37 Slightly Weird Signs You're Becoming A Grown-Ass Adult

    You occasionally stuff trash into your pockets when there’s no bins around because you don’t want to litter.

    1. You treat yourself to some ~fancy~ toilet paper instead of just buying the cheapest.

    2. You've felt the inexplicable urge to own a decanter.

    3. Property programmes have become the most interesting, drama-filled, shows on TV for you

    4. You do the laundry before you completely run out of clothes.

    5. You've bought yourself a candle as a nice little treat.

    6. You come home to an empty refrigerator and realise that there’s no one to blame but yourself.

    7. You choose footwear based on comfort, rather than fashion.

    8. You've chosen a movie to watch based on its short runtime because you didn't want to stay up too late.

    9. You become paralysed with choice when standing in the cereal aisle of the grocery store.

    10. You've become unreasonably upset over losing the lid of a Tupperware container.

    11. You realise you can eat cake whenever you want and there’s no one there to stop you.

    12. You always make sure to drink a glass of water before bed after a night of heavy drinking.

    13. You've prayed to the gift-giving gods that you'll receive new socks on your birthday.

    14. Trips to IKEA suddenly become the most fun way to spend a weekend

    15. You take the stairs instead of the elevator because you figure that it will be good exercise even if you start to regret it half-way through.

    16. You receive a household bill with your name on it.

    17. You realise just how goddamn expensive cheese is.

    18. When you hear a song from your teenage years be referred to as “a classic”.

    19. You eat at a fast food restaurant purely for convenience, rather than for enjoyment.

    20. You occasionally stuff trash into your pockets when there’s no bins around because you don’t want to litter.

    21. You say “I did nothing” on the weekend, you mean it as a good thing.

    22. You feel an overwhelming sense of regret about all the naps you refused to take when you were a kid.

    23. You get really invested in recipe blogs and forming an attachment to certain writers.

    24. You actually own spare stuff like toothbrushes and feel excited when you get to finally use them.

    25. Generally describing very sweet foods as “a bit too sickly.”

    26. You start to care more about the quality of wine rather than how cheap it is and how quickly it can get you drunk.

    27. You spend more time doing hypothetical property shopping online than you do clothes shopping.

    28. Preferring muffins to cupcakes because the icing is too sickly.

    29. Having a favourite mug that you know would leave you heartbroken if it were to break.

    30. You sometimes think “I could probably make that at home!” when you see something expensive.

    31. You get the desire to take random courses like wine tasting and cheese making.

    32. You keep tabs on which Tupperware you’ve lent, because it does matter if you get them back.

    33. You start to develop a strong opinion about what kind of wood makes the nicest furniture.

    34. You have an existential crisis every time you realise that there are teenagers born after the year 2000.

    35. You completely get the name wrong of a celebrity you don’t know much about e.g. “Dewey Lipa.”

    36. You feel your stress levels rise when you see someone put a non-recyclable item in a recycling bin.

    37. Sometimes when people ask you your age, you just don’t remember.