommend them enough! I have been looking to reduce my waste, and these are perfect. They have washed very well, in the sink and the washing machine." —Anon

    Get a single pack from Amazon for $11.90+ (available in women's sizes XXS–6XL, single- and multi-colored packs, and in packs of two and three).

    24. SweatBlock antiperspirant wipes for anyone who finds themself d-r-i-p-p-i-n-g in salty fluids day after day (even if it's cool outside!). Just peep this before and after; the after could be you...in the future...bone dry. AKA, run — don't walk — for these godsends.

    Hey! Each box lasts two months!

    Promising review: "For anyone who might be a skeptic, please allow me to put you at ease. If you have hyperhidrosis, meaning it can be 9 degrees outside and you're still sweating under your arms, this product has the potential to change your life. I would sweat THROUGH a sport coat before noon. Enter the Sweat Block product. I've had it for three weeks, and it is life-changing. I DO NOT sweat under my arms anymore. I'm still on the original box that I bought three weeks ago. I had to write a review after I was cleaning the garage today in 85-degree heat...I was sweating through my shirt on my back...BUT NOT MY UNDERARMS. It is amazing!" —Frosty McGee

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $19.99+ (also available in packs of two or three boxes).

    25. Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo to reverse any sign of itchy, flaky scalps by targeting the source of the issue instead of just masking it. Admirers mention that after just two uses, their pesky dandruff has virtually vanished, and they even say they've noticed a difference with shedding *and* hair loss, too.

    This shampoo was designed to work for sensitive scalps, color-dyed, and chemically processed hair, as well as for all hair types and textures, with reviewers with 3b–4c curls mentioning it worked for them.

    Promising review: "This product is great. My scalp is moist but without all the scaly dry skin. My hair feels nice, not oily or weighed down nor extremely dry like hay. It is soft and manageable. Of all the products I have used for dandruff and dry scalp, this is the best one I have used. I swear by this shampoo. Don't hesitate to order if you are looking for a nonprescription shampoo. My dermatitis is severe, meaning extremely dry scalp and all that goes with it. You will be pleased with this product." —MLB

    Get it from Amazon for $15.47.

    26. Mighty Patch hydrocolloid pimple patches that work to absorb pus and shrink zits ~head on~. Since adult acne is a thing *sigh*, these are great to prevent picking and, according to one of our editors, are an effective treatment to avoid scarring and hyperpigmentation.

    reviewer with a number of pimple patches placed on their cheek
    same reviewer with pimple patches on their face and showing some of them filled with pus 7 to 8 hours later

    Melanie Aman, an editor on our Shopping team, tried these out and says: "These are hands down the best pimple patches I’ve ever used. Why? Because they actually work. I’ve tried some more cutesy patches that were great for Instagram photos but did nothing to shrink my breakouts. And the pimple patches that touted themselves as basically invisible were — but so were any results. While the Hero Cosmetics pimple patches are a little more visible (but really only noticeable if someone was standing really close to my face), the results are clear to see. (And JSYK, they also make an invisible version, but I have not tried it.)

    IMO they work best on whiteheads, drawing out the pus and preventing me from picking. Once all the fluids are drained (yum!), I plop a patch on what was once home to a very angry whitehead and replace it twice a day (once in the morning and once at night). In my experience, that has been the best treatment for preventing really noticeable hyperpigmentation and acne scarring, which my skin is really prone to after breakouts."

    Promising review: "These are the absolute BEST patches I've ever tried. Works best if it's a whitehead already, but I also use it for deeper cystic acne (for those it takes a couple of nights wearing it) and it pulls out the gunk and heals it soooo much quicker than it would normally take to heal." —Megan Gilbert

    Get 72 patches from Amazon for $19.79.

    You can take a look at the full review and see what other products the BuzzFeed shopping team are loving for more deets.  

    27. A tube of Pickle's Potions Hoof Healer to tackle tough skin around your hooves in a handy balm so you don't have to keep 'em hidden — or fork out for pricey pedis. Sandal season may be a ways away, but having baby soft feet year round? A blessing, honestly.

    Large twisting bottle with solid balm inside
    Pickle's Potions / Etsy

    Owner Kristin Mutchler runs this small business based in Wayne, Maine.

    Promising review: "I have spent over a year trying to heal a painful crack in one of my heels and I decided to give this hoof healer a try. Within a day, my heels were noticeably softer and smoother. I have already made another purchase and will be making many more! These products are life changing. Thank you Kristin! I am forever grateful!" —Etsy Customer 

    Get it from Pickle's Potions on Etsy for $12+ (available in three scents and two sizes).

    28. A teeth-whitening pen because we foresee a pearly-white smile in your future — one that's a *lot* easier to attain than you'd think. Goodbye, slippery whitening strips that slide all over your mouth. Hello, easy-to-use pen that lightens teeth by four to eight shades!

    Promising review: "These pens really work. I was skeptical before buying them, but then saw a difference after just one use. The best part is they even whitened the stubborn coffee stains I had between my teeth. I’ll keep using them. They are super easy to use and have no taste that I could discern. Really good product." —LCassie

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.97.

    29. A bottle of Tend Skin Solution to help reduce the appearance of ingrowns and ouch-inducing red bumps, known to us sufferers as a ~fun~ little thing called razor burn.

    Promising review: "I’m not one to leave a review about many products but I saw a review on this product that made me buy it and I thought it was only fair to pay it forward! I’ve dealt with horrendous ingrown hairs for years! I’ve tried everything to minimize them, expensive wax packages and expensive serums and creams, plucking, not shaving — you name it I tried it. This product has literally put everything I’ve tried to shame! For the price it was so worth it! I’ve been using it for about a month everyday after I get out of the shower (I saw someone say they put it in a spray bottle to get full use of the product rather than it seeping into a cotton ball, 10/10 would recommend) I haven’t gotten an ingrown since and the ones I had healed! The smell is kind of strong but so are the results. I also have pretty sensitive skin and I was worried about using it after I shave/wax, burns a lil' bit but it didn’t cause a flare-up. Can’t wait to not be insecure at the beach this summer!" —Jess

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in two sizes).

    30. Batiste Dry Shampoo here to freshen up grease-ridden locks instantly — and as an added bonus, it also creates volume. Pro tip: Spritz this on your roots before bed and let it work the night shift on your oily locks for a serious time-saving solution.

    Reviewer before with greasy hair
    Reviewer after with refreshed hair

    Promising review: "This dry shampoo is amazing! I have tried so many brands over the years and was so dissatisfied with all of them that I thought dry shampoo just wasn't for me. To give context, I have a very oily scalp with long, fine blond hair. Batiste saves the day! I don't like washing my hair every day and this product helps me last two to three days from my last shampoo. It gives good volume and doesn't feel loaded with product. Also, it does leave some white residue, but a blow-dryer on cool gets almost all of this out. I highly recommend this dry shampoo to anyone with an oily scalp! It's amazing for the price and for how frequently I need to use it. And for anyone worried about buildup, I have never had an issue with this dry shampoo and I use it about four times a week." —Laurel Adkins

    Get it from Amazon for $11.60.

    It was also selected as our low-price point pick for the best dry shampoos.

    31. Live Tinted Superhue Pigmentation Stick, which effortlessly glides across skin in a spill-proof serum stick that targets dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Formulated with niacinamide, bakuchiol (aka a retinol alt), and THD vitamin C, you can expect sun damage and discoloration to fade, and your overall complexion? Well, you'll be left with an unbelievably beautiful dewy glow ofc.

    model before and after using Superhue for 7 days with dark spots lightened
    Live Tinted

    And yes, bbs, it's clean, vegan, and cruelty-free!

    Live Tinted is a South-Asian woman-owned beauty brand founded by beauty blogger and entrepreneur Deepica Mutyala. Her brand is built around diversity and inclusion with phenomenal multitasking products that address skin concerns like hyperpigmentation. Just peep their top-selling, color-correcting Huestick.

    Promising review: "I HAVE NEVER HAD A HOLY GRAIL PRODUCT. UNTIL NOW!! Literally SO effective. Tons of people have been complimenting my skin from my boyfriend (who doesn't always notice subtle changes) to my coworkers ONLINE VIA VIDEO! My skin literally looks visibly brighter and smoother. The only thing you have to be careful of is if you freshly wax or thread any part of your face. Wait a day or two to use the product in case you have sensitive skin to be safe!" —Ulta Customer

    Get it from Ulta or Live Tinted for $34.

    32. Pura D'or Anti-Thinning Shampoo invented to rescue thinning hair with a powerful blend of biotin and gentle herbal ingredients. Reviewers have said that their hair loss has slowed, overall thickness has increased, volume has been boosted — and some saw a significant improvement in scalp and strand health, all in a matter of weeks!

    Top down image of reviewer showing signs of hair thinning
    Same reviewer showing thicker hair

    Ingredients also include nettle extract, pumpkin seed, and black cumin seed oil.

    Promising review: "I was a bit skeptical about all of the claims with this product and gave myself a few months before I wrote a review. This product delivers. My hair loss has diminished tremendously. Probably about a fraction of hair loss compared to a few months ago and my hair is full and shiny. Very happy with the product. At first it seemed pricey but the product goes a long way. I highly recommend giving this shampoo a try. Very worthwhile investment." —jdg

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two sizes).

    33. And some Sevích hairline shadow, which touches up graying roots and fills in thinning areas to give the appearance of denser, thicker hair without the fuss. If you've ever thrown your hair up and noticed areas of pesky gray or spots that are looking a lil' sparse, simply plop some color on the sponge applicator and dab it into your scalp for a fuller 'do.

    reviewer before showing a thinning hairline
    same reviewer after using the powder with scalp completely filled in

    This stuff is cruelty-free and contains nontoxic plant fibers and beeswax so it's safe to use on your skin.

    Promising review: "This product is AMAZING! If you have thinning hair or graying hair, this powder is a must-have. It even creates a bit of volume to my very thin hair. I've purchased many different hair products to conceal my thinning hair, most are ineffective, messy, or leave my hair feeling greasy. This is super easy to use; I even use it for my sparse eyebrows: I simply use a soft, small lip liner brush to fill in my brows for a natural look. I also love that it lasts till your next shampoo. At first I didn't like the built-in sponge, but I've grown to really like it. The powder sticks to the sponge, making it easy to apply to whatever area you want to cover up, and the powder doesn't come off on pillows if you leave it on overnight." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.98+ (available in 12 shades).

    34. A podiatrist-level toenail clipper to take care of thicker toenails and stop ingrown ones in their tracks. This features a lightweight handle and sharp cutter so you can easily keep on top of tough nails from the comfort of your own home.

    Here's why my BuzzFeed Shopping colleague Emma Lord loves this thing: "Hello, my toenails are problem children for two reasons: One is that they're kinda thick, the other is that I'm a long-distance runner, which doesn't play nice with toenails. I bought this recently and the difference it made immediately was ENORMOUS. Like I usually dread approaching my big toenails because they are so thick, but these painlessly and seamlessly lobbed the tops right off; I was also able to ~gently correct~ a toenail that was starting to get ingrown and help cut down a dead toenail that needed trimming but would have been painful to approach with a regular clipper."

    Promising review: "We bought this for our teen grandson to use for an ingrown toenail because he was not able to go to a nail salon that he trusted to fix this problem. It worked perfectly. He was so pleased with the result as it took care of his painful problem! Thank you for making a fantastic product. Every household should own one!" —T.S.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    The reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.