24 Pictures For Anyone Who Needs A Little Visual Relaxation

    You deserve this.

    1. Please enjoy this perfectly spherical tomato.

    2. And check out this chili which has developed the perfect gradient.

    3. Look at this turtle with its intricately patterned shell.

    4. This ice has been perfectly peeled off a parking meter.

    5. Have you ever seen more artistic looking lemon meringues?

    6. This cup of coffee has the perfect imprint of a sugar cube that's been dropped into it.

    7. Take a deep breath and gaze upon this rounder-than-round pancake in a pan.

    8. These colours that have been beautifully split by the railings are enough to make you believe in magic.

    9. This gift has been wrapped so flawlessly that you wouldn't want to open it.

    10. Why can't all strawberries be heart-shaped?

    11. These neatly arranged computer cables are actually inspirational.

    12. We're all blessed to be seeing this phenomenal cat with a segmented tail.

    13. And we've been doubly blessed by this cat curled up into a perfect circle.

    14. These pencil sharpenings are oddly pleasing.

    15. This is the first time I've ever been satisfied by a stack of tyres.

    16. How is it even possible to perfectly peel a hard boiled egg?

    17. And how was anyone able to scoop a ball of ice cream this perfectly?

    18. This dreamy cloud looks just like a feather.

    19. "Nice" – You looking at this immaculately rolled up spiral of snow.

    20. The eyelets on these shoes line up perfectly with the colours of the sock below.

    21. This circle of T-shirts forms a perfect colour gradient.

    22. Somehow, the snow on this driveway has only coated the outline.

    23. These magnificently formed ice crystals show just hoe beautiful weather can be.

    24. And finally, bask in the glory of this wonderfully symmetrical plant.