14 Reasons Everyone Needs To Celebrate St. David's Day

    Everyone needs some cawl in their life.

    1. In Wales, St. David's Day means one thing: Cawl.

    2. It also means Welsh cakes.

    3. The man himself had a pretty pimp-ass look.

    4. Kids look kind of adorable in their little St. David's outfits.

    5. Part of the costume, at least for the boys, is edible.

    6. And as a kid it means getting an easy school day.

    7. And getting your photo taken.

    8. As an adult it's the perfect time to dust off the classic long-sleeved Welsh rugby shirt.

    9. It's as good an excuse as any to go out and drink.

    10. The day itself isn't taken too seriously.

    11. It's the perfect opportunity to brighten up a room with some daffodils.

    12. There are also a lot more Welsh flags on display.

    13. Simply put, the Welsh national anthem is the best national anthem.

    14. And St. David's Day the perfect time to celebrate all things Welsh.

    Happy St. David's Day!