18 Of The Most WTF Things To Have Happened In The Valleys

    The real heart of Wales.

    1. This bike that was chained to a goddamn level crossing.

    2. This street fight to end all street fights.

    3. This idea of a prize in an arcade machine.

    4. This ironic misspelling.

    5. This umbrella alternative.

    6. This banter.

    7. This penis-shaped cloud, which appeared over Porthcawl.

    8. This aggressive, misspelt parking criticism.

    9. This solution to an insect problem.

    10. This late night motorcycle ride in a onesie.

    11. This love story for the ages.

    12. This beautifully named fish and chip shop.

    13. This idea of a cinema snack.

    14. This post-workout meal.

    15. This wrecking of a man's global travel dream.

    16. This concept of street plants.

    17. This end to a festive parade.

    18. And finally, this victim of a night out in the valleys.