A Couple Reunited After A Love Letter Scrawled On The Back Of A Banknote Went Viral

    Love finds a way.

    Last week, Denise O'Reilly opened her purse to find a 20 euro note with a romantic message attached.

    Denise from County Meath, Ireland, decided to share the note on Facebook – where it was shared over 15,000 times in just a few days.


    People in the comments wasted no time trying to reunite the lovers by tagging acquaintances who shared the names as the mystery couple.

    Then something amazing happened: Christy himself got in touch with Denise, letting her know he and Megan had been in touch.

    Irish radio station TodayFM spoke with Christy, who elaborated on the story of the missing love letter.

    "Megan was the name I used to call my ex-girlfriend. We went out for a year and a half. The name arose from when I misheard her name and thought she was Megan for our first week of dating. Then it stuck.

    I'm a musician and while we were going out, I wrote her a song called 'It's always been you.'

    We broke up, she met someone new. After I saw the 20 euro note on a FB post, I called her. She told me she had written it on a note she used to pay into one of my gigs about six months ago. I didn't know she was there. She told me she thought I'd get the cash directly but I obviously didn't. She took it that I didn't want to talk.

    So, now we're in touch again but the situation is quite different."

    So maybe things didn't quite work out as they would in the movies, but there's no fighting fate.