28 Things All Former Welsh Underage Drinkers Will Remember

    "Who brought the chewing gum?"

    1. You probably got your first taste of alcohol trying some red wine with Sunday dinner.

    2. Or from tasting your nan's Babycham at Christmas.

    3. Your parents' friends' barbecues were also a cause of your early drinking habit.

    4. Which ultimately led to you stealing old, untouched bottles of wine from the back of your parents' liquor cupboard.

    5. Or if you didn't want to risk your parents noticing, you'd just fill an empty Coke bottle with some random concoction.

    6. Somewhere down the road you and your friends decided to strike out alone and try your luck getting served in the nearest Spar or CK's.

    7. Or attempt to buy liquor from the back shelves of the local corner shop.

    8. But if you were lucky, you knew someone with an older brother who'd buy you alcohol in exchange for cash.

    9. More often than not, you'd end up taking your supplies to a quiet skatepark.

    10. Unless you were feeling classy and decided to opt for a rugby field.

    11. Arriva bus shelters were also a common drinking spot.

    12. Which was all great until a dog walker inevitably played local hero by confronting you on your underage drinking.

    13. And depending on your mood you'd either leg it for the trees or tell them to "piss off".

    14. You had a designated friend who'd always bring the chewing gum to help hide the alcohol from your breath.

    15. Because acting completely sober in front of your parents was a serious art form that took skill to perfect.

    16. And everyone had that one friend who went too far and drank way too much.

    17. Pretty much the only time your parents allowed you to drink with friends was when they got you a few bottles of WKD to celebrate your GCSEs results.

    18. During the cold, Welsh winter months you'd have to take your drinking indoors to the house of a friend whose parents were never home.

    19. Occasionally you'd know of a house party you could go to, which meant coming up with excuses to your parents so that they'd allow you to spend the night away.

    20. And then there were the "house" parties held in the middle of nowhere in some rich kid's barn, which were always a bitch to get to.

    21. When you really developed confidence, you'd try your luck at getting served a couple of pints of Brains beer in the local rugby club.

    22. Which would 100% serve you if you played for the local rugby team.

    23. And failing that, there was always that one dodgy establishment owned by someone with an extremely Welsh name, that never asked for ID.

    24. Either way, you'd always get drunk beforehand in case you couldn't get served.

    25. When you were finally of legal drinking age, you'd face the problem of having only half your friend group also being able to get served.

    26. So that one friend who was the negotiator of the group had to try and get you all in to where you drinking that night.

    When your drunk friends try to look sober while you negotiate with the bouncer.

    No man/woman left behind.

    27. And finally, when you were all legally able to drink, it felt like a bit of a letdown.