18 Things Everyone Who's Been To Oakwood Will Remember

    Your back still aches from Megafobia.

    1. Taking the mini train ride into the theme park and feeling like a giant.

    2. Going down that near-vertical sack slide of terror.

    3. And those waterslides which seemed just a little unsafe.

    4. Some idiot would always lose a shoe on Bounce.

    5. Feeling every goddamn bump on Megafobia.

    6. And being a rebel by pissing about for the camera.

    7. Getting attacked by at least one angry wasp while queuing.

    8. Putting your arms up on Treetops and almost losing a limb.

    9. Going on kid's rides when you were way too old to be going on them.

    10. Going on Splash (aka Hydro) and getting wetter than a million Welsh summers.

    11. Or getting wet by simply standing on the bridge.

    12. Using the extra cost of Vertigo as an excuse not to go on it.

    13. Being super excited when Speed was introduced.


    It has a loop. How modern is that?

    14. Speeding down the tracks on he sledge/toboggan things.

    15. The people playing mini golf kind of stressed you out.

    16. Being given nightmares by Brer Rabbit.

    17. And after all the rides got too much, you could just chill on the boats.

    18. Always being reminded of your days spent at Oakwood.