

I'm a natural born leader, and a hard worker when I'm put to the test. I'm one of the most openminded people you'll ever meet, one of the silliest, and most stubborn. I change a lot, but the things I love are constant. I'm super impatient, but if I care enough about you, I'll be willing to wait. I'm the kind of person that likes to keep busy when she has the choice, but hates to be forced into any situation. I'm constantly contradicting myself, but that's just how I learn. Some people think I'm selfish, but all my life I've watched people be taken advantage of, so yeah, I do come first. I'm very supportive, and hate to see anyone left behind in any situation, and that's when I enter my false cheerleading mode. Despite this, sometimes I have a hard time encouraging myself, but I seem to pull through every time. It's taken me a while, but I'm finally comfortable with my body image, and I like how I look, yes, even naked. I've been through quite a few trials, but I seem to flourish from the adversity and come out on top each time.

May 2010
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  • jamiec3's avatar

    jamiec3 commented on Things Atheist Guys Love

    Hm, I'm an atheist, and I don't particularly like any of these things. I also only date atheist men, and they also don't particularly like any of these things. And if any guy I dated wore a fedora, then we'd definitely have issues.


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