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    22 Things That Happen When You're Home For Summer Vacation

    Because things get real weird when you return back to the nest after living on your own for the past 8 months.

    1. You're finally done with all of your exams.

    2. And you're ready to start summer vacation.

    3. You get to see all of your awesome high school friends.

    4. You can sleep in your own bed again!

    5. You have parents who can do your laundry and, if you're really lucky, buy you things.

    6. You get to shower in a clean bathroom that you don't share with 20 other people.

    7. And eat food that (hopefully) doesn't come out of the microwave or a gross cafeteria.

    8. Oh, and don't forget the joys of driving around town.

    9. And all of the beautiful and relaxing free time you'll have.

    10. But after a while, reality sets in.

    11. Because the truth is, being home for the summer is kind of awkward.

    12. Eventually, you'll get tired of every. single. person. asking how your first year was.

    13. It'll take you a couple of weeks to get used to being around your highschool friends, who have all these new inside jokes and stories that you don't understand.

    14. You'll be forced to do all the chores you were able to escape for the past semester.

    15. And once you receive your student bill, you'll realize how broke you really are.

    16. Which means you'll have to get a job.

    17. All that homemade food (and junk food that's now a vital part of your diet) is not gonna help you get rid of your freshman fifteen

    18. Hopefully, you brought your car with you to college and you're not driving for the first time in 4 months.

    19. And though it may seem hard to believe, all of that wonderful free time will eventually become boring.

    20. And soon you'll go back to doing what you did at college: sleeping and binge-watching TV shows on Netflix.

    21. But at least you don't have any of that nasty homework and studying to get in the way!

    22. So enjoy yourself! Because the summer's gonna be over before you know it!