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This Is Why Essos Is Way Better Than Westeros

Why is Daenerys trying to get back to Westeros?

You know how in Game of Thrones they’re always talking about how “winter is coming?”

Well, maybe it's coming to Westeros, but not to beautiful, sunny Essos it ain't.

Westerosi weather:

Essos weather:

In addition to being sunny year-round, Essos also doesn't have to worry about these guys.

Essos isn't just warm and ice-zombie free. That big, horrible war over an uncomfortable piece of furniture? Not Essos' problem.

Which also means that nobody in Essos ever had to deal with this little shit.

Essos is a place for second chances.

The cities in Essos are better. Qarth? Greatest city that was or ever will be.

Winterfell? Not so much.

And how awesome is Braavos?

The Iron Bank of Braavos is apparently the only place in the world with any money.

Unlike most of Westeros, Essos is a multicultural society.

Yes, Essos has a slavery problem, but Dany's working on it.

And yeah, you'll probably die in some horrible fashion in Essos...

...But that's also true pretty much everywhere in the Game of Thrones world, so you can't hold that against Essos.

Most importantly, Essos is the best because that's where Syrio Forel is from.

So leave the West to the rest, and enjoy the majesty that is Essos.